SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION TIAC BEST PRACTICES GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION INSULATION MATERIALS AND PROPERTIES MP- SYSTEMS DESIGN SD- PRODUCTS P- COMMERCIAL PIPING CP- COMMERCIAL DUCTWORK AND PLENUM COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT CD- CE- SPECIFICATION CONCEPTS AND EXAMPLES - COMMERCIAL INSULATION SC- FIRESTOPPING AND SMOKE SEAL SYSTEMS FS - INDUSTRIAL PIPING IP- INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT DENIS FORMULA - REV - METRIC IE- DF- DENIS FORMULA - REV - IMPERIAL DF- INSTALLATION DETAILS ID- GLOSSARY AND DEFINITIONS GD- MASTER SPECIFICATIONS MS - CSECTION INTRODUCTION TIAC BEST PRACTICES GUIDE PREFACE The members of the Thermal Insulation Association of Canada professionals in the manufacturing fabrication distribution and installation or removal of insulation materials have determined that a ??Best Practices Guide ? consistent across Canada would be of great bene ?t to the entire industry The data presently in publication across Canada varies greatly within the design-build community insulation manufacturers trade associations contractors and individual o wners or clients To compile a set of reference materials in one document that can be maintained current with timely updates can only improve the economics and quality of the product supplied to the insulation customer It will also improve the time required to estimate and the accuracy of contracts tendered by contractors This guide has been developed with the intent to make available a reference which can be utilized for most insulation projects in Canada The TIAC Best Practices Guide is not meant to override Provincial Speci ?cations and other specialized insulation project speci ?cations The material selection portion of the Guide is not an endorsement of any particular product nor is it the intent to suggest that products not included are not to be regarded as not acceptable alternatives This guide has been prepared on manufacturers technical information provided however it is the speci ?cation writer ? s responsibility to ensure all products comply with the various codes regulations and standards The TIAC Best Practices Guide is made up in di ?erent sections focusing on speci ?c areas of the industry The document will be updated on a timely basis to maintain a current reference point to assist in system design material usage and application practice Revision - - I- CSECTION INSULATION MATERIALS AND PROPERTIES SECTION INSULATION MATERIALS AND PROPERTIES DEFINITION OF INSULATION GENERIC TYPES AND FORMS OF INSULATION PROPERTIES OF INSULATION MAJOR INSULATION MATERIALS PROTECTIVE COVERINGS AND FINISHES PROPERTIES OF PROTECTIVE COVERINGS ACCESSORIES SUMMARY - INSULATION MATERIALS AND APPLICATION WITHIN THE GENERAL TEMPERATURE RANGES INSULATION AND JACKET MATERIAL TABLES MP- CSECTION INSULATION MATERIALS AND PROPERTIES SECTION INSULATION MATERIALS AND PROPERTIES DEFINITION OF INSULATION Insulations are de ?ned as those materials or combinations of materials which retard the ow of heat energy by performing one or more of the following functions Conserve energy by reducing heat loss or gain Control surface temperatures for personnel protection and comfort Facilitate temperature control of process Prevent vapour ow and water condensation on cold surfaces Increase operating e

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