Anglais technique et Terminologie Page 1 Matière : Anglais technique et Termino
Anglais technique et Terminologie Page 1 Matière : Anglais technique et Terminologie L’enseignant : bakoura a. Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Faculté de Technologie Département de Génie Civil 1ère Année Master (S1) PROGRAM Semestre: 1 Unité d’enseignement: UET1.1 Matière 1:Anglais technique et terminologie VHS: 22h30 (Cours: 1h30) Crédits: 1 Coefficient: 1 Objectifs de l’enseignement: Initier l’étudiant au vocabulaire technique. Renforcer ses connaissances de la langue. L’aider à comprendre et à synthétiser un document technique. Lui permettre de comprendre une conversation en anglais tenue dans un cadre scientifique. Connaissances préalables recommandées: Vocabulaire et grammaire de base en anglais Contenu de la matière: - Compréhension écrite : Lecture et analyse de textes relatifs à la spécialité. - Compréhension orale : A partir de documents vidéo authentiques de vulgarisation scientifiques, prise de notes, résumé et présentation du document. - Expression orale : Exposé d'un sujet scientifique ou technique, élaboration et échange de messages oraux (idées et données), Communication téléphonique, Expression gestuelle. - Expression écrite : Extraction des idées d’un document scientifique, Ecriture d’un message scientifique, Echange d’information par écrit, rédaction de CV, lettres de demandes de stages ou d'emplois. Recommandation : Il est vivement recommandé au responsable de la matière de présenter et expliquer à la fin de chaque séance (au plus) une dizaine de mots techniques de la spécialité dans les trois langues (si possible) anglais, français et arabe. Mode d’évaluation: Examen: 100%. Références bibliographiques : 1. P.T. Danison, Guide pratique pour rédiger en anglais: usages et règles, conseils pratiques, Editions d'Organisation 2007 2. A.Chamberlain, R. Steele, Guide pratique de la communication: anglais, Didier 1992 3. R. Ernst, Dictionnaire des techniques et sciences appliquées: français-anglais, Dunod 2002. 4. J. Comfort, S. Hick, and A. Savage, Basic Technical English, Oxford University Press, 1980 5. E. H. Glendinning and N. Glendinning, Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Oxford University Press 1995 6. T. N. Huckin, and A. L. Olsen, Technical writing and professional communication for nonnative speakers of English, McGraw-Hill 1991 7. J. Orasanu, Reading Comprehension from Research to Practice, Erlbaum Associates 1986 Anglais technique et Terminologie Page 2 Matière : Anglais technique et Terminologie L’enseignant : bakoura a. Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Faculté de Technologie Département de Génie Civil 1ère Année Master (S1) INTRODUCTION This textbook presents a basic introductory course to technical English vocabulary in civil engineering. It gives students a good background for developing their ability to understand and analyze given problems using fundamentals approaches acquired. The necessary prerequisites are the knowledge related to structures, geotechnical, soil mechanics, … since the subject is the synthesis of the above mentioned courses. Although the students’ level of English is much lower than expected, they all agree on the importance of technical English for their future career. The results also show the students’ lack in skills that are difficult to train in regular classes (speaking and talking). Consequently, this situation would require to provide complementary activities like the ones suggested in this project in order to develop these skills and increase the students’ demand for engineering classes taught in English. The students’ own perspective of their education is also changing radically, as they are becoming more aware of the importance of English in order to develop their professional career. In fact, the number of applications to participate in exchange programs with foreign institutions (i.e. ERASMUS) increases yearly in practically all bachelor degrees. Yet a large number of these applications are dismissed at the receiving institutions because of the lack of the required level of English on the part of the applicants. Anglais technique et Terminologie Page 3 Matière : Anglais technique et Terminologie L’enseignant : bakoura a. Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Faculté de Technologie Département de Génie Civil 1ère Année Master (S1) I. VOCABULAIRE TECHNIQUE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Engineering mechanics is the branch of science in which it deals with the laws and principles of mechanics, and their application with the engineering problems. For an engineer the knowledge of engineering mechanics is very essential. It helps an engineer in planning, designing, and construction of various types of structures and machines. If an engineer study engineering mechanics in systematic and scientific manner than he can take up his job more skillfully. What is Beam and Types of Beams in Strength of Materials? In this article we will discuss about the different types of beams used in the construction. Without beams there will not be any structure which can withstand loads. They are the structural member which helps in bearing loads. If there are no beams, there will be no structure. What is a Beam? Beam is defined as the structural member which is used to bear different loads. It resists the vertical loads, shear forces and bending moments. Types of Beams The different types of beams are: Anglais technique et Terminologie Page 4 Matière : Anglais technique et Terminologie L’enseignant : bakoura a. Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Faculté de Technologie Département de Génie Civil 1ère Année Master (S1) 1. Cantilever Beam: A cantilever beam is a beam which is fixed from one end and free at the other end. 2. Simply Supported Beam: A beam which is supported or resting on the supports at its both the ends, is called simply supported beam. 3. Overhanging Beam: In a beam, if one of its ends is extended beyond the support, it is known as overhanging beam. 4. Fixed Beams: A beam which has both of its ends fixed or built in walls is called fixed beam. Anglais technique et Terminologie Page 5 Matière : Anglais technique et Terminologie L’enseignant : bakoura a. Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Faculté de Technologie Département de Génie Civil 1ère Année Master (S1) 5. Continuous Beam: It is beam which is provided with more than two supports as shown in figure. Types of Support in Structures In this article you will learn about different types of support used in structure. There are basically three types of support and these are roller, pinned and fixed support. There is a fourth support also called as simple support, it is generally not used in structures. Every support has its own field of application. Supports are used in structures to provide it stability and strength. The various types of supports that are used in structures are: 1. Roller Support The roller supports has only one reaction, this reaction acts perpendicular to the surface and away from it. The reaction offered by the roller support is shown in the figure given Anglais technique et Terminologie Page 6 Matière : Anglais technique et Terminologie L’enseignant : bakoura a. Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Faculté de Technologie Département de Génie Civil 1ère Année Master (S1) 2. Pinned Support The pinned support has two support reactions and these are vertical and horizontal reactions. It allows the structural member to rotate but does not allow translating in any direction. The pinned support allows the rotation only in one direction and resists the rotation in any other direction. 3. Fixed Support It is a support which is capable of resisting all types of loads i.e. horizontal, vertical as well as moments. The fixed support does not allow the rotation and translation motion to the structural members. The fixed support is also called as rigid support. The reactions acting in the fixed support is shown in the figure given. Anglais technique et Terminologie Page 7 Matière : Anglais technique et Terminologie L’enseignant : bakoura a. Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Faculté de Technologie Département de Génie Civil 1ère Année Master (S1) 4. Simple Support The simple support is used where the structural member has to rest on the external structure. These types of support are not used widely in daily life. It is similar to the roller support. Summary of Different Types of Support in Tabular Form Anglais technique et Terminologie Page 8 Matière : Anglais technique et Terminologie L’enseignant : bakoura a. Université usto Mohamed Boudiaf - Oran Faculté de Technologie Département de Génie Civil 1ère Année Master (S1) Types of forces in Structures 1. External Forces and Loads Every structure needs to support a load. The total load is the sum of the static and dynamic loads. The static load is the effect of gravity on a structure. The dynamic load is the forces that move or change while acting on the structure. It is called “dynamic” because these forces change their magnitude, direction, and point and plane of application over time. Figure shows the dynamic forces of the truck moving over the bridge and the wind on the bridge. This frame (beam, column, slab) becomes very strong, and must resist the various loads that act on a building during its life. Dead Loads: the downwards force on the building coming from the weight of the building itself, including the structural elements, walls, facades, and the like. Live Loads: the downwards force on the building coming from the expected weight of the occupants and their uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ cours-anglais-technique-et-terminologie-partie-i.pdf
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- Publié le Fev 12, 2021
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