Final Fantasy X - Stat Maxing Guide ===========================================

Final Fantasy X - Stat Maxing Guide =============================================================================== Created By: KADFC (aka Fabian Chang) Created On: 9:00 PM on Friday February 2 2007 Pacific Time Current Version: 1.00 First Version Submitted On : 6:00 PM on Wednesday February 7 2007 Current Version Submitted On: 6:00 PM on Wednesday February 7 2007 Copyright KADFC 2007 This guide can only be posted on And (Quick Find: Ctrl + F, then put the name of the section from the Table of ) Contents. Most importantly, I would like to thank Jobber (jobber2022497) for solving and helping me the most for this guide. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Table Of Content =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i. Introduction ii. Pre-Knowledge A. The Three Types of Sphere Grids B. The Nine Setups C. The Math D. Post Airship E. AP Weapon and AP Trick F. Kottos Trick and Level # Keys G. Finishing Capturing H. Pre-Maxing Stats I. Maxing Stats J. Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introduction =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To start this thing off, I'm making this due to a promise, somewhat. Even so, I'll try to do my best to create regardless of pressure or expectation. Regardless how knowledgable I am, nor how well I can explain the process. If this doesn't fit my expectation, I won't leave this gamefaqs, even if it was already posted. I was informed that the first FAQ regarding Max Stats for FFX was written by JungleJim. I have seen him posted on the boards before as well as discussed with him in certain topics, so he will be acknowledge. However, since I don't have a copy of FAQ, I'll start this from scratch and basically set my layout. Even so, I will use Split's FAQ or any other FAQ that I find already posted at my advantage. Adding to that sum, the wonderful board of FFX of gamefaqs. Needless to say, all of which will be credited where credit will be given. I have max my characters stats before, and I have done it three times before, so my methods may not be something that most people recommend, but it works. To end the intro, I'll make it clear. This FAQ doesn't tell you how to defeat all the Monster Arena Creations. This won't tell you how to obtain all the Celestial Weapon or any. This FAQ doesn't serve in anyways like a walkthrough. It won't say anything regarding any sidequests, period. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pre-Knowledge =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The whole process of maxing your stats revolves around your storyline of getting the Airship. This section is for all the things I want you to know before getting the Airship. I'm talking about getting the Airship after you have passed by Calm Lands. 1. Overdrives - The only overdrives needed to complete the task Tidus = Slice and Dice Wakka = Attack Reels Rikku = Frag Grenade Note: You only need these for maxing your stats. Blitz Ace is optional since it's rather slow and have a delay effect compared to Slice and Dice. 2. Overdrive Mode - Try to obtain Comrade and Victor in ahead of time. Stotic = You start out with this, so don't worry about it. Comrade = Ally other than self hit by an enemy. Tidus - 300; Wakka - 100; Auron - 220; Yuna - 240; Lulu/Kimarhi - 100 Victor = Win a battle while having them be in the front (active) lines. Tidus - 120; Rikku - 140; Wakka - 160 Loner = Tidus Only. By himself, stay in battle for 60 turns. For Loner, wait until you've obtained Yellow Shield (Thunder Plains) Note: You can't learn these while you're in the Monster Arena. 3. Abilities - Try limiting the number of abilites for each character. There are far too many abilities that are waste of time, especially in the post game. That's why you should have a mindset to not learn every single ability the sphere grid offers as a way of convenience. Not everyone needs to be able to cast Fire. The following are the abilities best to learn: - Quick Attack = From Kimarhi's initial position, shift all the way west - Steal = Rikku starts out with this - Use = Rikku starts out with this - Bribe = From Lulu's initial positition, proceed southeast - Flee = Tidus starts out with this 4. Get the Cloudy Mirror from Remiem Temple's Chocobo Race. You don't have to do it right now, but it shouldn't be that troublesome. Talk to the Chocobo Catcher, train a Chocobo, ride one to Southeast part of Calm Lands. Head for the temple, go to the left side, talk to sphere, go to right, talk to chocobo, and race. Win the race and you'll get the Mirror. 5. Equipment Preparation. Two things. Get the Yellow Shield for Tidus off the ground during your first time outside Thunder Plain's Travel Agency. Also, make sure that you talk to Wantz during your trip up Mt. Gagazet before the fight with Flux. This is for being able to buy equipments from Wantz from Macalania Forest after getting the Airship. 6. Must Obtain Anima. In order to obtain Anima, you must acquire/get the Destruction Sphere treasure from all Cloister of Trials. NOTE: You can't miss the one from Bevelle Temple, ever. 7. While you are at Zanakand Ruins, steal at from 10 - 20 Candles of Life. You can return here to get them as well. They are stolen from the dead soldiers and they are common steals. 8. Make sure that you have fully compiled all 26 Al Bhed Primers throughout the game or reload it from a previous save. Then on first time aboard the Airship, talk to Rin to get 99 Underdog's Secret. Keep 60 of them for future use. 9. This might be a hard task, but not for most NSGers. Keep Rikku's HP low, or even at her initial HP. At the same time, Rikku must kill at least 450 - 900 enemies. Not a hard task for some. Overall, one of the best ways for her to get these number of kills is by using Items. The other way is by giving her a capture weapon with Stonestrike or Deathstrike customized on it (which is later in the game) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Three Types of Sphere Grids =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you didn't already know, there are three (3) types of sphere grids for Final Fantasy X. However, that's based on 3 version of the game itself. NA Version (North American), which is sold at at the US and Canada (which is why it's called the NA Version), is what most Americans have. They are only offered only one type of sphere grid. International, as well as the PAL version, is sold in places outside of the US. They offer more extras than the NA Version have. You should also know that the 1st option of the INT/PAL version isn't the same as the NA's grid. The Standar Sphere Grid contains the same abilities that is offered in the Expert Sphere Grid, plus more nodes. Expert Grid offers the play more flexibility overall, being that abilities are very close to each other, more less number of nodes compared to Standard. Note: If you're in the US and want to play these versions, you'll have to order them online. In order to play them, you'll have to put a Modchip into your PS2; or use a Swap Magic and the Slide Card. If you are doing this for the sole purpose to play a few games, I suggest the Swap Magic. It's cheap and that is what I'm currently using. In summary: Regular Sphere Grid = Only offered in the NA Version. Standard Sphere Grid = Only offered in the International/PAL Version. Expert Sphere Grid = Only offered in the International/PAL Version. (NOTE: NA = NA; International/PAL = INT/PAL) There are two way to look at this, both being perfectly possible. #1 - The NA Way 9999 HP 999 MP 255 Strength 170 Agility 255 Defense 255 Evasion 255 Magic 255 Accuracy 255 Magic Defense xxx Luck #2 - The Dark Aeon Way 99999 HP 999 MP 255 Strength 170 Agility 255 Defense +30 Evasion 255 Magic xxx Accuracy 255 Magic Defense 255 Luck (NOTE: Functional with 9999 HP) xxx = Doesn't matter. Might as well equal 0. +30 = At or above 30 #1 is what I recommend for all the NA people. However, they can copy #2, but not the HP obtained. #2's format can only be obtained using the Standard Sphere Grid, not the Expert Sphere Grid. Even with the #2's setup, there are still more nodes that can be used. The Dark Aeon Way is needed in the Int/PAL Version so that all attacks will connect and deal critical, even when facing against the Dark Aeons and Penance I'll limit the amount of detail, so I'll give only the information that you need to know. The whole purpose of maxing stats is to keep all the +4 Nodes and at the same time remove all uploads/Litterature/ ffx-sphere-guide.pdf

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