Modèle pour la conférence EIAH 2019 Julien Broisin1, Eric Sanchez2 1 Université

Modèle pour la conférence EIAH 2019 Julien Broisin1, Eric Sanchez2 1 Université Paul Sabatier, CNRS IRIT UMR 5505, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse, France 2 Université de Fribourg, 20 Avenue de l’Europe, 1700 Fribourg, Suisse Résumé. Le résumé doit synthétiser le contenu de l’article et doit contenir entre 70 et 150 mots. Ce paragraphe est dans le format requis. Le résumé doit synthétiser le contenu de l’article et doit contenir entre 70 et 150 mots. Ce paragraphe est dans le format requis. Le résumé doit synthétiser le contenu de l’article et doit contenir entre 70 et 150 mots. Ce paragraphe est dans le format requis. Le résumé doit synthétiser le contenu de l’article et doit contenir entre 70 et 150 mots. Ce paragraphe est dans le format requis. Le résumé doit synthétiser le contenu de l’article et doit contenir entre 70 et 150 mots. Ce paragraphe est dans le format requis. Mots-clés. Une liste de 5 mots-clés séparés par des virgules Abstract. An abstract should be given in English. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 150 words. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 150 words. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 150 words. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 150 words. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 150 words. Keywords. A list of 5 keywords separated by commas 1 Introduction Ces instructions sont à respecter pour soumettre un article à la conférence EIAH 2019. Ce modèle Word doit être utilisé. Ce style est très proche de celui qui est utilisé dans les LNCS de Springer car les actes de la conférence seront créés à partir du site esaychair qui utilise ce format pour automatiser une partie du processus d’édition. Il est donc important de respecter tous les styles (title, heading, normal, …). Pour que votre texte respecte le présent format, il est préférable d’écrire directement dans ce fichier. L’autre possibilité est de copier l’ensemble de votre texte dans ce fichier et d’appliquer les styles adéquats sur chacun des titres et paragraphes. Au moment de l’édition, les articles qui ne respectent pas ces consignes seront renvoyés aux auteurs. Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain 2019 Les auteurs qui le souhaitent peuvent utiliser le style latex de LNCS ( guidelines) à condition de respecter la première page ci-dessus (résumés et mots-clés en Français et Anglais) ainsi que les entêtes des pages paires et impaires. Les consignes qui suivent ont été laissées en Anglais mais la rédaction doit être effectuée en Français. 2 Paper Preparation The printing area is 122 mm × 193 mm. The text should be justified to occupy the full line width, so that the right margin is not ragged, with words hyphenated as appropriate. Please fill pages so that the length of the text is no less than 180 mm, if possible. Use 10-point type for the name(s) of the author(s) and 9-point type for the address(es) and the abstract. For the main text, please use 10-point type and single- line spacing. We recommend the use of Computer Modern Roman or Times. Italic type may be used to emphasize words in running text. Bold type and underlining should be avoided. Headings. Headings should be capitalized (i.e., nouns, verbs, and all other words except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions should be set with an initial capital) and should, with the exception of the title, be aligned to the left. Words joined by a hyphen are subject to a special rule. If the first word can stand alone, the second word should be capitalized. The font sizes are given in Table 1. Here are some examples of headings: "Criteria to Disprove Context-Freeness of Collage Languages", "On Correcting the Intrusion of Tracing Non-deterministic Programs by Software", "A User-Friendly and Extendable Data Distribution System", "Multi-flip Networks: Parallelizing GenSAT", "Self-determinations of Man". Table 1. Font sizes of headings. Table captions should always be positioned above the tables. Heading level Example Font size and style Title (centered) Lecture Notes … 14 point, bold 1st-level heading 1 Introduction 12 point, bold 2nd-level heading 2.1 Printing Area 10 point, bold 3rd-level heading Headings. Text follows … 10 point, bold 4th-level heading Remark. Text follows … 10 point, italic Titre court de l’article Lemmas, Propositions, and Theorems. The numbers accorded to lemmas, propositions, and theorems, etc. should appear in consecutive order, starting with Lemma 1, and not, for example, with Lemma 11. 2.1 Figures Please check that the lines in line drawings are not interrupted and have a constant width. Grids and details within the figures must be clearly legible and may not be written one on top of the other. Line drawings should have a resolution of at least 800 dpi (preferably 1200 dpi). The lettering in figures should have a height of 2 mm (10- point type). Figures should be numbered and should have a caption which should always be positioned under the figures, in contrast to the caption belonging to a table, which should always appear above the table. Please center the captions between the margins and set them in 9-point type (Fig. 1 shows an example). The distance between text and figure should be about 8 mm, the distance between figure and caption about 6 mm. To ensure that the reproduction of your illustrations is of a reasonable quality, we advise against the use of shading. The contrast should be as pronounced as possible. If screenshots are necessary, please make sure that you are happy with the print quality before you send the files. Remark 1. In the printed volumes, illustrations are generally black and white (halftones), and only in exceptional cases, and if the author is prepared to cover the extra costs involved, are colored pictures accepted. Colored pictures are welcome in the electronic version free of charge. If you send colored figures that are to be printed in black and white, please make sure that they really are legible in black and white. Some colors show up very poorly when printed in black and white. Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain 2019 Fig. 1. One kernel at xs (dotted kernel) or two kernels at xi and xj (left and right) lead to the same summed estimate at xs. This shows a figure consisting of different types of lines. Elements of the figure described in the caption should be set in italics, in parentheses, as shown in this sample caption. 2.2 Formulas Displayed equations or formulas are centered and set on a separate line (with an extra line or halfline space above and below). Displayed expressions should be numbered for reference. The numbers should be consecutive within each section or within the contribution, with numbers enclosed in parentheses and set on the right margin. x + y = z . (0) Please punctuate a displayed equation in the same way as ordinary text but with a small space before the end punctuation. 2.3 Footnotes The superscript numeral used to refer to a footnote appears in the text either directly after the word to be discussed or – in relation to a phrase or a sentence – following the punctuation mark (comma, semicolon, or period). Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the normal text area, with a line of about 5cm set immediately above them1. 2.4 Program Code Program listings or program commands in the text are normally set in typewriter font, e.g., CMTT10 or Courier. 1 The footnote numeral is set flush left and the text follows with the usual word spacing. Titre court de l’article Example of a Computer Program from Jensen K., Wirth N. (1991) Pascal user manual and report. Springer, New York program Inflation (Output) {Assuming annual inflation rates of 7%, 8%, and 10%,... years}; const MaxYears = 10; var Year: 0..MaxYears; Factor1, Factor2, Factor3: Real; begin Year := 0; Factor1 := 1.0; Factor2 := 1.0; Factor3 := 1.0; WriteLn('Year 7% 8% 10%'); WriteLn; repeat Year := Year + 1; Factor1 := Factor1 * 1.07; Factor2 := Factor2 * 1.08; Factor3 := Factor3 * 1.10; WriteLn(Year:5,Factor1:7:3,Factor2:7:3, Factor3:7:3) until Year = MaxYears end. 2.5 Citations The list of references is headed “References” and is not assigned a number. The list should be set in small print and placed at the end of your contribution, in front of the appendix, if one exists. Please do not insert a pagebreak before the list of references if the page is not completely filled. An example is given at the end of this information sheet. For citations in the text please use square brackets and consecutive numbers: [1], [2], [3], etc. 2.6 Page Numbering and Running Heads Please do not set page numbers. Modify the running head to add your article title. Acknowledgments. The uploads/Litterature/ modele-eiah2019.pdf

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