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About Contact Write a Writing ACADEMIC CAREER AND BUSINESS CONTENT GUIDE ACADEMIC Essay Research Education CAREER BUSINESS Technical MS O ?ce Technology Softwares Legal WRITERS How to Write Freelancing Grammar Copywriting Blogging Letter Bibliography De ?nition Format and Examples C Simpan SHARE What is a Bibliography bibliography can be de ?ned as ??A list of reference materials involving any kind of content text music paintings video etc elucidating the type nature and other detailed information on the basis of name date place and genre of the materials ? OR ??A complete categorical compilation of any type of content based on it ? s creator s editors and time of production distribution ? what is a bibliography de ?nition types Bibliography also known as works cited reference list is basically an orderly study and referencing of books and source materials used in academic research It might or might not include any information on the literary analysis or criticism of the materials cited Etymology and Origin The etymology of this term can be semantically traced back to the New Latin bibliographia It is a Greek word meaning ??copying of books ? bibli books and graphia -graphy writing CThe concept was in practice by Greek writers in the ?rst three centuries AD and was referred to as the copying of books by hand By the turn of th Century the concept took a literal form and was referred to as the intellectual practice of compiling books and materials The modern day notion of bibliographies however only took o ? in the th Century Importance and Use of Bibliographies A mandatory requirement of copyright laws and academic conventions is that whenever a research paper is written there should be a section at the end of it where you acknowledge the sources used So bibliography means listing all the sources which you have consulted while writing your essay or research article The sources may be in the form of printed and online books websites web documents web blogs newspaper articles journals pod casts wikis unpublished material maps etc Citation ensures that the information contained in the research paper is based on logic truth and facts Absence of references or bibliography indicates that the paper may be a piece of plagiarism Standard Citation Styles Used in Bibliographies There are various formats used in the creation of bibliographies such as the American Psychological Association APA Modern Language Association of America MLA and Chicago Manual of Style and Council of Biology Editors CBE The APA style of referencing is common in the papers written on topics of social sciences MLA style is used in ?eld of humanities and CBE is a popular citation style in the natural sciences APA Bibliography Format De ?nition and Examples APA style referred by American Psychological Association uses both in-text citations and a list of references to document the sources This style is used in social sciences For Example CAccording to Adams ? ? ? Adams American Psychological Association Publication Manual of the

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