1422e cdv 1 CDV IEC TC or SC TC CEI CE ou SC Project number Numéro de projet Date of circulation Date de di ?usion - - Titre du CE SC Installations électriques et protection contre les chocs électriques COMMITTEE DRAFT FOR VOTE CDV PROJET DE COMITÉ POUR V
CDV IEC TC or SC TC CEI CE ou SC Project number Numéro de projet Date of circulation Date de di ?usion - - Titre du CE SC Installations électriques et protection contre les chocs électriques COMMITTEE DRAFT FOR VOTE CDV PROJET DE COMITÉ POUR VOTE CDV IEC - - A Ed Closing date for voting Voting mandatory for P-members Date de clôture du vote Vote obligatoire pour les membres P - - TC SC Title Electrical installations and protection against electric shock Secretary Mr Reinhard Pelta Germany Secrétaire E-mail reinhard pelta siemens com Also of interest to the following committees Intéresse également les comités suivants Functions concerned Fonctions concernées Safety Sécurité EMC CEM CE DOCUMENT EST TOUJOURS À L'ÉTUDE ET SUSCEPTIBLE DE MODIFICATION IL NE PEUT SERVIR DE RÉFÉRENCE LES RÉCIPIENDAIRES DU PRÉSENT DOCUMENT SONT INVITÉS À PRÉSENTER AVEC LEURS OBSERVATIONS LA NOTIFICATION DES DROITS DE PROPRIÉTÉ DONT ILS AURAIENT ÉVENTUELLEMENT CONNAISSANCE ET À FOURNIR UNE DOCUMENTATION EXPLICATIVE Supersedes documents Remplace les documents CD ?? CC Environment Quality assurance Environnement Assurance qualité THIS DOCUMENT IS STILL UNDER STUDY AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE IT SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES RECIPIENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT WITH THEIR COMMENTS NOTIFICATION OF ANY RELEVANT PATENT RIGHTS OF WHICH THEY ARE AWARE AND TO PROVIDE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Titre Amendement à la CEI - - Ed Installation électriques des b? timents - Partie Protection contre les perturbations de tension et les perturbations électromagnétiques - Article Dispositions contre les in uences électromagnétiques Title Amendment to IEC - - Ed Electrical installations of buildings - Part - Protection for safety - Protection against voltage disturbances and measures against electromagnetic in uences - Clause Measures against electromagnetic in uences Note d'introduction Introductory note IEC CO Note The IEC - - A Ed project has currently two fragments in the work programme The latest stage for consolidating fragments is CDV As f of this project is still at the CD stage the f has progressed to the CDV stage by itself Consequently the f has now been designated A and the f will be designated A Copyright ? International Electrotechnical Commission IEC All rights reserved It is permitted to download this electronic ?le to make a copy and to print out the content for the sole purpose of preparing National Committee positions You may not copy or mirror the ?le or printed version of the document or any part of it for any other purpose without permission in writing from IEC FORM CDV IEC - - C - - Amend Ed CDV ? IEC ?? ?? INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS OF BUILDINGS ?? Part - Protection for safety ?? Protection against voltage disturbances and measures against electromagnetic in uences Clause Measures against electromagnetic in uences Clause INTRODUCTION page Substitute the paragraph beginning with ??Introduction IEC - - ? and ending before the sentence ??Clause ? by the following text Introduction Part - of IEC covers the protection of electrical installations against voltage disturbances
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- Publié le Dec 24, 2021
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