Bubble dynamiccategory user guide v1 0

Bubble Dynamic Category for Magento ?? User Guide Author Version Website Support Johann Reinke User Guide v for Dynamic Category v x https www bubbleshop net bubbleshop net gmail com Bubble Dynamic Category for Magento ? BubbleShop https www bubbleshop net Table of Contents ? Introducing Bubble Dynamic Category ? ? Features ? ? Compatibility ? ? Installation ? ? Con ?guration ? ? How it works ? ? General Conditions ? ? Special Conditions ? ? Introduction ? ? Product Type ? ? In Promo ? ? Special Price Applied ? ? Total Child Products Quantity In Stock ? ? Replace Matching Simple Products By Parent Products ? ? Import Category Conditions ? ? Matching Products Indexation ? ? Scheduled Task ? ? Manual Indexation ? ? Frontend Navigation ? ? Disable Uninstall Extension ? Bubble Dynamic Category for Magento ? BubbleShop https www bubbleshop net Introducing Bubble Dynamic Category Features Bubble Dynamic Category comes with the following features ? De ?ne conditions by selecting any product attribute ? Special conditions available to retrieve discounted and new products for example ? Import conditions from another category ? Automatic products indexation cron task ? Respect coding standards ? Easy fast installation ? open source ? No license key ? month of support period included Compatibility Extension has been tested successfully on the following Magento versions ? Magento CE x x x ? Magento EE v x Installation ? Backup your existing database ? Download and unzip extension in your Magento root folder ? Clear cache via ??System Cache Management Flush Magento Cache ? ? Logout and login again to Magento Admin Panel ACL refreshing Con ?guration You can access the extension con ?guration via ??System Con ?guration Bubble Dynamic Category General Settings ? Bubble Dynamic Category for Magento ? BubbleShop https www bubbleshop net How it works With default Magento installation you can only assign products to categories manually Dynamic Category extension helps you de ?ning some product conditions in order to retrieve products that you want to assign to the category you are modifying You ? ll be able to select or unselect matching products and of course to de ?ne custom products positions if needed The matching products are indexed for performance purpose It means that if a product does not match the de ?ned conditions anymore you ? ll have to wait until the scheduled task has ?nished every hours by default for the product to be removed from the list By the way you can hit the Refresh Button manually and periodically if you want to force the list to be refreshed quickly General Conditions If you are familiar to Magento Promotion Rules you ? ll be able to create products conditions easily because it works the same way You just have to combine conditions bases on product attributes For example Special Conditions Introduction In addition to default product conditions Dynamic Category comes with very useful additional conditions that allow you to customize products conditions combination

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