Guide- How to build intercultural exchanges We live in a global village and it
Guide- How to build intercultural exchanges We live in a global village and it is very important that we interact with each other and share what we know. Studying a subject, for example the history of a painting is interesting for someone and useful for others, but if we collaborate with other schools and exchange ideas on the same topic then we can enhance our communicative skills, ICT skills and understand how others see the same subject as we study. In order to establish an intercultural exchange someone can use IEARN Collaboration Center. It is a safe network, which can help to connect pupils and teachers from different countries. It is simple to register. Go to and Join interactive curriculum-based groups where students are creating, researching, sharing opinions and becoming global citizens. There are 140 countries involved in these projects and 30 languages are used for interaction. There are 2000000 pupils registered and 50000 educators. Browsing the network, you can choose a project that satisfies your needs and your school curricular. For example, if I am interested in projects related to arts I write art as a key word and set the language of collaboration and the age of students. The network will find all the possible projects and joining them, you can start your collaboration with other teachers. Some projects have established schedule and a proposed line of work, but others give you the possibility to elaborate a plan you need and work effectively in collaboration with one or more partner countries. After choosing the desired project you can plan the activities as Stefania Taralli suggested in phase 4 ACTIVITY 1 - BRAINSTORMING In a first phase, the educational module starts from the analysis of the historical, social, cultural and artistic backgrounds of each Country (Italy and Moldova), through reading images, to lead the student to reflect on the meaning that work has had for the ' “Man” over the course of history, on its current meaning and to imagine possible future scenarios. Students will attend in Cooperative Learning groups (C.L.) ACTIVITY 2 - STUDY AND RESEARCH Students from each Country will share their thoughts and impressions with each other, presenting to each school a synthesis of collected information (Storytelling) in C.L. groups, under the guidance of their teachers. Research data are shared through the free Edmodo platform, where the different classes will also meet through Skype. ACTIVITY 3 - ANALYSIS Through the study conducted in the previous phases, in the third part students in C.L. groups will be involved in analyzing some pictorial works that have the object of human work. The works belong to artists representing the artistic culture of Moldova and Italy between the 19th and 20th centuries: Igor Vieru (1923-1988, Moldova) and Giovanni Fattori (1825-1908, Italy) ACTIVITY 4 - REINTERPRETING AND CREATING In the fourth phase, through the study of different artists and cultural contexts, students will be invited to transform the impressions, generated by the vision of two chosen paintings, in words, verses, stories in a common language, English. With the help of the teachers, written works are organized in a collection for the final editing to be shared by the Global community. The class is handed in a path of growth and identification, through a real/empirical construction, of an ideal work, of a utopia that can inspire everyday behavior. The good working class can become the city of well-being, to be shared with its fellow citizens and friends. Each phase, in fact, constitutes a proposal, a work track that can be modified according to the needs of the class group and its actual and operational reality. All the digital products can be shared either using Edmodo, as Stefania proposes or directly through IEARN posts. uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ guide - 2023-05-30T222133.375.pdf
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