===Morrowind 2017: Cynderal Edition=== This is my personal set of tweaks for Gu

===Morrowind 2017: Cynderal Edition=== This is my personal set of tweaks for Guideanon's 2016 guide. The official guide hasn't been updated in around 8 months as of writing this, so I figured that while I work on completing my own guide, I would make some adjustments and additions to this one. Any of my changes are marked with a tilde (~) symbol. Pretty much all of the work here is Guideanon's, my tweaks just fix some errors that new players looking to mod the game might not notice. This is still a work in progress, so not everything I plan to tweak or add has been done yet. The original guide can be found here. Much love to you Guideanon, if you're out there: (http://pastebin.com/7gF2VLaf) The Guide for a Guide has also been largely incorporated into this. I love you too, whoever made it: (http://pastebin.com/5diKftC7) ===Before we begin=== You should always read the mod page or glance through the readme of any mod we're downloading, so you'll at least be aware of what you're getting and what your options are. Also, you should extract the mods into a separate folder and not directly into your Morrowind install, because sometimes I'll ask you to delete textures or meshes as we already have something better. I'll be striving to arrange mod install order so that you don't have to do that very often. A few terms to keep in mind: >Install: This means dragging & dropping or copy and pasting the mod files into their proper folders in your Morrowind install directory. Almost all mods we download will be in the proper install setup (textures in textures folder, meshes in meshes subfolders), and if they're not, I'll tell you where they need to go. Unless I say otherwise, you should overwrite files as you go. If the mod comes with a .esp or .esm, you should activate it, again unless I say otherwise. Sometimes activating the .esp file is optional. >Activate the .esp/.esm: This means going into your Morrowind Launcher, clicking Data Files, and scrolling to find the new .esp or .esm and double clicking on the checkbox to activate it. Without this step, the game doesn't know to use the mod. >Pluginless: A pluginless replacer does what it says; it replaces game files (usually textures, sometimes meshes) without requiring a .esp or .esm file to do so. Most of the mods in this guide are pluginless. >Activate the archive: This only comes into play in a few mods listed in the guide, and all of them are optional. Still, if a mod comes with a .bsa, you need to open your Morrowind.ini and find the [Archives] section. By default, if you have Morrowind and both expansions, it should look like this: [Archives] Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa If you install a mod with a .bsa, you need to add another line, and put the name of the .bsa there. An example, using Windoors Glow: [Archives] Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa Archive 2=RR_Windoors_Glow.bsa ~Additionally, if you can't be bothered to register the BSAs yourself (I certainly can't) a tool to automate the process can be found here: http://download.fliggerty.com/download-58-633 >Generate distant land: This is a function of MGE XE and will have its own section towards the very end of the guide, so if you don't know what it is yet, don't worry about it until then. Most of the really cool functions of MGE XE (like per pixel lighting) require distant land to be generated. >Bump mapped mods: A lot of links in this guide will have bump map versions available, especially once we hit the architecture section. I don't know all the technical details of it, but bump mapping in Morrowind isn't quite like what you'd expect it to be. It's often very shiny looking, sometimes plastic-y, and it can make things look very bright depending on the reflection texture used. This is fine for metals and wet looking plants (it looks great on mushrooms, in my opinion), but can sometimes look a little weird on architecture. That means, if you ever have a choice between getting a bump map or no bump map version, the choice is 100% yours. If you do download a bump map version and decide you don't like it, you can get rid of the bumps by deleting the meshes that were included in the mod, and you can also delete the normal maps (usually they have _nm or _n at the end of their filename) if you want to save space. A note for anyone using or thinking about using OpenMW: do NOT use bump mapped mods made for the original Morrowind. It looks awful in OpenMW. ===Install the game=== a) Install the game, preferably not in Program Files. If GOTY edition, no patches are necessary. If you have some ancient disc version, the Tribunal patch is here (http://download.zenimax.com/elderscrolls/morrowind/patches/tribunal_v1.4.1313.exe) and the Bloodmoon patch is here (http://download.zenimax.com/elderscrolls/morrowind/patches/Bloodmoon_v1.6.1820.exe ). b) Download Morrowind Code Patch (http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/19510/?), extract it in your game directory and run it. Read through the patches, but the most important ones should be checked already. You might be interested in some of the game mechanic changing options--toggle sneak is great! For a modern install, make sure to check 'Bump/reflect map local lighting' under Graphics changes. If you want to download HD cutscene replacers, check 'Hi-def cutscene support' under Mod related features. If you want to try a sound overhaul mod later (like Morrowind Acoustic Overhaul) make sure to check 'Scripted music uninterruptible' and 'Separate axe inventory sounds'. Make SURE to keep the backup Morrowind.Original that running the code patch makes, this way, if you ever need to change your MCP applied patches, you'll have your original executable to go back to. You can't code patch Morrowind once you've used the .exe optimizer or the 4gb patch. c) Next, use Timeslip's .exe Optimizer (http://timeslip.users.sourceforge.net/exeopt.html) on your Morrowind.exe. If it doesn't work for you (it didn't for me at first), there's a few things you can try. The first thing I recommend is to go into the code generator patch and changing all the drop downs to read 0; this worked for me. Other things you can try are to turn off the 'Benchmark patches' option in the Benchmarker tab, or setting exeOpt to run with only one CPU affinity in task manager. If you try all of this and it still errors out or doesn't work for you, just restore your backup (by running exeOpt again and trying to patch Morrowind one last time, and choosing to restore backup, or renaming Morrowind.Original to Morrowind and rerunning the code patch) and go to the next step. d) Use the 4gb patch (http://www.ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php) on Morrowind.exe. e) Download and extract MGE XE (http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/41102/?) into your install folder--not the data folder! MGEXEgui must be in the same folder as Morrowind.exe! Run MGEXEgui, choose your resolution and settings from the first tab (don't forget to click the Auto FOV button). I don't recommend messing with shaders at this time, and don't even bother clicking on the Distant Land tab; that's going to be one of our final steps. The In-Game tab lets you edit some .ini settings easily. Choose whatever you want. For lighting settings, use the following (from Knots' old guide): Quadratic 2.619 Linear 1.0 Constant 0.382 If you'd like the latest version of MGE XE, the beta can be found here (http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/26348/?). It's the second file down. It needs to be installed over the 0.9.10 you got earlier. f) Download mlox (http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43001/?). You can also get the latest data file for it here (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mlox/). mlox is the Morrowind equivalent of LOOT or BOSS, and it needs to go into its own folder in your Morrowind install. Mine is in Morrowind\mlox. Extract the latest data file (mlox_base) into your mlox folder, run the application and hit update load order. You should get into the habit of doing this after you install mods that require an .esp to be activated. It's a few months out of date, but the mods we'll be downloading with .esps are all old enough that they're included in the mlox_base file. Reminder: From now on, unless told otherwise, files should go into either Data Files or their respective folder (usually Meshes or Textures). .esps, .esms and .bsas go directly into Data Files. .dds and .tga are texture files. .nifs are meshes, but almost always go in a subfolder based on a prefix (ex_ goes in x, in_ goes in i, furn_ or flora_ goes in f, etc). Most mods are already packaged so that it's a simple matter of drag and drop to install them manually. ===Patch Plugins=== a) Unfortunately, unlike newer titles, there's no simple Unofficial Patch--yet. The closest Morrowind has is the Morrowind Patch Project, which is now several years out of date and no longer includes every known bugfix. There's a group working on the Unofficial Morrowind Patch, but they haven't released anything yet. Download Morrowind Patch v1.6.6_beta.7z here (http://www.theassimilationlab.com/forums/files/download/1060-previous-patches- unofficial-morrowind-patch/). Don't forget to go uploads/Litterature/ morrowind-modding-guide.pdf

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