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Bibliographie 1930, Verstehen und Handeln, Notes pour une conférence, Miseskreis 27 June 1930, traduit par “Understanding and Acting in Political Economy and Other Social Sciences Repris en 1996, Helmut Wagner, George Psathas et Fred Kersten, Dir., Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Pp84—87 1932, Der Sinnhafte Aufbau der Sozialen Welt. Vienna: Julius Springer Traduction anglaise en 1967, The Phenomenology of the Social World, Evanston: Northwestern University Press 1934, Collected Papers IV Nouvelle édition en 1996, Helmut Wagner, George Psathas et Fred Kersten, Dir., Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 1934, “StaatGesellschaftRechtWirtschaft.” Commentaire du livre de Ludwig von Mises, Grundprobleme der Nationalökonomie. Deutsche Literaturzeitung 1 (January): 36–42. Traduit par : “Basic Problems of Political Economy” Repris en 1996, Helmut Wagner, George Psathas et Fred Kersten, Dir., Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Pp. 88–92 1943, “The Problem of Rationality in the Social World.” Economica 10:130–49 Repris en 1964, In: Collected Papers II: Studies in Social Theory. Arvin Brodersen, ed. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. Pp. 64–88 1951, Choosing among Projects of Action, Philosophy and Phenomenological, Research 12: 161–84 Repris en 1962, Collected Papers I: The Problem of Social Reality. Maurice Natanson, ed. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. Pp. 67–96 1953, “CommonSense and Scientific Interpretation of Human Action”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14: 1–37 Repris en 1966, Collected Papers III: Studies in Phenomenological Philosophy, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. Pp. 3–47 1962, The Problem of Social Reality, In: Collected Papers, vol. I, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, pp396 1970, On Phenomenology and Social Relations, publié avec une introduction de Helmut R. Wagner. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press 1973, avec Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the LifeWorld, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press Nouvelle édition en 1983 Nouvelle édition en 1989 Littérature secondaire 1987, M. C. Di Gregori, Les critiques de Schutz à l'analyse husserlienne de l'intersubjectivité, Revista latinoamericana de filosofía, vol 13, n°2, pp221230 1988, Thomas S. Eberle, “Die deskriptive Analyse der Oekonomie durch Alfred Schutz”, In Alfred Schutz: Neue Beiträge zur Rezeption seines Werkes. Elisabeth List and Ilja Srubar, eds. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Pp. 69–120 1999, Mie Augier, Some Notes on Alfred Schütz and the Austrian School of Economics: Review of Alfred Schütz’s Collected Papers , Review of Austrian Economics, 11: 145–162 2004, Michael D. Barber, The Participating Citizen: A Biography of Alfred Schutz, New York, NY: State University of New York Press Michael D. Barber, "A Moment of Unconditional Validity? Schutz and the Habermas/Rorty Debate." Human Studies 27, 1, pp5167 Marek Chojnacki, "Herbert Spiegelberg and Alfred Schutz: Some Affinities." Human Studies 27, 2, pp. 169185 2005, Michael D. Barber, "If Only To Be Heard: ValueFreedom and Ethics in Alfred Schutz's Economic and Political Writings, In: Explorations of the LifeWorld: Continuing Dialogues with Alfred Schutz, ENDRESS, Martin., PSATHAS, George., NASU, Hisashi., (eds). Springer, pp173202 Martin Endress, Introduction: Alfred Schutz and Contemporary Social Theory and Social Research, In: Explorations of the LifeWorld: Continuing Dialogues with Alfred Schutz, Martin Endress, George PSATHAS, Hisashi NASU, dir., Springer, Book Series Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol 53, pp115 Lester Embree, 2004, "A Problem in Schutz's Theory of the Historical Sciences with an Illustration from the Women's Liberation Movement, Human Studies 27, 3, pp281306 Lester Embree, 2005, "The Appeal of Alfred Schutz in Disciplines beyond Philosophy, e.g. Jurisprudence." in Explorations of the LifeWorld: Continuing Dialogues with Alfred Schutz, ENDRESS, Martin., PSATHAS, George., NASU, Hisashi., (eds). Springer, 2005. pp. 7796 Alfred Schutz sociologue Tendance école autrichienne Origine Autriche Articles internes Liste de tous les articles inter sur Alfred Schutz discussion voir le texte source historique article rechercher Consulter Rechercher Continuing Dialogues with Alfred Schutz, ENDRESS, Martin., PSATHAS, George., NASU, Hisashi., (eds). Springer, 2005. pp. 7796 Hartmut Esser, 1993, “The Rationality of Everyday Behavior: A Rational Choice Reconstruction of the Theory of Action by Alfred Schutz.” Rationality and Society 5 (1):7–31 Hartmut Esser, 1993, “How ‘Rational’ Is the Choice of ‘Rational Choice’? A Response to Randall Collins, Christopher Prendergast, and Ilja Srubar.” Rationality and Society 5 (3):408–14 M. Gabriel, 1993, "Alfred Schütz und die Theorie des Handelns als rationale Wahl," Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 18, 1 (1993): 7079 Robert A Gorman, 1975, “Alfred Schutz – An Exposition and Critique, ” The British Journal of Sociology 26 (1) Robert A Gorman, 1977, The Dual Vision: Alfred Schutz and the myth of phenomenological social science. Boston, MA: Routledge and Kegan Paul Richard Grathoff, 1978, “Alfred Schutz” In Klassiker des Soziologisches Denkens: Band II. Dirk Käsler, ed. Munich: Verlag C.H. Beck. Pp. 388– 416 Richard Grathoff, 1990, "Finiten" in den "Finite Provinces of Meaning" von Alfred Schütz (About the Concept of the "Finite" in Alfred Schutz' "Finite Provinces of Meaning"), Critique and Humanism Journal, n°1, pp2537 Patrick J. Gunning, 2004, The Principles of Subjectivism HAMA, Hideo. 2004, "Kiki toshiteno Seikatusekai――Schutz no “discrepancy”gainen" [LifeWorld as a Crisis], Syakaigaku Kisoron Kenkyuu [The Annual Review of sociology and social theory], 3(2004).pp.4662 HARIE, Hironao, 2004, "Schutz kagakuron no Nijyuusei e――Kagakutekikatudouron toshiteno “Kenshikiaru Shimin”" [Toward the Duality of Alfred Schutz's Theory of Science――Theory of Scientific Activity in “Wellinformed Citizen”], Syakaigaku Kisoron Kenkyuu [The Annual Review of sociology and social theory], 3(2004).pp.148165 Ingeborg K. Helling, 1984, “Alfed Schutz and Felix Kaufmann: Sociology Between Science and Interpretation, Human Studies 7 (2): 141–61 Ingeborg K. Helling, 1988, “Alfred Schutz, Felix Kaufmann, and the Economists of the Mises Circle: Personal and Methodological Continuities, In: Alfred Schutz: Neue Beiträge zur Rezeption seines Werkes. Elisabeth List and Ilja Srubar, eds. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Pp. 43–68 KAWANO, Ken'ichi, 2004, "A.Schutz no Syakaigakuhouhouron no Kousou." [A. Schutz's Conception of Methodology of the Social Sciences], Wasedadaigaku Daigakuin Bungaku Kenkyuuka Kiyou [Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University], 49(2004).pp.125137 KIM, Hongwoo, 2005, "In Search of a Political Sphere in Alfred Schutz." in Explorations of the LifeWorld: Continuing Dialogues with Alfred Schutz, ENDRESS, Martin., PSATHAS, George., NASU, Hisashi., (eds). Springer, 2005. pp. 203234 KIMURA, Masato, 2004, "Ruikeika to Tankyu――Schutz niyoru Dewey Tankyuugainen no Hihantekijyuyou." [Typification and Inquiry: Schutz's critical Acceptance of Dewey's Concept of Inquiry], Shakaigaku Nenshi [The Annuals of Sociology], 45, pp99115 KIMURA, Masato, 2004, "Seikatusekai to Jinkaku――Schutz niokeru Riron to Jitusen." [Lebenswelt und Persoenalichkeit: Schuetz's “Theorie und Praxis”], Soshiolojikal Peepaazu [Sociological Papers], 13, pp1528 KIMURA, Masato, 2005, "Schutz ha Dewey “Ronrigaku”wo dou yondaka." [How did Schutz read Dewey's “Logic”?], Wasedadaigaku Daigakuin Bungaku Kenkyuuka Kiyou [Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University], 501(2005).pp.91100. KNUDSEN, Christian, 2004, "Alfred Schutz, Austrian Economists and the Knowledge Problem." Rationality and Society 16(1), pp.4589 Kolyo Koev, 1990, Alfred Schutz and the Problem of Every Day Life Average Structures, Critique and Humanism Journal, n°1, pp5464 Peter KurrildKlitgaard, 2001, On Rationality, Ideal Types and Economics: Alfred Schutz and the Austrian School, Review of Austrian Economics 14 (2–3): 119–43 Peter KurrildKlitgaard, 2003, The Viennese connection: Alfred Schutz and the Austrian school , Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 6(2), pp. 3567 NISHIHARA, K., 1992, "Schutz in Japan: A Brief History," Human Studies, 15, 1 pp1734 Patrick N. Peritore, 1975, ‘Some Problems in Alfred Schutz’s Phenomenological Methodology,’ The American Political Science Review 69 (1) B. Pietrykowski, 1996, “Alfred Schütz and the Economists, History of Political Economy 28, 219–244 Christopher Prendergast, 1985, Commentaire du livre de Helmut R. Wagner. Alfred Schutz: An Intellectual Biography, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Vol 21, Issue 3 , pp253 255 1986, ‘Alfred Schutz and the Austrian School of Economics,’ The American Journal of Sociology 92 (1): 1–26 1993, “Rationality, Optimality, and Choice: Esser’s Reconstruction of Alfred Schutz’s Theory of Action, Rationality and Society 5 (1): 47–57 2001, By Way of Deduction: Schütz's Essay on Taxation , The Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 14, Numbers 23 / septembre, pp145 156 2004, "Schutz’s Reflections on the Social Relationship between the Author and Beholder of Literary Works, Human Studies 27, 4, pp. 455461 George Psathas, 2004, "Alfred Schutz's Influence on American Sociologists and Sociology." Human Studies 27, 1(2004) pp. 135 George Psathas, 2005, PSATHAS, George. "The Ideal Type in Weber and Schutz." in Explorations of the LifeWorld: Continuing Dialogues with Alfred Schutz, ENDRESS, Martin., PSATHAS, George., NASU, Hisashi., (eds). Springer, pp. 143172 Yoshikazu SATO, 2005, "Phenomenological Sociology in Japan: with special reference to Alfred Schutz," in Development of Sociology in Japan, SRUBAR, lja., SHIMADA, Shingo., (eds.), uploads/Litterature/ alfred-schutz 1 .pdf
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