Topic Support Guide Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology
Topic Support Guide Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 For examination from 2017 Topic 17 Animation Task 3 – Adding motion tweens In order to help us develop the highest quality Curriculum Support resources, we are undertaking a continuous programme of review; not only to measure the success of our resources but also to highlight areas for improvement and to identify new development needs. We invite you to complete our survey by visiting the website below. Your comments on the quality and relevance of Cambridge Curriculum Support resources are very important to us. Do you want to become a Cambridge consultant and help us develop support materials? Please follow the link below to register your interest. Cambridge International Examinations retains the copyright on all its publications. Registered Centres are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use. However, we cannot give permission to Centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within a Centre. © Cambridge International Examinations 2016 Version 1 3 Animation task – A space animation Part 3. Adding a motion tween to the rocket Before you start take care to make sure that you have selected the rocket layer. Tip: Remember it is good practice to lock the other layers to prevent accidently editing them. First, insert a key frame in frame 100. Then right click on a frame in between frame one and 100. In this example frame 50 has been chosen. Then selected create motion tween. You will notice that the rocket layer now turns a blue colour which indicates that a motion tween has been added to this layer. This can be seen in the picture below. However, if you play the animation at this point the rocket will not be animated. There is an extra stage which is required. On the timeline you will need to show the software where you would like the rocket to be placed throughout the animation. To do this you need to add positional key frames along the timeline. 4 Follow a process like the following to add these additional key frames. In the screenshot below, frame 35 has been selected, then the mouse has been right clicked to reveal a menu. Go to insert key frame, but then select position from the second expanding menu. Move the rocket with the selection tool to a new position on the stage. Note: It is important to remember to actually select the rocket and move it to its new position each time you add a new positional key frame. Next, repeat this process again at around frame 70, insert a key frame and select position. Then repeat again at frame 99. Don’t forget to move the rocket with the selection tool. The rocket layer should now look something like this. Next, rewind your animation and play it, which will now show your animated rocket and sun. You have now created a motion tween as well! Tip: Notice the lines the software has added to show the path the rocket has taken. This is the motion tween. 5 It is possible to click on the motion tween line and adjust the path manually. You can see in this screenshot that the path has been manually adjusted. This is something you may wish to have a go at in the future. You will need to use the select tool to select the path. Then move the mouse pointer near the line until it changes to a curved shape which will allow you to manually adjust the path. Tip: This can be tricky, and dependant on the position of the pointer you can also get the option to move the entire motion path. Take your time and experiment. Now save your work. uploads/Litterature/ guide-3 3 .pdf
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