Projects & Research Sites Browse by Subject Language by Linguistic Subfield by
Projects & Research Sites Browse by Subject Language by Linguistic Subfield by Language Family Help Us Add a link to Projects & Research Sites Update or report a bad link ·A Logical Approach to Computational Corpus Linguistics: This page is dedicated to an approach to corpus linguistics that uses sentences of logic to express statements about texts, and inference to manipulate these sentences in order to analyse the texts. ·Aboriginal Child Language Acquisition project (Australia): This site describes the second phase of a longitudinal study into child language, and child-directed speech, in multilingual Indigenous Australian communities. The project focuses on school-aged children (at home and in the school environment) and is funded by the Australian Research Council. Our project website contains information about the research team, research plans, recent publications, and relevant links. · Dear all, I’m a Fellow in philosophy at All Souls College Oxford, where I recently finished my D.Phil on the intersection of the philosophy of language and the philosophy of perception. I’ve just launched a website,, which does two things: - It displays academics around the world in a 'tree' format, according to what university/department they are affiliated with. - It enables an academic to have an easy-to-maintain academic webpage. My webpage on is here: My hope for the site is that it will list every academic – Faculty members, Post-Docs, and Graduate Students - in the world, and display where they are working. I also hope people will use the site to keep track of what people in their field are working on. Linguistics is currently one of the most active research interests on, with people in 13 different sub- research interests: Composition Studies Computational Linguistics / Natural Language Processing Discourse Analysis Historical Linguistics History Of Linguistics Interlinguistics Languages Morphology Philology Phonetics Phonology Pragmatics Rhetoric Semantics Semiotics Sociolinguistics Syntax I’m trying to spread the word about, so, if you have a minute, please visit the site, and add yourself to your department. If your department/university is not there, you can add it/them by clicking on the arrows coming out of the department/university boxes. And do spread the word to your friends and colleagues if you can. Many thanks, Richard Dr. Richard Price, Prize Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford, OX1 4AL ·Academy of the Hebrew Language: The official site of the Academy of the Hebrew Language ·ACQUILEX Project on Computational Lexicons and Lexicography: The Acquilex projects were funded by the European Commission under the Basic Research initiative. The goal of the first project was to explore the utility of constructing a multilingual lexical knowledge base from machine-readable versions of conventional dictionaries. The second project extended this goal by exploring the utility of machine readable textual corpora as a source of lexical information not coded in conventional dictionaries, and by adding dictionary publishing partners to exploit the lexical database and corpus extraction software developed by the projects for conventional lexicography. ·ALFAL, Asociación de Lingüística y Filologia de América Latina: Site of the Institute Cervantes. ·Amarauna Languages: World Languages Network AMARAUNA is a project which aims to promote the linguistic rights and its goal is to strengthen relations among people and institutions that have realized about the importance of the heritage and diversity of the languages of the world. The aim of AMARAUNA World Languages Network is to exchange experience and information making use of the possibilities that internet provides. Any person or organisation will be able to participate presenting their works or offering their knowledge and experience. A forum will be created approaching this project to people in charge of maintaining the linguistic heritage, researchers, working groups, etc. It will promote the establishment of an adequate linguistic policy for the recuperation of languages in danger. ·American Sign Language Linguistic Research Project (ASLLRP): A collaborative project for investigation of ASL syntax, and development of a multimedia tool, SignStream, to facilitate access to and analysis of sign language data. ·AMERIND: AMERIND is a discussion list for examining hypotheses concerning deep relationships between Native American language families and isolates, 20 years after the publication of Joseph Greenberg's 'Language in the Americas'. The Greenbergian scheme has diffused widely through the media, and is often uncritically accepted by linguistic typologists, geneticists and others. Work by Sapir, Swadesh, Haas, and others can also be discussed. This particular horse may seem to have been beaten to death in the period after 1987, but questions still remain, and newer findings need to be integrated into the discussion. Hope to see you there. Jess Tauber ·Ancient Baybayin Scripts Network: The Ancient Baybayin Scripts Network(ABSN) is a community of open forum academic exchange & discussion on the ancient writing scripts & writing systems of the Philippines.We welcome new diverse perspectives on news and updates on the current situation of Baybayin(Alibata)scripts of today.Enjoy learning and writing Baybayin in the many languages of the Philippines. The Alibata forum brings unique,rare, and diverse topics about Ivatan syntax, Igorot Studies, Hanunoo-Mangyan poetry, Kinaray-a semantics, ambahan, computer fonts, ethnobotany, ethnopoetics, Surat Mangyan, Philippine ethnolinguistic groups, epigraphy, ethnomedicine, Aklanon phonetics, Bisayan genetic classification, Pangasinan grammar, Sambal proverbs, Agta linguistics, Ilonggo morphology, Mindanao news, & Lumad tribes. We encourage new opportunities to interact with others in learning new languages with different syllabic, alphabetic, & logographic writing systems & see how it affected the evolution of baybayin scripts. We are a unique group that advocates unity in topics of Cebuano phonology, Kapampangan Studies, Ilokano lexicography, Waray language, Hiligaynon literature, ethnosphere, Austronesian Studies, orthography, paleography, calligraphy,& Bicolano ethnomusicology. We appreciate any advertisements for nonprofit virtual activism & resources that promotes advocacy for linguistic rights , ancestral rights, cultural rights, and indigenous rights. Join us in the research in Austronesian genetics, migrations, navigation, cultural survival, and human rights that affect the greater understanding of the Austronesian Diaspora and baybayin. We encourage new methods on deciphering archaelogical baybayin artifacts, pottery, inscriptions, rock art, petroglyphs, and pictograph characters found throughout the Philippine Islands. The ABSN is your networking community where we begin our travel together into new journeys of Baybayin knowledge,& where the celebrations of network friendships and respect never ends. ·ARTFL Project: American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language: Homepage of the ARTFL Project at the University of Chicago. ·ATS: Anto Translation Services: I am a freelance technical translator and my website, in addition to introducing my profession, has also a page dedicated to several useful links to resources for other translators, and a Community feature. Besides, it is possible to publish works related to Linguistics, or glossaries and dictionaries. ·Augmented Syntax Diagram (ASD) project: Software tools in open-source Java for constructing grammars and semantic representations. Also, working examples from English syntax, semantics, and pragmatics in limited pragmatic domains. ·Baure documentation project: Baure is a southern Arawakan language of Bolivian Amazonia. On this website you can see which materials are being produced for the language community, and which other activities our project team is involved in. ·Bilingual Education Platform: This is a meeting point for those who are involved in bilingual education or CLIL can exchange their ideas, experiences, material, etc. ·Braille IPA Project: This web site is a resource for disseminating information and seeking input on the Unified IPA Braille code, and contains other links of interest for blind professionals and students of linguistics. ·Building a Catalogue of South American Languages: Etnolinguistica.Org, an information hub on indigenous South American languages (, has recently launched an initiative to create a peer- maintained, up-to-date catalogue of South American languages, relying on a network of linguists directly involved in the documentation and analysis of the continent's languages. Each entry in the catalogue is an individual page providing basic information such as number of speakers, location, genetic affiliation, etc. Additional information on the catalogue (currently, only in Portuguese) can be found at the following address: The catalogue is cross-referenced with a directory of South Americanists ( and an ever-growing list of online resources (theses, news articles, academic papers, hard-to-find books, etc.), in such a way that, by clicking on a given language tag, one can find not only a list of online materials, but ways of getting directly in touch with linguists working on that language as well. It is hoped that such integration between authors and resources will ensure a certain measure of control, by the scientific community, over the quality of the information being provided. The catalogue's editors strongly urge all interested colleagues to contribute to this initiative, by reviewing the available entries ( and filling up the online form available at the following address: All the best, The editors ·BulTreeBank project site: The main goal of the BulTreeBank project is to develop a high quality set (Treebank) of syntactic trees for Bulgarian within the framework of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) - see (Pollard and Sag 1994). At the site the following materials are available: - Bulgarian Language Resources - CLaRK - an XML Based System For Corpora Development - Publication on various topics: language uploads/Litterature/ projects-amp-research-sites-browse.pdf
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