THE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO NEBOSH EXAMS Introduction It’s a well-known fact in health
THE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO NEBOSH EXAMS Introduction It’s a well-known fact in health & safety that NEBOSH exams are tough, but that’s not to say they are impossible. The guidance that follows is intended to give you some final key pointers for the big day, and coupled with a comprehensive study and revision programme, should get you through just fine. Action Verbs Take note of the “action verb” at the start of each question. As a general rule, if a question asks you to “Identify”, “state” or “list” then a simple list will do. If however, the question asks for “outline”, “describe” or “explain”, then your answer should be in sentences, preferably with an example to illustrate. Read the Question The clue is in the question! However simple it may seem, make sure you read the question properly, maybe even underlining key points (you can write on your question papers). It is imperative that you answer the question that has been set, not the one you wish had been set. Keep it Brief We have already said that you must comply with the action verb, but do not be tempted to waffle on or give long introductions to your answer – this is not required. If a question asks for control measures for working at height, that is what will be on the marking scheme. There will be no marks available for introducing your answer with statistics on numbers injured falling from height. There are no marks for “star quality” or knowing Lord Roben’s birthday – just answer the question. Structure Certain questions allow you to give your answers in a certain structure. Sometimes there will be marks available for just using the structure, but even if they are not, the structure will help you think a little more laterally. As an example, if the question relates to risk assessment, it is helpful to go through the 5 steps of risk assessment. This applies whether the question relates to a specific situation or type of risk assessment e.g. manual handling, fire, COSHH etc. If the question is about human factors, then split your answer into Organisation, Job and Individual factors. For questions about management systems or strategies, split the answer into the elements of HSG65. If the question relates to reasons for improving safety, structure the answer into moral, economic and legal factors. Plan Ahead For the longer questions (20 markers or case studies), then an answer plan should be prepared. This is a simple outline of what you will cover in your answer. It might be bullet points, or a mind-map – whatever suits you. When you’re done, draw a line under it and start putting your plan into proper sentences. “Bankers” This is important. There are certain answers which will be relevant time and time again, for example: risk assessment, training, supervision, PPE etc. Put reproducing this list without relating it to the specific question will not gain marks – let’s look at some examples to illustrate the point: “Outline the precautions to be taken when a minor repair is to be carried out on a fragile roof” (NEBOSH Diploma Part One, June 1998). Carry out a risk assessment – 0 marks Carry out an initial risk assessment to identify the hazards from roof work and decide on the necessary precautions – 1 mark Provide adequate information, instruction and training – 0 marks Provide information, instruction and training on the hazards and associated precautions involved in roof work – 1 mark Provide suitable PPE – 0 marks Provide PPE for groups at risk, e.g. hard hats for people below – 1 mark Provide adequate levels supervision – 0 marks Provide adequate supervision to ensure that the method statement/safe system of work is followed – 1 mark Timing Question timing is vital to success. You cannot afford to spend too long on some questions, to the detriment of others. The approximate timings you should try to stick to are as follows: Diploma 1 Paper 1 Action Timing Read through exam paper 5 minutes 15 Short answer questions (10 marks) 9 minutes each Check answers 10 minutes Diploma 1 Paper 2 Action Timing Read through exam paper 10 minutes 5 Long answer questions (20 marks) 25 minutes each Check answers 15 minutes Diploma 2 Paper 1 Action Timing Read through exam paper 5 minutes 10 Short answer questions (10 marks) 8 minutes each Case study (100 marks) 1 hr 20 minutes Check answers 15 minutes Diploma 2 Paper 2 Action Timing Read through exam paper 10 minutes 5 Long answer questions (20 marks) 30 minutes each Check answers 20 minutes Of course these are not precise, but are useful as a general guide. Even if you are an expert on a particular subject, there is no benefit on writing reams and reams on the answer – use your allocated time and move on. Similarly, if you get a question where you have no idea, try not to leave it blank and move on – use your allocated time and try to get something down. Maybe a couple of “bankers” might be relevant? Those couple of points may just make the difference. Legislation/Case Law Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be a law expert or have a photographic memory to pass NEBOSH exams. What you do need though, is a grasp of fundamental principles of legislation and case law, and be able to relate them to different scenarios. It is not important to remember the precise years of legislation or case law (although if you forget the year of the Health & Safety at Work Act, do you expect to pass????). Neither is it a requirement to learn regulation numbers off by heart – if you could say, for example, that the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regs require all employers to carry out risk assessments, or the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regs require all work equipment to be maintained, that will suffice. Abbreviations are fine, but give their title in full to start with e.g. The Personal Protective Equipment Regs (PPE) require employers to provide PPE to employees where required. Check your Answers As with any exam, leave yourself some time at the end to go through your answers. Make sure you have answered the question that was asked and add any extra points that have occurred to you – it can’t hurt, and they may just make the difference! Worked Example OK we’ve talked about all the theory – now let’s put it all together and try to give a perfect answer to a recent exam question: “Volunteers are involved in collecting bags of books, clothes and other donated goods from householders. The bags are loaded into vans for delivery to a chain of charity shops. Explain how the charity should assess the risks to the charity workers, identifying the particular issues that would need to be considered at each stage of the assessment” (NEBOSH Diploma Part One, June 2003) First things first – look at the action verbs. You are being asked to explain how the problem should be assessed and identify the particular issues at key stages. Re-read the question now, and underline your key signposts: “Volunteers (unskilled, no selection criteria?) are involved in collecting bags (manual handling – size, weight, shape etc.) of books, clothes and other donated goods from householders (violence, dogs etc.). The bags are loaded into vans (driven by who? Vehicle hazards) for delivery to a chain of charity shops. Explain how the charity should assess the risks (assess the risks, not control them) to the charity workers, identifying the particular issues that would need to be considered at each stage of the assessment” (NEBOSH Diploma Part One, June 2003) As this question is essentially about how to carry out a risk assessment, the 5 steps approach would be a good structure to follow. This question was worth 20 marks, so a plan would be in order: PLAN 1. Identify hazards Manual Handling Violence Animals Contents of bags Vehicles 2. Decide who can be harmed Volunteers – old, untrained, health problems, how many? 3. Evaluate risks Probability/severity Frequency/duration Evaluate existing controls Legal requirements 4. Record 5. Review Draw a line under your plan and continue: ANSWER No need for a flowery intro about how many injuries are cause by manual handling or where risk assessment comes from – just get on with it!! IDENTIFY THE HAZARDS The first stage of a risk assessment is concerned with identifying hazards, which in this case may be as follows: Violent assault by members of the public or being attacked by dangerous dogs Musculoskeletal disorders caused by lifting bags or constraints on posture when working inside the vans Injuries caused by the contents of the bags e.g. sharps or chemicals Slips, trips and falls due to uneven surfaces, uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ nebosh-idiots-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Jul 30, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
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