American McGee's Alice: FAQ/Walkthrough by EllipsusD Version 0.80, Last Updated
American McGee's Alice: FAQ/Walkthrough by EllipsusD Version 0.80, Last Updated 2001-01-09 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to American McGee's Alice (PC) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users. AMERICAN McGEE's ALICE Walkthrough version 0.80 1/9/2001 All right. Ask and you shall receive well a rushed version that is. A lot of people seemed to want a walkthrough to be available, so I decided to release a preliminary version so that at least those who need it will have something to work with until the final product is done. The in-depth walkthrough still needs to be ironed out, and I'm now working on the maps and a shorter version of what you see here. I hope this helps. Here's the big part. I am doing this for you guys, so I want to know what you think. Any questions or comments you may have are very welcome. If you have a tip or secret I have overlooked you can send it and I will give you credit if it is included. E-mail me at: Special thanks to katbird and for their contributions. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________ I. Version History II. Controls. a. Screen Elements. b. Basic Controls. c. Jumping. d. Swimming. e. Floating. f. Climbing. g. Saving. III. Items. IV. Weapons. V. Enemies. VI. In-depth Walkthrough VII. Extra a. Idle Hands. b. Codes. VIII. Copyright. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________ -(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|- (o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- I. Version History -(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|- (o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- The first release, version 0.80 was started on 12/15/2000 and completed on 1/9/2001. It is the version you have now. To see what it includes, look to the table of contents. I'll make this more informative when the next version is released. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________ -(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|- (o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- II. Controls -(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)- |{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)-|{}|-(o)- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- A bit of advice I usually tell people: never play a game without reading the manual. It's as simple as that. If someone can't read a simple manual, then I have no respect for them when they complain about not being able to control the game. With Alice, the Case Book is a second piece of literature I suggest you read. It has some information, but otherwise helps the story. If you haven't read these, please read them now. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________ II. a. Screen Elements The first thing you need is to understand the basic elements of the screen. The red meter on the left side of the screen is your 'sanity' meter. Since this all takes place in Alice's mind, you are surviving on sanity (the hope of getting better), and not life. The blue meter on the right side of the screen is your 'will' meter (also referred to as power or energy). The only way that you can get better is to have the will power to do so, and this is just a symbolization of that. Think of it as an all occasion ammunition. The box under the red meter hold your current weapon. There are a total of ten weapons, and each has its own uses (as specified below). A note of interest, it seems your weapons get stronger when you pick up more of the same kind. The box that sometimes appears under the blue meter shows any special items you may have. The box slowly gets smaller the longer you have the item, and each item has different 'lengths'. Alice is in the lower middle of the screen. Think of this game as a first person shooter with a different camera angle. Now that all of that is taken care of, we'll get to the Settings menu. There are four sections of the head diagram, each referring to a different attribute that you can customize. Section one is video, section two is audio, section three is control, and section four is game options. Make sure that you customize all four of these areas to your liking before you start playing. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________ II. b. Basic Controls Once again, this is coming right from the Gameplay Guide. These are the set key configurations for Alice. If you are not used to this type of game, then I suggest you take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with them. If you don't know the controls, you won't get very far. Look: Mouse Move forward: W Move backward: S Strafe left: A Strafe right: D Jump/swim up/jump off vines: [Spacebar] Turn left: [Left Arrow] Turn right: [Right Arrow] Climb down vines: F Camera look: [Tab] Walk: Hold [Shift] while moving Use: [Enter] Summon Cheshire Cat: C Pause to main: [Esc] Pause: [Pause] Quickload: [F1] Quicksave: [F4] Primary attack: Left mouse button Secondary attack: Right mouse button Cycle toys forward: [ Cycle toys backward: ] Vorpal Blade: 1 Cards: 2 Mallet: 3 Jackbomb: 4 Icewand: 5 Jacks: 6 Demon Dice: 7 Eyestaff: 8 Blunderbuss: 9 Deadtime Watch: 0 If you don't like this configuration, that's fine by me. Go to Settings and the Controls and you can change the keys up however you want to. But know where the keys that do specific things are. If you can't remember something like that, you shouldn't be playing a game like this. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________ II. c. Jumping Jumping puzzles are seemingly the easiest to incorporate into a game. There really isn't that much thinking involved, just control over the character. If you don't know how to jump, then you had better learn. You will be jumping, and jumping a lot. The first thing you should know is that, when you are jumping to certain areas, a pair of footprints will appear on the ground to show you where you will land. When you are not jumping long distances, this will help a lot. Test it in the first level so you can get a feel for how far you jump. Next you should get used to the running jump. You can get almost twice as much distance by running before pressing the jump button. The problem with doing this is the uncertainty of your landing position. Only practice will help you here. Ledges will help you on areas where you cannot jump high enough, or far enough. As long as the ledge had a sharp angle and your hands can get above the level of the ledge, you will grab on. From here you can move to the side or climb up by pressing forward. You will use this more than once. Unlike in real life, you can control your movement in air. What does this mean to you? You can reach distances in-between the running jump distance and the standing jump distance. You can even jump to the side by pressing strafe right before you jump. Practice this as well. Bouncy mushrooms seem to be a large problem for some people. True, the risk is much greater when you are high in the air, but you can still control your jumping in almost the same way. Realize that the area of the mushroom you step on will determine the direction you jump in. Try to jump facing the area you want to land at/grab on to. There are only four mushrooms in the game that you have to jump on, so don't worry. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________ II. d. Swimming The only problem people have more than jumping is swimming. The only way to do something is to try it. That is part of gaming. Swimming is just like walking,; the only difference is the added z-axis movement. Now, to swim in any direction, look in that direction and press forward. To move backwards, press backwards from this position. Strafing works the same too. So what's so hard? Air supply. You at no time in the game have an infinite air supply. Never assume you do. The only way you can survive underwater is to find bubbles or the surface and get a breath of air. I estimate that you have about twenty seconds of air before you die. During this time you will 'glug' once. At this point, it is imperative that you seek air immediately. If not, you will die. Attacking underwater does, however, present a problem. The only weapon you can use is the knife. The only enemy you will see is the Snark. But remember, Snarks always hunt in packs. It's best to isolate them. You really shouldn't have too much trouble in the water. It doesn't take much to get used to it, and you won't spend much time in it. If you simply can't get the hang of this, just grin and bear it (and never play Decent). ______________________________________________________________________________ ________ II. e. Floating There really isn't much to say here. You will know if you can float or not by the bursts of white steam coming from the ground. Jump on top of it and Alice's dress will puff outwards as it fills with air. This will help propel you upwards. You can hover in place and use the directions to uploads/Litterature/ american-mcgee-x27-s-alice.pdf
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