MEDICAL DESIGN GUIDE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Volume 1 MEDICAL DESIGN GUIDE Office of the Surgeon General Office of the Chief of Engineers Health Facility Planning Agency Medical Facilities Design Office JULY 1988 REVISED SEPTEMBER 1994 Table of Contents Title Page Preface 1 Room Index )) Clinic Facilities 2 Room Index )) Ancillary Facilities 2 Room Index )) Inpatient Facilities 3 Room Index )) Abbreviations 4 Architectural Schedule )) Notes 5 - 6 Architectural Schedule )) Miscellaneous Abbreviations 7 Architectural Schedule )) Finish Abbreviations 8 Architectural Schedule )) Door Types and Materials 9 Architectural Schedule )) Hardware Sets 10 - 11 Architectural Schedule )) Fire Protection 12 Mechanical Schedule )) Symbols and Notes 13 - 15 Mechanical Schedule )) Piping Note 16 Mechanical Schedule )) Medical Gas Units 17 Mechanical Schedule )) Dental Utility Center 18 - 19 Electrical Schedule )) Notes 20 - 23 Electrical Schedule )) Luminaire Schedule 24 - 26 Electrical Schedule )) Symbols 27 - 28 Communication Schedule )) Notes 29 - 30 Communication Schedule )) Symbols 31 - 34 Doctor's Office/Exam Room Elevations 35 - 42 Patient Service Console Elevations 43 - 58 X-Ray Room Criteria and Elevations 59 - 67 JULY 1988 Preface The material contained in this Design Guide was compiled and verified by the Office of the Surgeon General, Health Facilities Planning Agency and the Corps of Engineers, Medical Facility Design Office. This document is intended to be used as a guide and a supplement to current Technical Manuals and other published criteria, in the planning and design of Army Health Facilities. Information contained in the Design Guide is subject to changes in medical technology and revisions to Technical Manuals or other criteria. The use of the Schedules or Room Designs shall not preclude compliance to current criteria of any applicable codes and standards. The Medical Design Guide was prepared by the Joint Venture of Harwood K. Smith & Partners Inc./Wingler & Sharp Inc., and was updated September 1994 by JMGR Inc. Each Room Design series is composed of five individual plates: Plate "A" - The Matrix Data Provides specific information on technical requirements including architectural, electrical, communication and mechanical requirements. Plate A also includes a specific equipment program including Joint Schedule Number (JSN), nomenclature, quantity and the logistical responsibility category as defined in Military Standard 1691. A Joint Schedule Number with a sub-script is a variation of the basic JSN as described in Military standard 1691. Plate "B" - The Functional Diagram Illustrates the specific spatial utilization including dimensional requirements, maximum, minimum and/or preferred dimensions. Plate "C" - The Floor Plan Locates the equipment scheduled in the equipment program with respect to equipment clearances and functional requirements. Some portable equipment not critical to room layout or utility requirements. may not be indicated in this plan, but can be found in the Medical Facilty Room Contents List (MFRCL), which is supplied separately for each project. Plate "D" - The Reflected Ceiling Plan Coordinates architectural materials, ceiling located equipment, and locates lighting, communications, mechanical and electrical components with proper relationship to room equipment and function. Plate "E" - The Composite Plan Combines multidisciplinary information from Plates "C" and "D" to reflect a total room requirement for equipment and building systems. Refer to the following schedules for general notes and graphic "keys" which apply to all Room Designs and for specific notes referenced in the Matrix Data. JULY 1988 1 REVISED SEPTEMBER 1994 Room Index VOLUME I CLINIC FACILITIES VOLUME II ANCILLARY FACILITIES Room Type Room Number Room Type Room Number Drs Office/Exam Rm 1.01.01 IV Additive Room 2.01.01 Treatment Room 1.01.02 Gen Radiography 2.02.01 Soiled Utility - CL 1.01.03 Fluoroscopy 2.02.02 Satellite Lab 1.01.04 Angiography 2.02.03 Reception Area 1.01.05 Mammography 2.02.04 Trauma Room 1.02.01 Ultrasound 2.02.05 Trauma Room - 2 Table 1.02.02 X-ray Film Processing 2.02.06 ER Treatment Cubicle 1.02.03 CT Scanner 2.02.07 Central Commo 1.02.04 Linear Accelerator 2.03.01 Decon Shower 1.02.05 Simulator Room 2.03.02 Screening 1.02.06 Gamma Camera 2.04.01 Immunization Room 1.04.01 Special Imaging 2.04.02 ECG Testing/Work Rm 1.05.01 Uptake Workroom 2.04.03 Treadmill Room 1.05.02 Radioisotope Lab 2.04.04 Pulmonary Function 1.06.01 Radioimmunoassay 2.04.05 Proctoscopy Suite 1.07.01 Radiopharmacy (Large) 2.04.06 Weights & Measures 1.08.01 Cardiac Cath 2.05.01 EEG Testing/Work Rm 1.10.01 Autopsy 2.06.01 Cast Room 1.11.01 Hemodialysis Cubicle 2.07.01 ENT Exam Room 1.12.01 General OR 2.08.01 Audio Testing (Sm) 1.12.02 Special OR 2.08.02 Audio Testing (Lg) 1.12.03 Scrub Area 2.08.03 Ophthalmology Exam 1.13.01 Decontamination - OR 2.08.04 Eye Lane/Office 1.13.02 OR Prep/Hold 2.08.05 Ophthalmic Photo Rm 1.13.03 Recovery Module 2.08.06 Prev Medicine Lab 1.14.01 Labor Room 2.09.01 Mirror Room 1.15.01 Birthing Room 2.09.02 Group Therapy 1.15.02 Stress Testing 2.09.03 Psych Play Therapy 1.15.03 OB Exam/Prep 2.09.04 Whirlpool Area 1.16.01 Delivery Room 2.09.05 Burn Tank Room 1.16.02 Cystoscopy Room 2.10.01 Phys Ther Treatment 1.16.03 Urodynamics Room 2.10.02 Daily Living Skills 1.16.04 Oral Surgery 1.17.01 Oral Surgery w/X-ray 1.17.02 Dental Treatment Rm 1.17.03 Dental X-ray Suite 1.17.04 Dental Prosthetics Lab 1.17.05 JULY 1988 2 Room Index (Cont'd) VOLUME III INPATIENT FACILITIES Room Type Room Number CCU Bedroom 3.01.01 ICU Bedroom 3.01.02 ICU Isolation Bedroom 3.01.03 One Bedroom (Mob) 3.02.01 Two Bedroom (Mob) 3.02.02 Four Bedroom (Mob) 3.02.03 Four Bedroom, ALT (Mob) 3.02.04 Isolation Bedroom 3.02.05 Ped-One Bedroom (Mob) 3.02.06 Ped-Two Bedroom (Mob) 3.02.07 Ped-Four Bedroom (Mob) 3.02.08 Ped Isolation Room 3.02.09 Seclusion Room 3.03.01 One Bedroom 3.04.01 Two Bedroom 3.04.02 Four Bedroom 3.04.03 Four Bedroom, ALT 3.04.04 Ped-One Bedroom 3.04.05 Ped-Two Bedroom 3.04.06 Ped-Four Bedroom 3.04.07 Normal Newborn Nursery 3.05.01 Adm/Obs/Cont Care Nrsy 3.05.02 Intermed Care Nursery 3.05.03 ICU Nursery 3.05.04 Isolation Nursery 3.05.05 Nurses Station 3.06.01 Nurses Station CCU/ICU 3.06.02 Mediprep 3.06.03 Soiled Utility-NU 3.06.04 Tub/Shower Room 3.06.05 Nourishment Pantry 3.06.06 JULY 1988 3 Room, Index (Cont'd) ABBREVIATIONS ABBREV. DESCRIPTION ABBREV. DESCRIPTION Adm Admission OB Obstetrics ALT Alternate Obs Observation Audio Audiology, Audiometric OR Operating Room Cath Catherization Ped Pediatrics CCU Coronary Care Unit Prep Preparation CL Clinic Photo Photographic Cont Continuing Phys Ther Physical Therapy Commo Communications Prev Preventive Decon Decontamination Psych Psychiatric Dr's Doctor's Rm Room ECG/EKG Electrocardiogram Sm Small EEG Electroencephlogram w/ with ENT Ear, Nose, and Throat (Otorhinolaryngology) ER Emergency Room Exam Examination Gen General Intermed Intermediate ICU Intensive Care Unit IV Intravenous Lab Laboratory LG Large Mediprep Medicine Preparation Mob Mobilization Nrsy Nursery NU Nursing Unit JULY 1988 4 Architectural Schedule ARCHITECTURAL NOTES GENERAL NOTES 1. Doctor's Office and Examination Room are to be identical in all respects with the exception of the equipment and room designation. 2. Ceiling height to be a minimum of 8'-6" with a minimum of 9'-0" to structural support for ceiling mounted surgical light. 3. A minimum of 6 is required between room walls and prefabricated Audiometric Testing Room. The Audiometric Testing Room will require a recessed slab and special structural design due to the weight of the rooms 4. Add 6 NSF for Nurse Server and 5 NSF for Wardrobe to Bedroom Area. 5. Patient Service Console M5541 shall be provide in all Labor Rooms in Medical Centers and in 25% of the Labor Room in MEDDACS. 6. Area includes 80 SF for Plaster Preparation. 7. Add 12 NSF for Nurse Servers and 10 NSF for Wardrobes to Bedroom Area. 8. Add 24 NSF for Nurse Servers, 20 NSF for Wardrobes and 20NSF for a lavatory to Bedroom Area. 9. Walls for Seclusion Bedroom shall be reinforced with plywood or steel backed GWB. All items to be tamperproof and installed with tamperproof fasteners. 10. Add 8 NSF for undercounter Nurse Server and 5 NSF for Wardrobe to Bedroom Area. 11. Add 16 NSF for Nurse Servers, one undercounter and one full height, 10 NSF for Wardrobes and 20 NSF for a lavatory to Bedroom Area. 12. Add 32 NSF for Nurse Servers, two undercounter and two full height, 20 NSF for Wardrobes to Bedroom Area. 13. Add 8 NSF for one undercounter Nurse Server to Anteroom and 5 NSF for a Wardrobe and 20 NSF for a lavatory to Bedroom Area. 14. Add 6 NSF for Nurse Server to Anteroom and 5 NSF for Wardrobe to Bedroom. 15. Add 6 NSF for Nurse Server to Anteroom and 5 NSF for Wardrobe to Toilet. 16. Provide a minimum of 1 Oral Surgery Room with X-ray capability per Dental Suite. 17. Room requires lead lined walls. 18. Provide 2 Dressing Cubicles at 20 NSF each. JULY 1988 5 Architectural Schedule (Cont'd) ARCHITECTURAL NOTES GENERAL NOTES (Cont'd) 19. Provide undercut (cu) to door. 20. Wall finish as noted with Ceramic Tile Wainscot. 21. Add 8 NSF for undercounter Nurse Server to Bedroom Area. 22. Provide one lavatory at 15 NSF per each six bassinets. 23. Provide one lavatory at 15 NSF per each four bassinets. 24. VWF is an optional wall finish. 25. Interior glazing shall contain integral Mini-Blinds. 26. The columns shown in patient bedrooms are for purposes of establishing the minimum clear width of these rooms. The selection of a structural system that requires columns along the corridor wall will establish a minimum clear dimension of 13 in the patient bedrooms. A structural system uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ medical-design-guide.pdf
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