GRADUATE GUIDE Description of Graduate Psychology Programmes in Canadian Univer
GRADUATE GUIDE Description of Graduate Psychology Programmes in Canadian Universities RÉPERTOIRE des programmes d'études supérieures des départements de psychologie du Canada Twenty Second edition, 2005-2006 Price: Students: $7.00 Other: $15.00 Copies may be obtained from: Vingt deuxième édition, 2005-2006 Prix: Étudiant: 7 $ Autre: 15 $ Des exemplaires de ce guide peuvent être obtenus à l'adresse suivante: Canadian Psychological Association Société canadienne de psychologie 141 Laurier Ave West, Suite 702 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J3 Tél./Tel.: (613) 237-2144 1-888-472-0657 Fax/Téléc.: (613) 237-1674 G R A D U A T E G U I D E 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6 The CPA endeavours to include a comprehensive list of graduate programmes in psychology in Canada in its Graduate Guide. However, listing in the guide is voluntary and not every Canadian programme is necessarily included. Additionally, the guide might not capture the most recent changes affected to any given programme. The universities’ coordinates are listed in the guide and users are advised to confirm the information contained in the Graduate Guide with the programmes themselves. There are many other websites which list Canadian universities and their links. These can be accessed by searching Canadian universities. Any university with a graduate psychology program which it would like listed in the Graduate Guide is invited to contact CPA. Il est important de noter que la SCP ne passe pas en revue ou n’évalue de quelque façon les programmes présentésdans le Guide. La liste du Guide indique seulement qu’ un programme se décrit comme un programme de deuxième cycle en psychologie et qu’ il demande à figurer sur la liste. Les utilisateurs du Guide ne doivent pas supposer qu’ un diplôme décerné dans le cadre d’un des programmes énumérés dans le Guide permettra à un diplômé d’ obtenir une license de psychologue dans toute administration canadienne ou étrangère. Nous recommandons aux étudiants qui veulent éventuellement obtenir un diplôme de communiquer avec l’ organisme de églementation de la psychologie dans làdministration où il ont l’intentionde pratiquer, afin de déterminer si les études de deuxième cycle qu’ ils veulent entreprendre m’enera à l’ octroi d’une license. Vous trouverez une liste des organismes canadiens de réglementation de la psychologie au Canada à l’ adresse La SCP veille à l’ agr/ment des programmes de doctorat en psychologie professionnelle Les programmes qui reçoivent l’ agrément doivent satisfaire et maintenir des normes de conformité rigoureuses de formation Standards 2002.pdf et se sont habituellement les diplômés de ces programmes qui font la demande d’ une license de psychologue au Canada. Même si le diplôme d’ un programme agréé par la SCP auure presque toujopurs que les diplômés possèdent toutes les qualifications nécessaires pour obtenir une license dans une administration canadienne, ce sont les organismes de réglementation provinciaux et territoriaux de la psychologie qui ont l’ autorité d’ octroyer une license. Policy for offers of graduate admission and/or financial support The Board of Directors of CPA approved the following as a policy of the Association on June16, 1979, and makes copies of this statement available to departments for distribution to prospective students. The policy is designed to provide prospective students and departments with a period of time in which it is understood that offers of financial assistance will be made and can be considered and freely accepted. 1. Departments will endeavour to make offers of admission and/or support to applicants before April. 2. Applicants have until April 15th to accept an offer of admission. G R A D U A T E G U I D E 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6 3. After April 15, offers will be made only to applicants who state that they are not committed to another department. Meaning of the Policy for Prospective Students Within this policy prospective students should not feel pressured to accept awards before April 15, when they will have had an opportunity to consider all of their options. A student who accepts an award at another University without the written approval of the first Department. Prospective students who had previously indicated acceptance of an award must then obtain a written release from the first Department before they are free to accept another award. Notez que la politique relative aux éetudiants éventuels en psychologie reçoit l’aval de la SCP, mais n’engage pas nécessairement les étudiants ou les programmes. ISBN 1-896538-87-8 G R A D U A T E G U I D E 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6 Contents — Table des matières Policy for offers of graduate admission and/or financial support i Politique relative à l'admissibilité des étudiants et étudiantes aux programmes d'études et/ou à l'aide financière i Acadia University ...............................................1 University of Alberta (Educational Psychology) ........................................................2 University of Alberta (Psychology)....................3 University of British Columbia (Educational & Counselling Psychology, and Special Education)..............................................5 University of British Columbia (Psychology).....6 Brock University.................................................8 University of Calgary (Applied Psychology)......9 University of Calgary (Clinical Psychology)....11 University of Calgary (Psychology) .................12 Carleton University...........................................14 Concordia University........................................16 Dalhousie University ........................................19 University of Guelph ........................................20 Lakehead University.........................................22 Laurentian University .......................................23 Université Laval................................................23 University of Lethbridge...................................26 McGill University (Education & Counselling)......................................................28 McGill University (Psychology).......................30 McMaster University........................................31 University of Manitoba.....................................32 Memorial University of Newfoundland............35 Université de Moncton (M.A.Ps.).....................36 Université de Moncton (Ph.D.).........................38 Université de Montréal .....................................39 Mount Saint Vincent University .......................40 University of New Brunswick (Fredericton).....42 University of New Brunswick (Saint John) ......43 University of Northern British Columbia .........46 The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT) (Counselling) ....................................................50 The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT) (Human Development & Applied Psychology )............. 51 University of Ottawa ........................................ 53 Université d'Ottawa.......................................... 54 Université du Québec à Montréal..................... 56 Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Doctorat en psychologie (Intervention)............ 58 Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Doctorat en psychologie (Intervention/Recherche).................................. 59 Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Doctorat en psychologie (Rercherche) ............. 60 Queen's University ........................................... 61 University of Regina ........................................ 64 Saint Mary's University.................................... 66 Saint Thomas More College............................. 67 University of Saskatchewan (Educational Psychology and Special Education)............................................ 67 University of Saskatchewan (Psychology)....... 68 Université de Sherbrooke................................. 70 Simon Fraser University................................... 71 University of Toronto....................................... 73 Trinity Western University............................... 74 University of Victoria (Educational Psychology)................................. 76 University of Victoria (Psychology) ................ 78 University of Waterloo..................................... 79 The University of Western Ontario (Education)....................................................... 81 The University of Western Ontario (Psychology) .................................................... 82 Wilfrid Laurier University................................ 84 University of Windsor...................................... 87 York University................................................ 89 G R A D U A T E G U I D E 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6 Policy for offers of graduate admission and/or financial support The Board of Directors of CPA approved the following as a policy of the Association on June 16, 1979, and makes copies of this statement available to departments for distribution to prospective graduate students. The policy is designed to provide prospective students and departments with a period of time in which it is understood that offers of financial assistance will be made and can be considered and freely accepted. 1. Departments will endeavour to make offers of admission and/or support to applicants before April. 2. Applicants have until April 15th to accept an offer of admission. 3. After April 15, offers will be made only to applicants who state that they are not committed to another department. Meaning of the Policy for Prospective Students. Within this policy prospective students should not feel pressured to accept awards before April 15, when they will have had an opportunity to consider all of their options. A student who accepts an award ties up a position and money that could have been offered to another student. Therefore, after April 15 that student is not regarded as free to accept an award at another University without the written approval of the first Department. Prospective students who had previously indicated acceptance of an award must then obtain a written release from the first Department before they are free to accept another award. Politique relative à l'admissibilité des étudiants et étudiantes aux programmes d'études et/ou à l'aide financière Le 16 juin 1979, le Conseil d'administration de la SCP adoptait comme politique officielle la politique suivante sur l'admissibilité aux programmes d'études supérieures et à l'aide financière et en distribuait l'énoncé aux futurs étudiants dans les départements de psychologie. La raison d'être de cette politique: accorder aux étudiants et étudiantes le temps nécessaire pour leur permettre de prendre en considération et d'accepter de façon éclairée toute offre d'aide financière qui leur serait faite. 1. Les départements s'efforceront de faire l'offre d'admission et/ou de bourses d'études aux candidats et candidates avant le 1er avril. 2. Les candidats et candidates auront jusqu'au 15 avril pour accepter l'offre qui leur sera faite. 3. Après le 15 avril, des offres seront faites 4. Seulement aux candidats et candidates qui auront précisé qu'ils ou elles ne sont pas inscrits(tes) à un autre département. Interprétation de la politique. Dans le cadre de cette politique, les étudiants ne doivent pas se sentir obligés d'accepter les uploads/Litterature/ cpa-2006.pdf
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