1 Fundraising Guide Introduction Welcome to the new WAGGGS fundraising pack des
1 Fundraising Guide Introduction Welcome to the new WAGGGS fundraising pack designed to help you raise funds for the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. In this pack, you will fi nd guidelines and resources to help you fundraise as a group or troop or as an individual Girl Guide or Girl Scout as well as background information on WAGGGS and the Movement. Sections In this pack you will fi nd Section 1. Why does WAGGGS need funds? Section 2. Fundraising information Hints and tips on: a. Sponsorship b. Fundraising events c. Other fundraising ideas d. Fundraising planning Section 3. Promoting your event Section 4. Background information Section 5. Tips and hints for fundraising safety and fundraising within the law Fundraising Guide 2 Fundraising Guide Why does WAGGGS need funds? The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is funded through quota paid by Member Organizations and voluntary donations. It receives no government funding. Our quota income is not suffi cient to allow us to undertake all the training and development work that we need to reach our strategic objectives and achieve our mission. We therefore have to rely on donations and grants from a range of sources to help us achieve our overall mission. WAGGGS’ main fundraising event is World Thinking Day. This is the joint birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting and his wife Olave who was the World Chief Guide. World Thinking Day gives Girl Guides and Girl Scouts the world over the chance to refl ect and show camaraderie with their sisters throughout the world. For over 50 years World Thinking Day has also been a fundraising event for WAGGGS. The money we get from World Thinking Day is used to grow the Girl Guide/Girl Scout Movement across the world. With 144 current members and another 33 working towards membership, this fund is vital. If you would like to help grow Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting then please take part in World Thinking Day. Each year we have a theme which Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world can use and we provide a range of materials designed to make it easy for a leader to build a unit session around the theme. We also provide ideas for fundraising and examples from leaders and others who have fundraised for World Thinking Day to help you organize a fundraising activity and support of World Thinking Day. Each World Thinking Day contribution makes a real difference to the lives of girls and young women worldwide as your money will be used for all kinds of WAGGGS Your contribution helps us to: 1. Develop Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting in our 144 Member Organizations and also in countries working towards membership 2. Provide high quality training programmes for girls and young women and their leaders ensuring a better quality Girl Guide/ Girl Scout experience 3. Develop high quality programme and projects including the AIDS Badge Curriculum, ‘Our Rights, Our Responsibilities’, and ‘Building Peace among Children.’ 4. Provide high quality information and education to all our members; to develop and improve our methods of virtual communication so girls and young women all over the world can fi nd out about the opportunities open to them through Guiding and Scouting. Eighty three pence of every pound raised is spent on achieving WAGGGS’ goals. (69p in every £1 is spent directly on the three goals of WAGGGS; 14p goes on support costs to enable us to achieve the goals. This includes central staff salaries, volunteer costs, rental of buildings, buying equipment and overheads like electricity, gas, water, etc. Ten pence goes to central management and administration overheads and just seven pence goes on generating voluntary income.) SECTION 1 3 Fundraising Guide Fundraising The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is the world’s largest voluntary organization for girls and young women. However, we cannot do our work without you. Through you and the money you raise, WAGGGS enables girls and young women to develop their fullest potential. Please remember whatever amount of money you raise, large or small, it will help us to achieve our mission. Getting started Creativity is the key to successful fundraising - good ideas are good cash generators. Keep the ideas simple and make sure you inform as many people as possible. Hold a brainstorming session with colleagues - try to think of something that fi ts well with your group, people’s interests and the goals of WAGGGS. Feel free to call WAGGGS’ Fundraising Department to discuss your ideas and ask for support. Preparation Decide what you want to do and how much you want to raise through each activity and at each event. Consider the time and resources available and set yourself a realistic target. It is also advisable to check if any other activities or events are taking place on the same day as your activity. Whatever type of fundraising you undertake, please make sure you check with your Member Organization to ensure that this is appropriate. Here are some tips for planning a fundraising event. A) Sponsorship Hints and Tips to raising sponsorship • Approach the company you work for to ask if they will support your fund raising activities / sponsorship. Many companies will match £ for £ what employees raise. • Don’t leave collecting sponsorship to the last minute – plan your attack! Don’t let people escape because of holidays and courses etc. • Start collecting sponsorship from someone you know well and who will give you a reasonable amount, then people are more likely to follow suit; i.e. if your fi rst amount is €20 people will give larger amounts than if you start with €1. • Ask people to pay up front – it is so much easier than collecting it after the event; people move on and sometimes forget they have pledged an amount. They can pay by cheque made payable to WAGGGS, which you can then forward to the World Bureau. Remember to put a note with the cheque so that we know it has come from your fundraising. SECTION 2 4 Fundraising Guide • Always have your sponsor forms with you – you never know what opportunities will arise and if someone says they will sponsor you it is always best to ask them to sign there and then rather than a day or two after they had made the promise. • Don’t be afraid to ask for people’s support – you are supporting young people by your participation. • Involve your friends and family, ask them to be ‘franchises’ by giving them sponsor forms to take around their circle of friends and acquaintances. Set a competition to see who can collect the most. • Keep a record of who you have approached and perhaps send them a certifi cate of appreciation. B) Fundraising events Be clear on what you want to achieve and decide as a group who is going to be responsible for which tasks. Obviously you don’t want to be too formal, however notes of any meetings are essential and can avoid hours of debate on who said what and who agreed to do certain tasks. As a guide you must decide on the following: Type of Event Budgeting • cost everything out so that you can set your ticket price • remember not to overprice your event • decide on how much you want to raise for WAGGGS Date • ensure it does not clash with a sporting event or other event that would stop your target audience attending your event • think about holidays and half term etc which could affect your plans • check at your local town hall events offi ce for a list of local events etc. • alternatively you might want to use a national event or international event and hold a themed day i.e. World Cup Day, Strawberry and Cream Wimbledon Day Venue • this depends on audience and type of event. Choose a suitable venue for the amount of people attending. • Remember cost and accessibility when selecting the venue Audience • What are the numbers anticipated? Remember to confi rm with the venue the numbers allowed • who is your audience? • how will you reach your audience? SECTION 2 5 Fundraising Guide Publicity and marketing This is very important for raising the maximum funds and also generating awareness of your event. You might want to send out a press release about your event to your local newspaper or radio station or you might want to invite a photographer to the event. You could make posters, leafl ets, or fl yers to advertise your event or you could put an advert in your local paper. Make sure you liaise with your Member Organization. Volunteers • do you need people to help you? How many people are needed and what are their responsibilities? Make sure everyone is clear about what they are doing • remember to thank uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ fundraising-guide-sections.pdf
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