2005 • ASTROLOGICAL STUDIES GUIDE ASTROLOGICAL STUDIES GUIDE P O Box 291 Greenock SA 5360 Australia Freecall: 1800 003 517 www.astromundi.com 2005 • ASTROLOGICAL STUDIES GUIDE 2005 • ASTROLOGICAL STUDIES GUIDE ASTRO MUNDI ASTROLOGICAL STUDIES GUIDE 2005 C O N T A C T A S T R O MU N D I O N 1800 003 517 V I S I T O U R W E B S I T E A T W W W. A S T R O M U N D I. C O M The information which appears in this Guide is current at the time of printing. Some details are subject to change. 2 2005 • ASTROLOGICAL STUDIES GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................3 ASTRO MUNDI .....................................................................................................................5 The Faculty’s Role ..............................................................................................................................................................5 ASTROLOGICAL EDUCATION.........................................................................................7 Studying Astrology..............................................................................................................................................................7 Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................................................................7 Previous Learning ...............................................................................................................................................................8 ASTROLOGICAL QUALIFICATIONS...............................................................................9 The Astrological Guild of Educators International Inc...............................................................................................9 THE CERTIFICATE COURSE ...........................................................................................10 Work Load........................................................................................................................................................................ 10 THE DIPLOMA COURSE...................................................................................................15 THE MEDIEVAL COURSE .................................................................................................22 Future Units to be offered in the Medieval Astrology Course.............................................................................. 27 STUDY OPTIONS...............................................................................................................28 Attending Students.......................................................................................................................................................... 28 Timetable for Attending Students............................................................................................................................... 28 Distance Education......................................................................................................................................................... 29 Timetable for Distance Education Students............................................................................................................. 29 ENROLMENT.......................................................................................................................30 Attending Students.......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Distance Education Students ....................................................................................................................................... 30 Materials & Texts.......................................................................................................................................................... 30 FEES ......................................................................................................................................31 Attending Students.......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Distance Education Students ....................................................................................................................................... 31 Refunds & Deferrals....................................................................................................................................................... 31 RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................32 Astro Mundi Library........................................................................................................................................................ 32 Class Tapes....................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Newsletter......................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Noticeboard...................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Guest Lecturers & Workshops .................................................................................................................................... 32 Discounts on Books ........................................................................................................................................................ 32 Consultation Discounts .................................................................................................................................................. 32 CONTACTS .........................................................................................................................33 3 2005 • ASTROLOGICAL STUDIES GUIDE 4 2005 • ASTROLOGICAL STUDIES GUIDE Astro Mundi A stro Mundi offers astrological education to the beginner and the professional with an emphasis on astrological excellence. Its principals have lectured extensively both at national and international levels. Educational courses are provided through structured classes and workshops designed for the attending and the Distance Education student. Astrological education ranges from Certificate to Diploma level based on the international syllabus of the Astrological Guild of Educators International. Astro Mundi tutors prepare all students to sit the Guild’s international qualifying exams. Astro Mundi also provides opportunities for continuing professional development for the qualified astrologer with a new series of Master Classes as well as supporting workshops conducted by visiting astrologers from interstate and overseas. Astrologers and students can also undertake a Medieval Astrology course which builds on traditional techniques and principles. Details on all these courses are outlined in this Guide. Astro Mundi has links with other schools in Australia and with astrological educators in Europe, the UK and the USA. Astro Mundi prides itself on its record of excellence in teaching, research and the published works of its principals, Joy Usher and Mari Garcia. All courses and classes incorporate these aspects and provide the student and the professional with thorough and continuing education in astrology as well as on- going opportunities for professional development. T The F he Astro Mundi Faculty plays an important role in helping students realise their expectations of the course and of themselves. Members of the Faculty ensure that students have material which is appropriate, factual and timely. They also provide assistance to students with their studies outside the classroom environment. The Faculty may suggest students seek external assistance in the from other practitioners. aculty’s Role The Faculty encourages students to make a commitment to their learning and endeavour to complete set work and participate in class discussions as well as read the necessary texts and/or material. It is in the student’s best interest to ensure they have the necessary texts and they complete assignments and other set work. Astro Mundi provides the student with the knowledge and the skills to explore astrology in a comfortable, confidential and relaxed environment. 5 2005 • ASTROLOGICAL STUDIES GUIDE The Faculty JOY USHER I s a consulting astrologer who gained her FAA (Federation of Australian Astrologers) Practitioners Certificate in 1995, and served as Coordinator to the FAA Exam Board from 1996-1998. Joy completed the Robert Zoller Medieval Astrology Course, and gained the Astro Logos Certificate in Medieval Astrology, the Medieval Post Graduate course and Accreditation in the Fixed Star Course. Joy received her AGE Honours Diploma in 2003 for her paper on the Arabic Parts. She is a Faculty member and Exam Registrar for The Astrological Guild of Educators, and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. She has lectured at various astrological conferences around Australia, and has won an award for best speaker in Canberra, in 1998. She has been published in The FAA Journal and the Australis '97 Congress Papers, and, in 1999 and 2000 she was a regular columnist for The Astrological Monthly Review, a national magazine on astrology. MARI GARCIA I s a consulting astrologer who received the FAA Practitioners Certificate in 1995 and was awarded the Alan Johnson Gold Medal for achieving the highest marks in that year. Mari has also completed the Robert Zoller Medieval Astrology Course, and gained the Astro Logos Certificate in Medieval Astrology, the Medieval Post Graduate course and Accreditation in the Fixed Star Course. She has lectured extensively including UAC 2002 in Orlando, Florida. She also writes articles and columns, which have been published nationally and internationally. Mari is a regular contributor to Blaze and Adelaode’s Inner Self magazine. She edited Astrology - An Ancient Art in the Modern World: Australis 97 Congress papers and was also a contributor to the anthology with the article “A Mundane Look at Australian Images”. Mari was a tutor for Astro Logos, is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers 6 2005 • ASTROLOGICAL STUDIES GUIDE Astrological Education Studying Astrology A strology is an ancient art dating as far back as Babylonian times. Common perception considers astrology to be magical, religious, secret, supernatural or mystical. However, it is a combination of philosophy and science, with definite rules and specific techniques. Astrology is also an art where awareness, common sense and personal skills play an important role. The study of astrology on a serious level requires time and commitment. It requires self-discipline and application. In other words, the study of astrology is an experience in hard work and objectivity rather than psychic ability. Astrology’s primary tenet is that the individual is an integral part of the ebb and flow of the universe. Understanding this ebb and flow as it is reflected in the cycles and patterns of the heavens gives an insight into a person’s life and the uniqueness of the individual. At the same time, it provides a canvas upon which the story of humanity is etched. The fraternity of astrologers spans many centuries and continues to reach down through the ages. Every generation of astrologers has left their legacy on a body of knowledge whichcontinues to grow as humanity evolves. As a student of astrology, you will be joining the ranks of many famous people who studied this ancient discipline, such as Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Nicolas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Michelle Gauquelin and Carl Jung, to name a few. Frequently Asked Questions I K N O W N O T H I N G A B O U T A S T R O L O G Y . D O E S I T M A T T E R ? No. Astrology 101 starts at the beginning and gradually builds a foundation of astrological knowledge. The only prerequisite is that the student is twenty one years or older. W H A T C A N I E X P E C T T O L E A R N D U R I N G T H E C O U R S E ? The Certificate course is designed to provide the student with the techniques and skills to calculate a natal chart, do simple delineation and predictive work. The level of individual effort will also affect the learning experience. H O W M U C H W O R K W I L L I N E E D T O D O ? Each Unit has 3 assignments and a Unit Assessment. The assignments have a set due date with some flexibility. To consolidate information discussed in class, a student can expect to spend up to two hours per week, reading and updating notes and preparing assignments. H O W D O I K N O W I A M P R O G R E S S I N G ? A marking scale is used to evaluate students’ work. The marking scale is a guide for both the student and the tutor as it indicates if the student has understood the astrological principles and their application. Comments and suggestions provide additional feedback. D O I H A V E T O P A S S E A C H U N I T T O G O O N T O T H E N E X T O N E ? Students are required uploads/Litterature/ astrostudies-guide.pdf
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