Wilco Fleet A380 Add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator PILOT’S GUIDE Not for r

Wilco Fleet A380 Add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator PILOT’S GUIDE Not for real aviation use ! QUALITY FIRST! By not making illegal copies and purchasing only original WILCO PUBLISHING products, you will allow to continue developing and improving the quality of our software. THANK YOU. Wilco Publishing http://www.wilcopub.com E-mail: info@wilcopub.com A. EXTRA WILCO FLEET : A380 (for CD-Rom version only) For your pleasure only, we have included a full set of EXTRA. These are located on your CD-Rom, EXTRA WILCO directory. ERJ 145 Pilot in Command Wilco Fleet CRJ 2004 Track IR 3 Pro Wilco Fleet A380 Trailer Wilco Fleet A380 Paint Kit Pressurized jet for regional transport. The CRJ is the most successful regional aircraft program in history. To fully enjoy the 3D Virtual Cockpit, the Track IR lets you control your field of view in flight simulators by simply looking around by few degrees. The largest and most advanced commercial airliner ever, transporting 555 passengers over 8000 Nm ! Create your own A380 liveries and colors. Track IR 3 Pro is available from Wilco Publishing http://www.wilcopub.com. Please contact us (info@wilcopub.com) if you have developed new liveries. We can upload them on Wilco Publishing website. Any repainted or updated textures can be uploaded on Internet with the following text file : Livery developed for Wilco Fleet : A380. (c) 2005 Wilco Publishing www.wilcopub.com CHECK OUT WILCO PUBLISHING WEBSITE : http://www.wilcopub.com THIS IS WHERE YOU WILL FIND INFORMATION, NEWS, AS WELL AS ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. B. QUICK START WILCO FLEET : A380 1. To pilot Wilco Fleet : A380 1. Start Flight Simulator 2. From the menus, select AIRCRAFT 3. Choose Airbus - Wilco Fleet : A380-800 4. Select the Aircraft Model of your choice, according to your PC performances For lower to upper configurations, select : - Full : displays all the options - 2D Panel : displays the 2D panel - VC : displays the Virtual Cockpit - Wingview : displays the wingview 5. Then, select the livery of your choice 2. Engines Start Up Option 1 Use CTRL + E, the default Flight Simulator engine start up sequence. Option 2 To manually start up engines, please refer to the PANEL chapter for the complete procedure. C. THE CABIN – MAIN DECK 1. Flight Deck 2. First Class 3. Lounge - Bar - Library - Stairs 4. Business Class 5. Tourist Class 6. The shop - Stairs Note : aircraft interiors are configured according to airlines requests. To move and walk inside the cabin, we have included a utility on the CD-Rom (directory : EXTRA / F1View), also available from our website. This utility is kindly offered by Flight 1. This module requires a wheel-mouse (a center wheel that also acts as a center mouse button). Virtual cockpit :  Wheel forward moves you forward and wheel backward moves you back.  CTRL+forward moves right and CTRL + backward moves left.  SHIFT+forward moves up and SHIFT + backward moves down.  CTRL+SHIFT+forward zooms out and CTRL+SHIFT+backward zooms in. While in Pan Mode (when mouse wheel is pressed and held down) inside the Virtual Cockpit :  Moving the mouse to the left rotates the view to the left.  Moving the mouse to the right rotates the view to the right.  Moving the mouse forward, away from the user, rotates the view up.  Moving the mouse backward, towards the user, rotates the view down. This utility provide other great features. We recommend you to read the instructions page included. D. CABIN CREW VOICES Wilco Fleet : A380 brings you a set of digitalized crew voices. They are played automatically or on Pilots' request.  Welcome 1 when doors are closed.  Welcome 2 when engines are started.  Fasten Seat Belt ON and OFF when seat belt sign is turned ON or OFF.  Bar Open when the cruise altitude is reached. The cruise altitude must be programmed into the FMGC before take-off. It will calculate the waypoint altitude and display the vertical visualization on the ND.  Descent when the aircraft begins to descend from the cruise altitude.  Landing when the aircraft touches the ground upon landing. E. A380 BACKGROUND 1. Why is the A380 exclusive ?  The most advanced, spacious and efficient airliner yet produced  The world's first twin-deck, twin-aisle airliner  Three class layout provides 555 seats (or more)  Non-stop range of 8,000 nautical miles Airbus designed the A380 in collaboration with some 60 major airports, ensuring airport compatibility and a smooth entry into service. The A380 provides the most socially and economically responsible solution to growing air traffic and airport congestion. The alternative, a further increase in movements of existing aircraft, would not only require billions of dollars of investment by airports - in new runways, terminals and even airports - but would also contribute to greater congestion and a significantly increased impact on the environment. Airbus' view has been confirmed, both through industry-wide participation in the programme from its outset and through the already remarkable success of the A380 on the market. At the end of December, 13 customers had announced firm orders and commitments for a total of 139 A380s, including 17 freighter versions. The A380 Family starts from a baseline passenger aircraft with a capacity of 555 passengers in three classes, and a range of up to 15,000 km./8,000 nm. The freighter version, the A380F, will carry a payload of 150 tonnes (330,000 lbs) over 10,400 km./5,600nm. Stretched, shorter and extended range variants of the baseline version will become available as and when the market requires them. The A380 can be powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines or GP7200 engines from the Engine Alliance (a General Electric and Pratt & Whitney joint venture). With its larger wing span giving greater lift and its new generation engines, the A380 can take off and land in less distance than other large aircraft. It can use existing runways and its turnaround times are comparable to other large aircraft flying today. Four A380s - all to be used as test aircraft - are now assembled and production of major components for others at Airbus' sites around Europe is progressing as planned 3. Manufacturing Facilities GERMANY fuselage and vertical tail - commercial installations, including the fitting of the cabin interiors, painting, final inspection - Fatigue tests FRANCE centre wing box - fuselage assembly - installation and testing of equipment, including hydraulics, air conditioning, fuel and electricity systems - fuselage nose section - Final Assembly Line UNITED KINGDOM Design and assembly of the wings and landing gear - fuel system testing - installation of fuel, pneumatic and hydraulic systems and wiring SPAIN Production of the horizontal tail plane, the rear fuselage tail cone and the belly- fairing. Other countries are also contributing to the A380 manufacturing. 4. Flight Deck The A380 is a member of the Airbus Flight Operational Commonality family with similar flight decks and operating procedures in the A320, A330 and A340 aircraft, providing easy crew transition training, cross crew qualification and mixed fleet flying. Thales Avionics developed and supplied the eight high format, high-resolution, 150mm x 200mm (6in x 8in) liquid crystal displays and is to provide the digital head-up display (HUD). Honeywell of the USA has been selected to provide the next- generation flight management system, which will have increased data handling speed and a graphical user interface with pop-up menus and cursor control, rather than a text-based interface. Honeywell will also supply the satellite communications system. Goodrich will supply air data systems. Rockwell Collins will supply communications systems including VHF and HF radios and multi-mode receivers. Northrop Grumman has been selected to provide the LTN- 101E inertial navigation system. Smiths Industries will provide the video management unit which will include the display from cockpit door and cabin surveillance systems. L-3 Aviation Recorders of Florida will provide flight data and cockpit voice recorders. 5. About Airbus Airbus Industrie is a consortium formed by EADS and BAE Systems. EADS, the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, was formed by a merger of Aerospatiale-Matra of France, Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace of Germany and CASA of Spain (former members of Airbus). Airbus' modern and comprehensive product line comprises four highly successful families of aircraft : the single-aisle A320 Family (A318/A319/A320/A321), the wide- body A300/A310 Family, the long-range A330/A340 Family which will soon be joined by the new A350, and the ultra long-range, high capacity A380 Family. Airbus' unique family concept ensures that Airbus aircraft share the highest possible degree of commonality in airframes, on-board systems, cockpits and handling characteristics, which reduces significantly operating costs for airlines. This expertise in civil aviation is now also being put to use in the military field with the A400M programme. Under the overall responsibility of Airbus Military, Airbus manages the development of this military transport aircraft, which is to be assembled in Seville, Spain and which is due to take its first flight in 2008. This programme will use the same Airbus Centres uploads/Litterature/ a380-pilots-guide.pdf

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