ORACLE 9i DBA Pocket Guide Revised for 9i by Kevin Dahl/Jeff Holt Download this
ORACLE 9i DBA Pocket Guide Revised for 9i by Kevin Dahl/Jeff Holt Download this and other Pocket Guides and technical articles from our website: Contact: Solution Beacon, LLC reserves the right to revise or make improvements to this document at any time without obligation to notify any person of such revisions or improvements. Solution Beacon does not warrant that this document is error-free. In no event shall Solution Beacon be liable for any consequential or incidental damages, including, but not limited to, loss of business profits. Any other commercial product names herein are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective owners. © Copyright 2003 Solution Beacon, LLC. All Rights Reserved Revision 200308 open_cursors = 64 # Maximum number of cursors that a user session can have open at any one time. parallel_max_servers = 5 # Maximum number of servers that are allowed to exist concurrently. Set the value to (maximum number of PQO users * their maximum degree of parallelism * 2). pga_aggregate_target = 1000m #specifies the target aggregate PGA memory available. processes = 25 # Max number of simultaneous connections allowed to the instance. query_rewrite_enabled = FALSE #enable or disable query rewriting (ex: materialized views/function indexes). rollback_segments = (r01,r02,r03,r04) # Indicates all of the private rollback segments that you want brought online at instance startup. row_locking = ALWAYS # Should row locking be used? shared_pool_size = 3500000 # Size of shared buffer pool in the SGA. sort_area_size = 2048000 # Size in bytes that a user process has available for sorting. system_trig_enabled = FALSE # set to TRUE when upgrading rdbms. timed _statistics = TRUE # If set TRUE, provides needed CPU timing information on your SQL statements & by user sessions. undo_management = AUTO # specifies the undo space management mode. undo_retention = 1800 # specifies (in seconds) the amount of committed undo information to retain undo_tablespace = UNDOTS # undo tablespace to be used when instance starts. user_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/ORCL/udump # Directory in which to write user process trace files. workarea_size_policy = AUTO # Controls mode in which working areas are tuned. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accessing Utilities Help ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import -- $ imp help = y import example: $ imp system/manager file=expdat.dmp full=y rows=y buffer=2048000 indexes=y ignore=y commit=y log=full_import.log Export -- $ exp help = y export example: $ exp system/manager file=expdat.dmp full=y compress=y consistent=y buffer=1024000 log=full_exp.log SQL*Loader -- $ sqlldr <Enter> SQL*Plus -- Installing Help into SQL*Plus – As user oracle … execute the script, $ORACLE_HOME/bin/helpins ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database control (UNIX) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As user oracle … $ sqlplus / nolog SQL> connect / as sysdba SQL> startup startup – startup the database shutdown – shutdown the database ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initialization Parameters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- audit_file_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/ORCL/adump # Sets the path to which audit files are written. audit_trail = FALSE # Enables (TRUE) or disables (FALSE) writing of rows to the audit table. background_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/ORCL/bdump # Directory in which to write debugging trace files for the background processes (LGWR, DBWn, and so on). control_files = (/u01/oradata/ORCL/controlORCL01.ctl, /u02/oradata/ORCL/controlORCL02.ctl) # Full path to database control files. core_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/ORCL/cdumpn # Directory in which to write core dumps in an error situation. db_block_buffers = 6000 # Sets the size of the database buffer cache in memory. In 8.1.x, the default buffer cache size is calculated to be as many buffers as will fit in 48MB. db_block_size = 8192 # Size of each database buffer. Oracle recommends that you set the parameter to a minimum of 8 kilobytes. This parameter takes effect only at the time the database is created. db_domain = # Specifies the extension components of a global database name, consisting of valid identifiers, separated by periods. db_files = 80 # Number of database files that can be open when the database is running. db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8 # Number of blocks read into the buffer cache at once when performing a sequential scan. db_name = ORCL # The name of this database. enqueue_resources = 9999 # Sets the number of resources (10- 65535) that can be locked by the operating system lock manager. global_names = TRUE # Enables (TRUE) or disables (FALSE) db link name checking. java_pool_size = 50000000 # minimum for 11i log_archive_dest = /u08/oraarch/ORCL/arch # Directory location & the first part of the name of each archive log that will be written. log_archive_format = _%s.log # Sets format for archived logs. log_archive_start = TRUE # Enables (TRUE) or Disables (FALSE) archiving. log_buffer = 65536 # Number of bytes allocated to redo log buffer in the SGA. Max = 500K or 128K * CPU_COUNT. log_checkpoint_interval = 10000 # Number of new redo log file blocks needed to trigger a checkpoint. Values: 2 to UNLIMITED. max_dump_file_size = 500 # Limits the physical size of the trace file to the specified number of operating system blocks (or UNLIMITED). max_enabled_roles = 20 # Maximum number of roles per user. max_rollback_segments = 30 # Maximum number of rollback segments that can be kept online simultaneously by one instance. mts_dispatchers = ìtcp,1î # Number & type of dispatcher processes to be created when database or database instance starts up. mts_max_dispatchers = 5 # Maximum number of dispatchers that can run simultaneously. mts_max_servers = 20 # Maximum number of server processors that can run simultaneously. mts_servers = 1 # Number of servers with which to start. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DBA Views ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Storage Information -- DBA_EXTENTS, DBA_FREE_SPACE, DBA_OBJECTS, DBA_OBJECT_SIZE, DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS, DBA_SEGMENTS, DBA_TABLESPACES Operating System -- DBA_DATA_FILES, DBA_EXP_FILES Privileges -- DBA_COL_PRIVS, DBA_PROFILES, DBA_ROLES, DBA_ROLE_PRIVS, DBA_SYS_PRIVS, DBA_TAB_PRIVS, DBA_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS Indexes -- DBA_INDEXES, DBA_IND_COLUMNS, DBA_IND_EXPRESSIONS, DBA_IND_PARTITIONS Tables/Views -- DBA_TABLES, DBA_TAB_COLUMNS, DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS, DBA_TAB_COMMENTS, DBA_UNUSED_COL_TABS, DBA_VIEWS Constraints -- DBA_CONSTRAINTS, DBA_CONS_COLUMNS Triggers -- DBA_TRIGGERS, DBA_TRIGGER_COLS, DBA_INTERNAL_TRIGGERS Materialized Views -- DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES, DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS, DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS, DBA_MVIEW_JOINS, DBA_MVIEW_KEYS Partitions -- DBA_PART_COL_STATISTICS, DBA_PART_HISTOGRAMS, DBA_PART_INDEXES, DBA_PART_KEY_COLUMNS, DBA_PART_LOBS, DBA_PART_TABLES, DBA_IND_SUBPARTITIONS, DBA_LOB_PARTITIONS, DBA_LOB_SUBPARTITIONS Objects, Methods and Types -- DBA_OBJECT_TABLES, DBA_METHOD_PARAMS, DBA_METHOD_RESULTS, DBA_TYPES, DBA_TYPE_ATTRS, DBA_TYPE_METHODS, DBA_DIMENSIONS, DBA_LOBS Operators -- DBA_OPANCILLARY, DBA_OPARGUMENTS, DBA_OPBINDINGS, DBA_OPERATORS Summaries -- DBA_SUMMARIES, DBA_SUMMARY_AGGREGATES, DBA_SUMMARY_DETAIL_TABLES, DBA_SUMMARY_JOINS, DBA_SUMMARY_KEYS Miscellaneous -- DBA_DB_LINKS, DBA_SOURCE, DBA_SEQUENCES, DBA_SYNONYMS, DBA_USERS, DBA_OUTLINES, DBA_JOBS, DBA_JOBS_RUNNING, DBA_LIBRARIES, DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS, DBA_RULESETS, DBA_OUTLINE_HINTS, DBA_POLICIES, DBA_SUBPART_KEY_COLUMNS, DBA_TEMP_FILES, DBA_TS_QUOTAS, DBA_JAVA_POLICY, USER_JAVA_POLICY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamic Performance Views ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instance Level Tuning -- v$GLOBAL_TRANSACTION, v$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY, v$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED, v$SORT_SEGMENT, v$SORT_USAGE, v$STATNAME, v$SYSSTAT, v$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE, v$SYSTEM_EVENT, v$TRANSACTION, v$INSTANCE, v$LATCH, v$LIBRARYCACHE, v$ROLLSTAT, v$ROWCACHE, vRSGASTAT, v$SQLAREA, v$SQLTEXT, v$WAITSTAT Recovery Based Views -- v$ARCHIVE, v$ARCHIVE_DEST, v$BACKUP_CORRUPTION, v$BACKUP_DEVICE, v$BACKUP_REDOLOG, v$DELETED_OBJECT, v$RECOVERY_LOG, v$RECOVER_FILE, v$ARCHIVED_LOG, v$BACKUP, v$BACKUP_DATAFILE, v$BACKUP_PIECE, v$BACKUP_SET, v$RECOVERY_FILE_STATUS, v$RECOVERY_STATUS, v$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION, v$DATABASE_INCARNATION Cache Views -- v$CACHE, v$LIBRARYCACHE, v$SUBCACHE, v$DB_OBJECT_CACHE, v$ROWCACHE Control File Views -- v$CONTROLFILE, v$CONTROLFILE_RECORD_SELECTION Cursor / SQL Views -- v$OPEN_CURSOR, v$SQLAREA, v$SQL, v$SQLTEXT, v$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES, v$SQL_CURSOR, v$SQL_BIND_METADATA, v$SQL_SHARED_MEMORY, v$SQL_BIND_DATA, v$SQL_WORKAREA, v$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE Security Views -- v$ENABLEDPRIVS, v$PWFILE_USERS Session Views -- v$ACCESS, v$MYSTAT, v$PROCESS, v$SESSION , v$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO, v$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE, v$SESSION_EVENT, v$SESSION_LONGOPS, v$SESSION_OBJECT_CACHE, v$SESSION_WAIT, v$SESSTAT (needs v$statname, v$session join), v$SESS_IO Latch and Lock Views -- v$BUFFER_POOL, v$CACHE_LOCK, v$CLASS_PING, v$DLM_CONVERT_LOCAL, v$DLM_CONVERT_REMOTE, v$DLM_LATCH, v$DLM_MISC, v$ENQUEUE_LOCK, v$EVENT_NAME, v$FALSE_PING, v$FILE_PING, v$LATCH, v$LATCHHOLDER, v$LATCHNAME, v$LATCH_CHILDREN, v$LATCH_MISSES, v$LATCH_PARENT, v$LOCK, v$LOCK_ACTIVITY, v$LOCK_ELEMENT, v$LOCKED_OBJECT, v$LOCKS_WITH_COLLISIONS, v$PING, v$RESOURCE, v$RESOURCE_LIMIT, v$TRANSACTION_ENQUEUE, v$LOCK Instance Views -- v$ACTIVE_INSTANCES, v$BGPROCESS, v$BH, v$COMPATBILITY, v$COMPATSEG, v$COPY_CORRUPTION, v$DATABASE, v$DATAFILE, v$DATAFILE_COPY, v$DATAFILE_HEADER, v$DBFILE, v$DBLINK, v$DB_PIPES, © Copyright 2003 Solution Beacon, LLC. All Rights Reserved v$INSTANCE, v$LICENSE, v$OFFLINE_RANGE, v$OPTION, v$SGA, v$SGA_STAT, v$TABLESPACE, v$VERSION Fixed Views -- v$FIXED_TABLE, v$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION, v$INDEXED_FIXED_COLUMN Miscellaneous Views -- v$TIMER, v$TYPE_SIZE, v$SEQUENCES MTS and Parallel Server Views -- v$CIRCUIT, v$DISPATCHER, v$DISPATCHER_RATE, v$MTS, v$QUEUE, v$REQDIST, v$SHARED_SERVER, v$THREAD File Mapping -- v$MAP_LIBRARY, v$MAP_FILE, v$MAP_FILE_EXTENT, v$MAP_ELEMENT, v$MAP_EXT_ELEMENT, v$MAP_SUBELEMENT, v$MAP_COMP_LIST, v$MAP_FILE_IO_STACK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Popular Instance Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descriptions for statistics stored in the v$SESSTAT and v$SYSSTAT views. Set TIMED_STATISTICS = TRUE in the database. Query: SELECT, s.value FROM v$statname n, v$sysstat s WHERE n.statistic# = s.statistic# ORDER BY n.class,; enqueue timeouts – lock timed out, s/b small #. enqueue waits – # times waited for a lock. enqueue requests – # of locks requested. enqueue conversions – # times lock type changed. enqueue releases – # of locks released. db block gets – # requests for current copy of block. consistent gets – this + db block gets = # logical reads. physical reads – reads directly from disk. free buffer requested – # of free buff DBWR free buffers found – number of clean buffers found in scan. DBWR lru scans – number of times lru scanned. DBWR buffers scanned – number of lru scanned for dirty buffers. Logons cumulative – a since last warm start. Logons current – current users. opened cursors cumulative – since warm start. opened cursors current – current SQL cursors. recursive calls – high value indicates dict cache too small. redo entries – # redo entries created. redo size – bytes of generated redo entries. redo buffer allocation retries – indicates redo problem. redo wastage – filler added to redos, high value is ok. redo log space requests – requests to write to redo buffer. session logical reads – total # of reads (logical/physical). sorts(disk) – number of sorts sent to disk. sorts(memory) – number of sorts performed in memory. sorts(rows) – total number of rows sorted cumulative. table scans (long tables) – minimize in application. table scan rows gotten – minimize in application. table fetch by rowid – indexed fetches. uploads/Litterature/ pocket-guide.pdf
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