Quick Start Guide Excel Solver Upgrader Version Copyright © 2016 by Frontline S

Quick Start Guide Excel Solver Upgrader Version Copyright © 2016 by Frontline Systems, Inc. Upgrader Quick Start Guide Version 2016-R2 Congratulations. As a user of the basic Excel Solver you already likely know the benefits of optimization. Since you’re reading this, you probably have a problem that goes beyond what the basic Excel Solver was designed to handle: 1. You would like to solve larger optimization models, or solve them faster. 2. You would like to get better answers for more complex and challenging problems. 3. You would like to capture and manage uncertainty in your model. You can rest assured that you are in good company, since Frontline Systems not only built the basic Excel Solver but offers powerful upgrades that are the leading optimization and simulation tools in Excel, preferred by over 7,000 businesses and universities around the world. This Upgrader Quick Start Guide covers key pieces of information to help you get started quickly and successfully with our Solver upgrade products. You’ll be able to use Analytic Solver Platform, our most powerful upgrade product, on a free trial basis. But almost everything discussed in this Quick Start Guide also applies to its subset products: Risk Solver Platform, Premium Solver Platform, Analytic Solver Pro, Risk/Premium Solver Pro, Premium Solver Pro, and Risk Solver Pro. For more information on any of these steps or topics, refer to the User Guide and Reference Guide, available in the Support section of Solver.com, or from within Excel by going to the Help menu on the Analytic Solver Platform tab and selecting User Guides. Key Enhancements from the Basic Excel Solver Let’s start with what isn’t going to change when you upgrade: 1. You can instantly solve your existing models and continue to use any existing VBA code. Your existing optimization model built using the basic Excel Solver should work as-is without any changes. 2. You can continue to use an interface similar to the Excel Solver dialog if you want. All our optimization Solver upgrades include an enhanced version of the basic Excel Solver dialog, so you can take advantage of the larger problem size limits and additional engines without even having to learn how to use the Ribbon and Task Pane interface (although after you do try it out, we think you’ll never want to go back). Now let’s quickly summarize the features and benefits you do get when you upgrade: 1. The ability to solve much larger problems, much faster. Our upgraded products allow you to solve problems anywhere from 10x to 40x larger than the basic Excel Solver, and solve them much faster than before. With optional plug-in Solver Engines, you can solve problems of virtually unlimited size. 2. The ability to solve a wider variety of problems. With the new constraint types and Solver Engines we include, you can solve more types of problems. 3. Automatic guidance, giving you insight into your model and results. Analytic Solver Platform, Risk Solver Platform, Premium Solver Platform, Analytic Solver Pro and Premium Solver Pro will analyze your formulas, determine the type of model you’ve created, provide ideas to help you get a better answer more easily, automatically choose the best available Engine to solve it, and then help you understand the results. 4. Instant connection to knowledgeable technical support. Connect to a live person from right inside Excel, and skip the explanations you’d have to give by email or phone – our software will send diagnosis and error information automatically to the tech support rep. 5. A whole new way to model business situations with many dimensions. Besides building “regular” models that are compatible with the basic Solver, with Analytic Solver Platform, Risk Solver Platform, and Premium Solver Platform you can use Dimensional Modeling to replace thousands of replicated formulas with just a few cells. 6. The ability to capture and manage uncertainty. Very rarely do we have perfect information. Rather than putting in a single value to represent factors such as the weather, stock prices, and interest rates, using Monte Carlo simulation techniques in Analytic Solver Platform, Risk Solver Platform, Analytic Solver Pro and Risk Solver Pro, you can include uncertainty in your model, see the full range of potential outcomes, and make better decisions. 7. Powerful Data Mining and Time Series Analysis tools within Excel. Analytic Solver Platform and the new Analytic Solver Pro include XLMiner which is the only comprehensive data mining add-in for Excel. XLMiner’s capabilities include neural networks, classification and regression trees, logistic regression, linear regression, Bayes classifier, K-nearest neighbors, discriminant analysis, association rules, clustering, principal components and more. Installing Installing the Software Run the SolverSetup.exe program (or SolverSetup64.exe if you are installing the 64-bit version of our products) to install the software – whether you are using Analytic Solver Platform or any of its subsets, such as Risk Solver Platform or Premium Solver Platform. The User Guide chapter “Installation and Add-Ins” covers installation step-by-step, and explains how to activate and deactivate the Analytic Solver Platform Excel add-in. Installation Password and Activation Codes The Setup program will display a dialog that asks for an installation password and activation code. When prompted, enter the password and the activation code in the dialog, and click OK. These will be emailed to you at the email address given when you registered or logged in to download the software. You should receive this email almost immediately after downloading. If you have a spam filter, take a moment now to add emails from solver.com (especially support@solver.com) to your “Safe Sender” list. Switching Between Products When you install Analytic Solver Platform, you have access to all our Excel Solver upgrade products during the trial period – to help determine which product will best meet your needs. To switch between products you can simply: 1. Click on the Analytic Solver Platform tab on the Excel Ribbon 2. Click the down arrow under “Help”. 3. Then choose “Change Product:” 4. You will see a dialog box pop-up, with a check box for each product you can choose. You can always change the selection later during your trial to try a different product. 5. Once you choose which product you wish to try, you’ll see the Ribbon change to reflect the product that you’re now using. Using Your Existing Models Analytic Solver Platform is a 100% compatible upgrade to the basic Excel Solver, as are its subset products Risk Solver Platform, Premium Solver Platform, Analytic Solver Pro, Risk/Premium Solver Pro, Risk Solver Pro, and Premium Solver Pro. This means you can solve your existing models immediately, taking advantage of Analytic Solver Platform’s faster speed, additional solving methods, and larger problem size limits, without having to make any changes to your model or existing VBA code. Online Resource: You can see an overview video of a model built using the Excel Solver and how to solve it in Analytic Solver Platform as-is. In addition, you can also see how to quickly and easily build the same model from scratch using the Ribbon and Task Pane interface by clicking here. Simply open the workbook containing the model and use the Solver Parameters dialog, or just click the Optimize button on the Ribbon (both described below). Using the Ribbon and Task Pane This section contains an overview of the Ribbon and Task Pane interface, as well as the alternative Solver Parameters dialog (similar to what you’ve used in the basic Excel Solver). Online Resource: You can also see a short overview video of the Ribbon and Task Pane interface on our website by clicking here. The Ribbon is your ‘gateway’ to Analytic Solver Platform’s graphical user interface. Most often, you simply click on the arrow at the bottom of a button on the Ribbon to open a dropdown gallery with more buttons, and then you click one of these choices. The Analytic Solver Platform Ribbon appears as a tab on the standard Ribbon at the top of the Excel application window, and it stays in this position: The small downward pointing arrow below each of the buttons indicates that you can open a dropdown gallery of options related to that button. For example, clicking the downward arrow for Constraints opens a gallery of further options for defining constraints: Clicking Normal Constraint shows the traditional constraint relations, and clicking the remaining gallery choices will display new options that you haven’t had in the basic Excel Solver. The buttons on the Ribbon play the following roles:  Clicking the Model button displays or hides the Task Pane (see more on this below). Click the down arrow to add Dimensional Modeling capability to your model.  The Simulation Model group of buttons relate to setting up simulation models: o Clicking the Distribution button gives you a range of pre-defined probability distributions you may choose to represent uncertainty in your model and access to our new Distribution wizard. o Clicking the Correlations button brings up a dialog to allow you to easily create, edit or delete correlation matrices. The down-arrow allows you uploads/Litterature/ excel-solver-upgrade-guide.pdf

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