We’re here to help boost your score. Preparation guide Real help. Real support.

We’re here to help boost your score. Preparation guide Real help. Real support. Real people. And real results. Help you boost your IELTS score and prepare you for real-world success. 04 Discover how IELTS can help you succeed 05 IELTS preparation planner 06  Test format: IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training? 07 How is IELTS scored? 08 Listening test: Question types and tips 11 Reading test: Question types and tips 15 Writing test: Question types and tips 20 Speaking test: Tips and advice 22 Official support to help you succeed 24 Test day tips to help you succeed 25 Receiving your results 26 Appendix — Assessment criteria for each band score Preparation guide Discover how IELTS can help you succeed IELTS is the world’s leading English test for work, study and migration, and we’re here to support you to achieve your goals. We offer extensive preparation materials to build your skills and combine technology with human-based testing to provide the best possible test conditions. Respected and accepted worldwide, IELTS prepares you for real-life success. Computer-delivered IELTS: Fast and flexible IELTS takes advantage of the best technology available through our option of computer-delivered Reading, Listening and Writing tests. With up to three test sessions available per day, 7 days a week, this approach offers you fast results and more convenience and flexibility than the traditional paper-based tests. Face-to-face Speaking tests to put you at ease When it comes to speaking, we are proud to still provide person-to-person testing in a comfortable, quiet room. Unlike a computer, you can trust a person to put you at ease, to pick up on your native accent and guide you towards your best performance. Real help for the real world Our real-world assessment approach helps to prepare you for life beyond the test. We offer real support from real people to set you up for success on the day and we work together to build your language skills. Whether your goal is study, a career, or migration, IELTS unlocks that ambition. Expert support to help you reach your goals Our official IELTS experts can coach you through the process to help you succeed. Whether it be giving you feedback on official practice tests, answering your questions in free Masterclasses, or providing you with a personalised action plan — we’re here to help you boost your score and achieve your goals. Available from more than 1,200 locations in 140 countries. Scan the QR code to find out test dates in your area and test centres near you. “IELTS makes the world a bigger, more open place and it allowed me to become a citizen of the world.” Pavel Kachaolov Analyst at a large accounting firm IELTS Preparation Guide 04 IELTS preparation planner Register for the test: To find a test centre near you or to book your test, visit IELTSessentials.com Set your ‘score goal’: Confirm the IELTS score required by your chosen university, institution, employer or organisation. Knowing your ‘score goal’ gives you a clear target to work towards. You can look up the criteria for each score here: IELTSessentials.com/results/about-ielts- scores so you understand what you need to prepare for. 01 First steps The best way to succeed in any English language test is to improve your English. Here are two great ways to build your skills. An English language course: This is one of the best ways to improve your English. The feedback you receive from your teacher will help you improve the specific skills involved in Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking English. An IELTS preparation course: This can help you familiarise yourself with the types of tasks included in an IELTS test. Ask your local IELTS test centre for more information about a preparation course near you. Book your IELTS test and get FREE access to an online preparation course for 30 days!* 02 Boost your English skills Practice makes perfect, so use your English as much as you can well in advance of the test. Listen: Listen to English language radio, television and film. You should try to listen to a variety of English accents including American, Australian, British, Canadian and New Zealand. Read: Read English publications such as newspapers and magazines regularly. Write: Write letters, emails or notes in English whenever possible. Speak: Speak English with your friends and family. 03 Use your English every day Recap on the rules: Re-read information provided by your test centre to ensure you understand the test format and rules. Plan your journey: Ensure you know how to get to the test venue so that you arrive on time. Also get plenty of rest the night before your test to help you feel more relaxed on the day. 05 The day before the test Allow time: Allow plenty of time to travel to the test venue to ensure you arrive on time. Bring your passport/national identity card: Please make sure you bring the same identification that you provided on your IELTS Application Form, as we need to match these for you to be able to sit the test. 06 Test day Free support tools Free test sample: The free IELTS test sample gives you a chance to see sample test questions and practise your responses: IELTSessentials.com/prepare Free computer-delivered IELTS practice materials: Know what to expect on the day with videos, FAQs and sample questions to help guide you through the computer- delivered Listening, Reading and Writing tests: IELTSessentials.com/oncomputer Additional support options IELTS Progress Check: Take a full practise test, which gives you an indicative band score plus personalised feedback from an official IELTS marker — so you can identify your weaknesses and improve for the real test. You can practise anytime, anywhere: IELTSprogresscheck.com Official IELTS Practice Material books: Available in Volume 1 and Volume 2, the Official IELTS Practice Material books give you a chance to try sample questions. They include example responses and examiner comments to help guide you, plus there are CDs and DVDs to assist with the Listening and Speaking tests. These are available online or from your local test centre. 04 Practise with sample questions Get ready to get results There are so many great ways to prepare for IELTS, which can help you to achieve your best on test day. By taking advantage of our step-by-step guide and planning well, you can boost your confidence and your score. *Only available with participating test centres 05 Preparation planner Test format: IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training? *  The Listening and Speaking sections are the same for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. Speaking* (11–14 minutes) • Face-to-face interview without disruptions or distractions • Includes short questions, speaking at length about a familiar topic and a structured discussion Speaking* (11–14 minutes) • Face-to-face interview without disruptions or distractions • Includes short questions, speaking at length about a familiar topic and a structured discussion IELTS Academic IELTS General Training Before booking your test, understand if you need IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training. IELTS is available in two different versions: Academic and General Training. Each organisation that accepts IELTS will normally specify which version of IELTS you will need for your application. In some cases either IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training may be accepted. If you are in doubt as to which to take, you should contact the organisation you are applying to in order to check their requirements. In both IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training tests, you are tested on all four language skills — Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking — unless you have an exemption due to a disability. Everyone takes the same Listening and Speaking tests. There are different Reading and Writing tests for IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. Listening* (30 minutes) •  Four recorded monologues and conversations Listening* (30 minutes) • Four recorded monologues and conversations Reading (60 minutes) • Three reading passages with tasks • Texts may include diagrams, graphs or illustrations • Texts are taken from books, journals, magazines and newspapers Reading (60 minutes) • Section 1 contains two or three short factual texts • Section 2 contains two short, work-related factual texts • Section 3 contains one longer text on a topic of general interest • Texts are authentic and taken from notices, advertisements, company handbooks, official documents, books and newspapers Writing (60 minutes) • Writing task of at least 150 words where the test taker must summarise, describe or explain a table, graph, chart or diagram • Short essay task of at least 250 words Writing (60 minutes) • Letter writing task of at least 150 words • Short essay task of at least 250 words IELTS Preparation Guide 06 How is IELTS scored? IELTS nine-band scale Your performance on test day in each language skill — Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking — is reported as a band score on a scale of 1 (the lowest) to 9 (the highest). All parts of the test and the overall band score are reported in whole or half bands (e.g. 6.0, uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ ielts-preparation-guide.pdf

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