A beginners guide DAHRG A beginner ? s guide to SketchUp follow-up notes from the CAD workshop held on October th CThe Toolbar Prior to drawing anything in SketchUp you should learn how to navigate space in the program Before starting the drawing task bel

DAHRG A beginner ? s guide to SketchUp follow-up notes from the CAD workshop held on October th CThe Toolbar Prior to drawing anything in SketchUp you should learn how to navigate space in the program Before starting the drawing task below I suggest you get used to navigating by using the following tools ORBIT PAN With the orbit tool and the pan tool you can look around the space and move from side to side within it Use the person automatically loaded on the start- up screen the lady in dungarees as an anchor to practice using these two tools You create models in SketchUp by selecting various tools from the toolbar In model making the two most important SketchUp tools are the shape tool and the push pull tool SHAPE PUSH PULL CYou can use the arrow on the shape tool to select a di ?erent shape but for now use the rectangle to draw the base of the church ? s nave Use the push pull tool to raise the shape upwards creating a cuboid CWith the shape tool and the push pull tool you will be able to make the doors windows and the side porch Once you have got to the side porch stage you ? ll need to give it a sloping roof To do that select the line tool a pencil LINE Draw a line from the end of the porch to the roof this will create a diagonal and as the lines join you will create a at triangle surface It should look like this CUse the push pull tool to drag this at triangle to the other side of the porch to create the sloping roof You should now have something that looks like this Now it ? s time to draw that complicated roof ? There are several ways to do this and with the skills you now have you could come up with your own way I started modeling the roof by creating a line of squares using the shape tool and the line tool I then used the push pull tool to lift up the various steps These pictures illustrate the drawing process and the ?nished gable CYou can use the eraser tool to delete all of the vertical lines on the reverse of the gable This will create a at surface that you can use to build a D shape ERASER Once you ? ve erased those lines grab the remaining shape and drag it across the top of the nave cuboid using the push pull tool To draw the at roof on top start by simply drawing a line and then a matching one at the other end of the church CAfter drawing the second line one side of the roof should automatically appear If it doesn ? t then the lines creating the rectangle are broken and you ? ll need to re-do them However you should see this To ?nish the roof just repeat

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  • Détails
  • Publié le Sep 22, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 33kB