Bibliography 2023 03 28T071114 536

NoodleTools Bibliography http www noodletools com noodlebib mybib php printBib Works Cited Colt Revolver N p n d Web Oct http coltrevolver umblowblogs org invention What the ideas Samuel Colt had of why to make this ?st muilti-shot revolver and how he thought of the mechanizm and the patent of the Colt Walker Fast Daddy Web Hosting ed See the Southwest Fast Daddy Web Hosting Web Oct http seethesouthwest com colt-peacemaker- E -the-gun-that-won- the-west The Colt Peacemaker and how it was used and e ?ected in the West Google trans Guns Hero Guns Hero Ed NGA NA Feb Web Nov http gunshero com colt-m -carbine- It is a blog on guns and item speci ?cations on guns by Colt and many other brand names It helped me with back round and Colt M and M Johnson Byron A Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum Web Dec This source describes and tells the story of Samuel Walker The most relevant story is when he challenged Samuel Walker to create a gun that was multi-shot The New York TImes The New York Times Oct Web Dec This document tells about how the army dropped Colt as their Partner It revolves around my rd control Schreier Philip Former Texas Ranger Samuel Walker Collaberated With Samuel Colt on a Powerful New Revolver Former Texas Ranger Samuel Walker Collaberated With Samuel Colt on a Powerful New Revolver Wild West Aug - Print How the Colt Walke re ?ected the Mexican War and how the Texas Rangers used it to thier advantages of having a muilti-shot weapon against the Mexiacns Stone Enterprises LLC EBS Arms trans Ebs Arms Ebs Arms Ed Admen Stone Enterprises LLC EBS Arms Web Nov http www ebsarms com colt-ar html The website sells guns and also gives speci ?cations on guns They give pictures too of PM C

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