Welcome to the World of PIONEER Innovative Nature PIONEER Air Systems was slar1

Welcome to the World of PIONEER Innovative Nature PIONEER Air Systems was slar1ed in Spring of 1980. It was a lime of deep recession lor American industry. Out of necessity. we sought jobs thai most of our competitors did nol want to or could nol handle. Soon, working with special products, thinking different- Iy, and helping customers to solve their problems became second nature to us. This al- titude gave birth to our slogan: ~N onS l andard equipment is our specialty." Among lhe industry firsts introduced by PIONEER are: 1. ADA (After Cooler, Dryer and Reheater) Systems 2. Patented Triple Tube Heal Exchangers 3. MR. GOOD AlAE Systems 4. PERFECT-AlAE Systems 5. Multi-Stage Deliquescent and Refrigerant Dryers (deliver up 1 0 -40'F PDP) 6. FUTURE-AlAE Hybrid, Regenerative and Refrigerant Dryers 7. Oil-Free Air Systems tn a lew years, PIONEER has become not only a major manufacturer but a leader in the field of compressed air. Today there are over 15,000 PIONEER products and systems in the field helping users solve their problems. Awards and Patents PIONEER has won numerous awards and patents including: U.S. Patent No. 4,638,652 for Triple Tube Design heat exchanger. U.S. Patent No. 4,761,968 for High Efficiency air drying system. U.S. Patent No. 4,499,033 lor a High Efficiency coalescing medium. "Top Honor" Vaaler Award for FUTUAE AlAE System. Engineering Assistance PIONEER designers, engineers, application engineers, inside sates staff, regional sales representatives and factory-trained distributor sales engineers are all available to work with you in selecting and sizing the most appropriate products for your compressed air system. Our service personnel with in-depth factory training and field experience, are available lor factory start-ups and service after the sale. They will help you achieve reliable pertor- mance and maximum benefits from PIONEER products. Availability of Products The full line of PIONEER products are available through a network of authorized dis- tributors in major cities and marketing areas. Call the PIONEER factory to locate the authorized distributOf nearest you. Disclaimer The information in this booklet has been carefully prepared, however, PIONEER, its employees and its officers make no warranties respecting it and disclaim any respon- sibility or liability of any kind for any loss or damage as a consequence of anyone's use or reliance uporl such information. We encourage verification and further invesligalion of the information contained herein. Acknowledgements Richard Harlan, Earl Brooks, Patricia Abbott and other PIONEER employees have been very helpful in preparation of this manual. Joie Rose and Mitch Brooks of Visual Impact have been very diligent and cooperative in layout and design of this manual. I sincerely thank them for their eUorts. I dedicate this publication to my parents. Sam Basseen, M.S.(££) President & C.E.O. PIONEER AIR SYSTEMS, INC. Wartburg, TN January 3, 1990 PIONEER - AN INNOVATIVE COMPANY 2 ThiS manual is wrillen as a guide for professionals working in the field of compressed air. It offers helpful Information on the selection, sizing and installation of proper equip· ment for your compressed air system. In a plant, the potential for damage and loss due 10 compressed air contaminants is overwhelming. Contaminants damage air 100\S, instruments and controls resulting in ex- cessive maintenance, down lime or even plant shut downs. Moreover, contaminants may cause product or process spoilage. A few minutes of your lime in reading this manual will help you seleclthe proper equip· ment and may save you lens of thousands of dollars. Useful Definitions .................................................................................. 4 Why Treat Compressed Air? ................................................................ 6 Contaminant Removal Equipment ...................................................... 6 A Reliable Compressed Air System .................................................... 7 Separators .............................................................................................. 8 Filtration .............. _ .................................................................................. 9 Contaminant Removal by PIONEER Filters ...................................... 10 Filters and Adsorbers ......................................................................... 11 Deliquescent Dryers ........................................................................... 12 PIONEER Refrigerant Dryers ............................................................. 13 Regenerative Desiccants .................................................................... 15 Regenerative Dryers ........................................................................... 17 A Comparison of Regenerative Dryers ............................................. 18 Demand Cycte Control ......................................................................... 19 Air Dryer Selection Table ................................................................... 20 Water Cooling Systems ...................................................................... 20 Compressed Air Data .......................................................................... 22 Useful Technical Data ......................................................................... 26 Useful Electrical Information ............................................................. 27 COMPAESSED AIR SYSTEMS GUIDE 3 Introduction Contents Useful Definitions ABSORB · To lake In and hold, not just on the surface, but deep Into the malerial, usual- ly forming a mixture Qut of two or more substances. ACTIVATED ALUMINA · A regenerative desiccant. ADIABETIC DRYING · Drying without gain or loss of heat. ADSORB · To lake in and hold liquid and gas on the surface of a solid but porous male rial without causing a change in the basic structure of the material. AFTER FIL TEA - A liller thai usually follows a dryer lor protection of down stream equipment. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE · T emperalure of air surrounding the equipment. AUTOMATIC ORAIN - A device that automatically discharges condensate. BAR - A metric unit of pressure equal to 105N/m2 (newlons per square meter). One bar approximately equals 14.5 PSIG. BTU - British Thermal Unit. a measure of heat or energy. One BTU Is the amount of heat needed to raise temperature of one pound of water by one degree fahrenheit. CAPILLARY - A device that controls flow of refrigerant. COALESCE - To fuse, unite or grow into a mass large enough to fall due to gravity. COMPRESSED AIR DRYER - A device designed to lower the dew point 01 compressed air. COMPRESSOR, HERMETIC - A type of compressor in which the motor and the com- pressor are contained In a single pressure vessel. Because the systems are sealed (welded construction) from the outside, the systems are not serviceable in the field. COMPRESSOR, SEMI-HERMETIC · Similar to a hermetic compressor except these can be serviced in the field because they have bolted instead of welded construction. COMPRESSOR, OPEN TYPE - Motor and compressor are two separate units. Motor drives the compressor by direct couple, through beU(s) or through gear(s). CONDENSATION - The process of changing vapor or gas inlo liquid. CONTACT TIME - The amounl of time the compressed air comes in contact with desic- cant in a compressed air dryer. DESICCANT - A substance suitable for absorbing or adsorbing moisture. DEW POINT - The temperature at which moisture begins to condense. a. Atmospheric Dew Point - Dew point at atmospheric pressure. b. Pressure Dew Point - Dew point at pressure. NOTE: 11'1 selecting an air drying system only pressure dew point Is important because the com· pressed air is normally used at pl"essure. DEW POINT SUPPRESSION - The reduction In dew point. DRY BULB TEMPERATURE - The temperature of the air as indicated by an ordinary thermometer. DRYERS, DELIOUESCENT - Dryers that use a desiccant tower to dry the air. Typically the desiccant is not regenerated and it is consumed in the drying process. DRYERS, REFRIGERATED - Dryers that use a refrigeration system to cool and condense moisture. DRYERS, REGENERATIVE · Dryers thaI use two desiccant towers. One tower dries the Incoming air while the other regenerates the desiccant. DYNAMIC ADSORPTION - The process of adsorption In moving or flowing air. The dynamic capacity of the desiccant to adsorb moisture is a function of the temperature and pressure to which it is subjected. EVAPORATOR - A heat exchanger where refrigerant absorbs heat and changes from liquid to gas (evaporation). EXPANSION VALVE - A valve that controls the flow of refrigerant. FILTER - A device designed to remove solid and liquid particles. FREE AIR · Air at ambient temperature. pressure and relative humidity (or atmospheric air al natural conditions). HEAT EXCHANGER - A device capable of transferring heal from one place or medium to another. PIONEER - AN INNOVATIVE COMPANY 4 HOT GAS 8Y-PASS VALVE - A valve that by-passes hot refrigerant gas from high pres- sure to the low pressure side of a refrigeration system. The valve is generally used to reduce refrigeration capacity to maintain a desired refrigerant temperature. HUMIDITY, ABSOLUTE · Mass of water vapor in per unit volume of air, usually measured as grains/cu. II. or Ibs/cu. It. or grams/cu. It. HUMIDITY, MOLAL - Mass 01 water vapor in Mots per Mole 01 air. The Molal composi- tion of a miK ture is proportional to its partial pressures. HUMIDITY, RElATIVE - Ratio of the quantity of moisture present to the quantity that will saturate the air at a given temperature. MICRON - One millionth of one meter or 1 meter " 1 ,000,000 microns. MOISTURE SEPARATOR - A device that separates condensate from an air stream. MOLE · Amount of substance in elementary entities as atoms. MOLECULAR SIEVE - A regenerative desiccant. PARTIAL PRESSURE - The pressure that a gas will have If It occupies the total volume of the gas miKture. The total pressure (P) of the miKture is the sum of the partial pres- sures i.e. P = P, + P2 + P3 + . PRECOOLERIREHEATER - A heat exchanger Ihatlowers the temperature of the inlet air with the help of the outgoing cold air. In the process the outgoing air is reheated by the incoming air. PSIA (ABSOLUTE PRESSURE) - Sum of the atmospheric pressure and the gauge uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ compressed-air-guide.pdf

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