Persona 5 – FAQ/Walkthrough

Persona 5 – FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by KillScottKill Version: 3.0 | Updated: 08/02/17 INTRO The following is a non-spoiler walkthrough for Persona 5 with the express purposes of achieving the following on a ‘New Game' playthrough of the game: Max every Confidant Max all social attributes Complete every Mementos mission Earn most trophies In other words, this is a day-to-day schedule on how to spend your in-game time most efficiently. PURPOSES AND NON-PURPOSES Again, the guide is expressly for achieving the five bullet items above. What the guide is not for is advice for the navigating the game's dungeons, how to most effectively battle, boss strategy, etc. This guide is written on the premise that because the game is upwards of 100 hours long, it is reasonable for the player to seek a walkthrough that will allow them to see the entirety of every Confidant in the game in one run without having to devote a second playthrough or resorting to looking them up online. DIFFICULTY Persona 5 has five difficulty options: Safety, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Merciless. Merciless is available through a piece of free DLC on PSN. The player may change the difficulty in the system menu at any time during the game, unless the Safety option is chosen. If the player chooses Safety at any point in the game – at the very beginning or by later picking Safe in the system menu – then the difficulty cannot be changed again during that playthrough. The difficulty cannot be customized in New Game or in ‘New Game+' like it could in Persona 4 Golden. For the purposes of this kind of playthrough, I do recommend that the player 1/35 does not choose anything higher than Normal. I understand this may not be acceptable to experienced players, and feel free to choose whatever difficulty you want and change it later if you so choose. IMPORTANT: Playing on this schedule may be difficult to Persona newcomers because it asks you to finish dungeons in as few trips as possible to maximize your in-game time. Understand this challenge and choose a difficulty appropriate to you. Additionally, the reasons I recommend lower difficulties is because this kind of playthrough does not leave the player many opportunities to grind and have their level high for upcoming challenges and it is very taxing on your yen income. A common criticism shared of Persona 5's players is that items in the game are too expensive and not enough yen is earned through regular means. In Safety mode, the player's yen income is increased for winning battles and this problem becomes a nonissue. The activities required in this guide, as well as the potential frequent use of the Persona Compendium, makes this a very expensive playthrough. If you're on a higher difficulty and follow the activities to a T, you may find yourself short of funds to purchase luxuries such as new gear and consumables. Likewise, because your afternoon time is primarily focused on finishing Confidants and earning additional trophies, there are no set days specifically for grinding. Rather, grinding has to occur when it's most convenient: When you're in a story dungeon or when you're going to Mementos to do a mission that will advance a Confidant. Again, feel free to choose what's comfortable to you as you can always change it later if you're not on Safety. Just do not blame the guide if you find yourself too poor and/or under-leveled. CARRYING THE MATCHING ARCANA (CRITICAL) Veterans of Persona 3 and Persona 4 know that the modern Persona social system has a built-in way of earning Social Link/Confidant rank-ups faster. That is by carrying the 'matching arcana' with you when you go to spend time with someone. The social system works on a covert point tally. In order to achieve a rank-up, the player will have to have earned a certain amount of points since the last rank-up. This is done by choosing favorable responses during events and spending extra time with the Confidants in events which rank-ups do not occur. Carrying the matching arcana increases the amount of points you earn per favorable response and per extra event. So for example, if you are about to spend an afternoon with Makoto Niijima of the Priestess arcana, then you 2/35 will need to have a Persona whose arcana is Priestess on your person. The Persona doesn't necessarily need to be the one equipped to you, but you absolutely need to have it in your Persona stock. This guide assumes that you are carrying the matching arcana. Not doing so may cause your experience to deviate from the guide. There are only a few exceptions to this rule. In the first week in which the player earns control of the afternoon time, an early event with Ryuji Sakamoto is confirmed to not require a Chariot Persona in order for the next event to also be rank-up. This is tested and confirmed because at this point in the game the player has not had the opportunity to obtain a Chariot Persona. There are some other exceptions to this rule. Automatic Confidants obviously do not need the matching arcana and the rank-up events for those arcana are not noted in the schedule as I did not want to spoil when those rank-ups may occur or when the player may first establish one of those story based arcana. Additionally, Yuuki Mishima (Moon), Toranosuke Yoshida (Sun) and Caroline and Justine (Strength) are the other three Confidants that do not require the matching arcana. The Moon and Sun Confidants do take in-game time like most other Confidants, but the player is guaranteed a rank-up at every event no matter what dialogue responses they choose or whether or not they carry Moon and Sun Personas. As such, I neglected to list responses for those rank-ups. You also need not carry the Strength arcana as that Confidant is quest based. Also note: There are a handful of events in the game in which you will be training in how to make coffee at Leblanc. During these events, you will earn a bonus towards the Hierophant Confidant: +1 if you're not carrying the matching arcana and +2 if you are. You'll need to have the Hierophant on you for these events. It is noted in the schedule. Some of the events which I ask you to carry the matching arcana to may in fact not need it. This was the case in Persona 4, especially during the early stages of certain Social Links (hence the Ryuji exception). However, it would take extensive testing to figure out which events it is required for and which ones it is not. Rather, it is easiest to simply get in the habit of always carrying the matching arcana and lowering the odds that you make a mistake. Carrying the arcana is a lot like washing your hands; it's simply a good habit to get into. I cannot stress this enough. Persona 5 grants the player sixteen save slots to work with. You may also save one file to internet storage which can be recalled later and can also be used to transfer save data between PS3 and PS4 versions of the game. (Note: Network functions have to be on inside the game to use this feature) 3/35 Unless for some reason you are sharing the game with someone else on the same PSN account on the same machine, there is no reason not to rotate your save file and make use of all sixteen slots. Should you make a mistake in the schedule and had been using only one save slot, continuously saving over the same file day after day, it would make it impossible to go back and correct yourself and thus throw the entire schedule in the trash. To achieve everything this walkthrough has to offer, every single afternoon and night is precious and used. There is no room for error. Saving often and rotating is crucial. By saving every other day and using all sixteen slots, you should have the ability to go back as far as a month if you need to. The only exception to rotating should be when you're in a dungeon. Putting a single dungeon run into multiple save slots would be wasteful. You should save in the same spot when progressing through the Metaverse. TRUE ENDING This walkthrough will inform you on how to achieve the game's true ending. The game only has four endings: one true and three bad. There is no in between. The first and most simple bad ending is seen if the player does not clear a Palace by the deadline. Obviously, if you're following the schedule this will not happen. Additionally, this scenario will vary somewhat depending on which Palace it is that you failed to clear. The second bad ending is the one I will be providing information on how to avoid in the walkthrough. A third bad ending can be viewed on uploads/Litterature/ complete-guide-pdf.pdf

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