EURO SPELEO m a g a z i n e 1 º 1 º 2012 On behalf of the whole FSE and its 30
EURO SPELEO m a g a z i n e 1 º 1 º 2012 On behalf of the whole FSE and its 30 European member countries, we have the pleasure to present you the 1st issue of the new EuroSpeleo Magazine, the online multi lingual publicati on of all cavers from Europe and even beyond. It closely follows the 2 issues of the “EuroSpeleo Newslett er” in 1999-2001 and the 14 issues of the “FSE’mail” from 2005-2009. It is the result of the team, coming from 10 diff erent countries and masterfully managed by Mihaela Micula, presented on next page. It is your speleological and caving magazine and we strongly invites you to send us your best arti cles and photos- already published or not in their original language – to arti so you can share your discoveries about caves and karst with the 2000 European caving clubs. Looking forward to reading your arti cles soon, Have a great ti me reading about underground acti viti es, Olivier Vidal Publicati on Director – EuroSpeleo Magazine Secr. General FSE Au nom de l’ensemble de la FSE et de ses 30 pays membres européens, nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter le 1er numéro du nouveau EuroSpeleo Magazine, la publicati on électronique multi lingue de tous les spéléologues d’Europe et au-delà. Elle vient en droite ligne des 2 numéros de l’ « EuroSpeleo newslett er » parus en 1999-2001 et des 14 numéros de l’ « FSE’mail » des années 2005-2009. C’est le résultat d’une équipe, venant de 10 pays diff érents et gérée de main de maître par Mihaela Micula, équipe que nous vous présentons en la page suivante. C’est votre magazine spéléologique et nous vous invitons ardemment à nous envoyer vos meilleurs arti cles et photos à arti – déjà publiés ou pas dans leur langue originale – afi n de partager avec les 2000 clubs spéléos européens vos découvertes sur les grott es et gouff res, et sur le karst. En souhaitant vous lire très bientôt, Bon moment de lecture souterraine, Olivier Vidal Directeur de la Publicati on – EuroSpeleo Magazine Secr. General FSE PHOTO on the front page: CIRIL MLINAR FSE NEWS Nouvelles FSE SPELEODIVERSITY EuroSpeleo Forum 2012 SPELAION 2012 Where to spend “the End of the World“ • Où passer “La Fin du Monde” international NEWS Infos internationales 2013: The FFS is 50 (French Federation of Speleology) 2013: la FFS a 50 ans (Fédération Française de Spéléologie) The “Speleological Abstracts” the World’s Bibliography on Caves and Karst Le “Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique” la bibliographie mondiale sur les cavités et le karst local NEWS Infos locales The fi rst explorations of the caves of Valcellina in Barcis,Italy BARCIS 1952-2012 Soixante ans d’explorations des Grottes de la Valcellina, Italie BARCIS 1952-2012 Sessant’anni dalle prime esplorazioni delle Grotte della Valcellina, Italia Activities and research of G.S.Pradis 2006-2011 Activities et recherches du G.S: Pradis 2006-2011 Attivita’ e richerche del G.S.: Pradis 2006-2011 european caver’s pulse Au cœur de la spéléo européenne Interview Ciril Mlinar Cic young caver Spéléo : jeunes First steps in the dark Premiers pas dans l’obscurité Primi passi nell’oscurita’ Kak se prohozhda v tumnoto expedition Expédition Spéléo Colombia 2011-2012: in the depths of the Rosablanca limestone Spéléo Colombia 2011-2012 : dans les profondeurs des calcaires de la Rosablanca Bulgarian – Chinese – Greek Speleological Expedition “Gaoligongshan’2011”Expédition Spéléologique bulgare - grecque - chinoise “Gaoligongshan 2011” Spedizione Speleologica Bulgara – Greca – Cinese “Gaoligongshan 2011 karst Karstologie The Largest Suff usion (Piping) Caves In Sandstones Of Northwest Russia. Les plus grandes grottes d’érosion interne (suff osion) dans les grès du nord-ouest de la Russie. Recent results and questions about scallops Résultats récents et questions à propos des coups de gouge science & discovery Science et découvertes “El Bucio”: Discovery of the most recent lava tube of gran canaria (Canary Islands) “El Bucio”: Decouverte du tunnel de lave le plus recent de Grande Canarie (Iles Canaries) “El Bucio”: Descubrimiento del tubo volcánico más reciente de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias) science & archaeology Science et archéologie A Retrospective of Rock Art in Caves Une rétrospective de l’art pariétal dans les grottes Visión retrospectiva del arte rupestre en cuevas Coliboaia Cave – Prehistoric Art between Eastern and Western Europe La grotte ornée de Coliboaia - l’art préhistorique entre l’Est et l’Ouest de l’Europe Peștera Coliboaia- arta preistorică între Estul și Vestul Europei survey Topographie Cave Sniper Le Cave Sniper BOOKS Livres The Gourdeval network – a new publication on the second cavity of Doubs (France) Le Réseau de Gourdeval - une nouvelle publication sur la seconde cavité du Doubs (France) Underground fauna and fl ora of the cave register area Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland Faune et fl ore souterraines des cavités de Rhénanie-Palatinat et de Sarre Jean Corbel a french geographer Jean Corbel géographe français in memoriam Urs Widmer an Obituary by his Caver Friends Urs Widmer l’adieu de ses amis spéléos 5 6 8 9 11 13 22 28 34 44 50 56 61 69 76 79 84 87 88 7 EURO SPELEO m a g a z i n e EuroSpeleo Magazine . Nº 1 . Sept . 2012 EuroSpeleo Magazine Editorial Committee / Comité de rédaction Board Members / Direction : Publication Director / Directeur de la publication : Olivier Vidal, Secr. General FSE (FR) Magazine Editor-in-chief / Rédacteur en chef : Mihaela N. Micula (RO) Magazine Lay out / Mise en page : Jože Požrl (SLO), Ogynan Stoianov (BG) Graphic / presentations / graphiques : Markus Kreuss (AT) Translators / interprètes : Ivan Petrov (BG), Cécile Perrin (FR), Mike Miller (USA / FR), Jesus Molina Torres (ES), Romina De Lorenzi (IT), Elena Ingargiola (IT), Nevena Panayotova (BG), Sigrid Crasnean (RO), Yannis Triantafi llis (GR), Pierre Boudinet (FR) Important note: FSE is not responsible for the content of the articles that remains under the whole responsability of their own authors. Note importante : La FSE n'est pas responsable pour le contenu des articles qui restent sous l'entière responsabilité de leurs auteurs. EURO SPELEO m a g a z i n e 3 Dear cave lovers, We are pleased to present you the fi rst issue of the EuroSpeleo Magazine. In the direct line of the Speleo-TV Channel, my idea for a diff erent project was to conti nue the work in the same team spirit. This FSE publicati on has been created with the goal to unite European speleologists under the same fl ag. At the very beginning of this issue you fi nd FSE news, internati onal and local news. Arti cle by arti cle, you are invited to discover the underground explorati ons made by your friends from all over Europe. We have a true pleasure to introduce you to a cave diver from Slovenia, Ciril Mlinar Cic. He gave us a very interesti ng interview for the “European Caver’s Pulse” and he has a special manner of creati ng music for fi lms using natural sounds. The secrets of the Proteus or human-fi sh were revealed in one of his videos. In “Young Caver”, you enjoy a training camp for beginner Albanian caving enthusiasts in their “First Steps in the Dark”. Then, go on an adventurous journey in the “Expediti on” heading with experienced speleologists “In the Depths of the Rosablanca Limestone” and in the “Bulgarian- Chinese-Greek Expediti on Gaoligongshan 2011-Yunnan Province, China”. The “Karst” heading covers a study about “The Largest Suff usion (Piping) Caves in Sandstones of Northwest Russia” and “Recent Results and Questi ons about Scallops”. The “Science” secti on is divided in two parts. ”Science and Discovery” includes a story about “El Bucio: Discovery of the most recent lava tube of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands)”. In ”Science and Archaeology” you are invited to “A Retrospecti ve of Rock Art in Caves” in Altamira. Here you have an opportunity to make a parallel with “Coliboaia Cave – Prehistoric Art between Eastern and Western Europe”. For the avid readers, the “Books” secti on has diff erent recommendati ons. “The Gourdeval Network - A New Publicati on on the Second Cavity of Doubs (France)” is addressed to both”sport enthusiast who fi nd out more about the great classics of the Franche-Comté region and to regional explorer familiar with the Doubs karst”(J.F.Balacey). “Underground fauna and fl ora of the cave register area Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland” describes cave fauna from almost 2000 natural and arti fi cial caves with lots of photos and highlights the methods used by the author to collect specimens. This issue also includes a portrait of Jean Corbel, the well-known “karst hunter” from Lyons (France) and his travels from the Burgey to Spitzberg. In the “Survey” we are happy to present an inventi on by two Polish cavers, Jacek Wójcicki and Marek Koziol which off ers an excellent soluti on for cave surveying. I would like to thank all the authors and also the editorial committ ee for their contributi on in the creati on of the fi rst issue. Sincerely yours, Mihaela N. Micula, uploads/Litterature/ eurospeleo-magazine-1 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Jui 08, 2022
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