Bibtex guide 1 A BibTEX Guide via Examples Ki-Joo Kim ? Version April Abstract This document describes how to i modify citation styles in your body text ii make your own bibliography style bst ?le and iii modify the bibliography style ?le Contents Introdu

A BibTEX Guide via Examples Ki-Joo Kim ? Version April Abstract This document describes how to i modify citation styles in your body text ii make your own bibliography style bst ?le and iii modify the bibliography style ?le Contents Introduction Example Citation Styles Making a bst File Modifying Bibliography Style Files Useful Tips Closing Remark Introduction This short document describes how to change modify citation and bibliography styles for your LATEX documents As you already know there are basically two methods for adding bibliography at the end of your LATEX documents The ?rst method is to use thebibliography environment Reference entries are added using bibitem key and are called via cite key in the body text You can change the style of references by formatting the bibitem entry This is a convenient way to handle bibliography However there are big problems you have to format each reference item and have ? kim dot ki-joo at epa dot gov C Example to reformat it when you are required to change bibliography style Thus this method is good for small LATEX documents The second method is to use BibTEX In this case you need two ?les bibliography style format ?le bst ?le and bibliography database ?le bib ?le In your text you can add the following two lines for bibliography bibliographystyle unsrt Bibliography style ?le unsrt bst bibliography moea Bibliography database ?le moea bib The bib ?le is formatted by the prede ?ned rules in the bst ?le resulting in bbl ?le which is referenced by your LATEX source ?le Once you have a correct bst ?le this method is good for long LATEX documents such as journal papers reports books and your dissertation You can ?nd lots of bibliography style ?les in the bibtex bst directory in your texmf tree If you are lucky book publishing companies and your universities may provide the bibliography style ?les You can also see examples of many bst ?les on the web http www cs stir ac uk ?kjt software latex showbst html Now the problem is how to crteate modify a bst ?le if you cannot ?nd a right one and are strictly required to follow the citation and reference styles by the book publishing companies For example ? How can we change in the body citation to Kim Kim or whatever you or the journal publisher want ?? Citation style ? How can we change in the body citation to - - ?? Citation style ? How can we change in the bibliography list to none or whatever you or the journal publisher want ?? Bibliography style ? How can we change ??Kim A B Lee C D and Park E F ? to ??AB Kim CD Lee EF Park ? ??AB Kim CD Lee and EF Park ? w and ??KIM A B LEE C D and PARK E F ? ??Kim Ava Bell Lee Cleo Dave and Park Elvis Frank ? or whatever you are required ?? Bibliography style ?

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