Bluetooth pairing guide Getting Started Download App Sign-Up Pair Your Phone Install Skip if already installed Launch App Suite HOW TO Setup Entune App Suite In Your Toyota Only Entune Premium Audio and Entune Premium JBL Audio include Entune App Suite an

Getting Started Download App Sign-Up Pair Your Phone Install Skip if already installed Launch App Suite HOW TO Setup Entune App Suite In Your Toyota Only Entune Premium Audio and Entune Premium JBL Audio include Entune App Suite and Navigation Entune Audio and Entune Audio Plus do not include Entune App Suite or Navigation GETTING STARTED Getting started with Entune App Suite is easy Use the checklist below to see guide you through this process Is Entune App Suite already installed Your Toyota vehicle may have come with Entune App Suite pre-installed To con ?rm press APPS on your Entune multimedia head unit Tip After pressing APPS either use the right arrow on the bottom right or swipe the screen to the right to see if the Entune App Suite is installed e g Bing Pandora etc Did you see any apps NO If apps do not appear proceed with this guide YES If apps appear proceed with this guide and skip STEP Check your smartphone compatibility with Entune App Suite Most iPhone and Android smartphones will work with Entune App Suite Visit www toyota com connect to verify compatibility Download the Toyota Entune App Tip Search for ??Toyota Entune ? in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store Launch the Entune App Select ??Sign Up ? to Register You can also register online at www myentune com Please have your VIN on hand Enter your name e-mail password and VIN Tip You can also scan the VIN by selecting the camera icon Link rd Party Accounts To use some apps they must be linked to your account After signing up you will need to select apps you would like to link Tip Have login information for third party accounts ready Once successfully paired your head unit will show your smartphone as ??Connected ? Turn on Bluetooth on your smartphone Access Bluetooth on your Head Unit Tip You can ?nd Bluetooth by selecting the Setup button on your vehicle home screen From your smartphone within Bluetooth settings add your Toyota vehicle From your Head Unit add your smartphone device Your head unit will prompt you to update in order to install Entune App Suite Once your smartphone is successfully paired launch the Entune App from your smartphone Press the APPS button on your vehicle ? s head unit You will be prompted with a message reminding you that you will need a compatible smartphone connected via Bluetooth in order to add applications Select OK Select NOW to begin Entune App Suite installation process Follow the on- screen step-by-step process to complete installation Once successfully installed you will have Entune App Suite available on your Toyota vehicle Once Entune App Suite is installed select OK Press the APPS button on your vehicle head unit Entune App Suite will now be available ADDITIONAL RESOURCES www toyota com entune Learn more about Entune www toyota com connect Check your phone compatibility CGetting Started Turn ON Bluetooth on your smartphone Initiate Bluetooth on

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