PROMC 1 March 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROMC Guide Introduction to PROMC ........
PROMC 1 March 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROMC Guide Introduction to PROMC ...................................................................................................................2 Geoview / Initializing PROMC .......................................................................................................3 P-wave Seismic Data Loading .........................................................................................................6 Horizon Import...............................................................................................................................11 Loading Converted PS-wave Data .................................................................................................14 Domain Conversion .......................................................................................................................17 Wavelet Extraction .........................................................................................................................18 Well Log Correlation .....................................................................................................................22 Synthetic Modeling ........................................................................................................................35 Domain Conversion using Velocity Models ..................................................................................40 Horizon Picking .............................................................................................................................46 Horizon Matching ..........................................................................................................................53 VP/VS Mapping ..............................................................................................................................55 Joint Inversion ................................................................................................................................57 2 Hampson-Russell Software Services March 2009 GUIDE TO PROMC Introduction to PROMC PROMC is a tool designed to aid in the analysis and interpretation of Multi Component (MC) seismic data. Multi component seismic can help with fracture detection, imaging through gas clouds, lithology definition and fluid identification. It can also improve time lapse interpretation by helping to resolve non-uniqueness between pressure and saturation changes. Historically, it has been difficult to interpret PP and PS seismic volumes consistently. These difficulties are related to the different event times and frequencies on the PS data, together with differences in PP and PS reflectivity. PROMC has been developed to create an easy-to-use and intuitive work environment for the interpretation and analysis of post-stack, migrated Multi Component data. Analysis of MC data generally includes the following steps: 1) Modeling of PP and PS synthetic seismograms. 2) Wavelet extraction from both the PP and the PS seismic. 3) Well log correlation to the seismic data. 4) Identification of key markers on the PP and PS data. 5) Event picking of key seismic markers on the PP and PS volumes. 6) Event matching between the PP and PS seismic. 7) Mapping of the VP/VS ratio throughout the 3D volume. 8) Joint inversion of PP and PS data to create 3D volumes of P-impedance, S-impedance, VP/VS ratio and density. This tutorial takes you through an example of Multi Component data analysis through to Vp/Vs mapping and joint inversion. The main window of PROMC software includes the following features under the specified function key: Data Manager: Facilitates input and organization of project data from SEGY and Seisworks Display Domain: Allows the change of display from PP time to PS time, SS Time or depth domain. Domain Conversion: Options to use velocity tables, velocity volumes, Strata Models or well logs for P- and S-wave conversion. Modeling: Allows creation of synthetics for PP, PS, SS wave modes from input logs. Survey Regrid: Accommodates rebinning of multiple surveys to a common grid. Event Matching: Matching PP, PS and SS events. Calibration: Frequency, Phase and Amplitude matching options, cross-plots and cross- correlation. Horizons: Facilitates picking and management of PP, PS and SS horizons. Attributes: Calculation of standard and special attributes. Map Utilities: Creates data slices and maps. Strata Model: Facilitates the building and management of Density, P and S wave models. PROMC 3 March 2009 Joint PP-PS Inversion: Model based inversion to estimate volumes of acoustic properties that are consistent with the P and PS amplitude volumes. Geoview / Initializing PROMC Geoview is a program that has been provided to you along with PROMC. Geoview serves two purposes. One purpose is to read in and manage all well logs that are used by any Hampson- Russell program, including PROMC. The second purpose is to launch other programs, such as PROMC. If you are on a Unix workstation, initialize Geoview by going to a command window and typing in the command: Geoview <RETURN> If you are on a PC, double click on the Geoview icon or select Geoview under the Start menu. Then open the directory containing the PROMC Guide dataset. Geoview will list any available databases. Highlight Well_Database.wdb and select OK. 4 Hampson-Russell Software Services March 2009 The Geoview: Well Explorer window will open. Select Well One and click Display Well to see the logs and tops included in this well: PROMC 5 March 2009 Exit the log window and the Well Explorer window by selecting Exit under File or by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the window. Then initiate the PROMC program by selecting that option on the Geoview program launch window: Start a New Project and give it a unique name: The PROMC main window will open and the project name and active database are noted in red at the bottom of the seismic window. 6 Hampson-Russell Software Services March 2009 P-wave Seismic Data Loading Select the Data Manager/ Import Data/ Open Seismic/ from SEG-Y File… option from the buttons on the left of the main PROMC window. Locate the directory containing the PROMC Guide dataset, select the P-wave SEG-Y data and click Ok to move to the SEG-Y Seismic File Open window. The first menu will specify Geometry Type. Click Next>>. PROMC 7 March 2009 PROMC must know the input data type and the vertical domain of the seismic volume in order to correctly convert the data. The P-wave seismic file contains the vertical component data volume in standard two way travel time. The parameters are correct as shown below. Click Next to open the Format page. 8 Hampson-Russell Software Services March 2009 Update the Start Byte location number for Inline and Xline information. The first Inline byte for this data is 9 and the first byte for Xlines is 13. More information about the input data can be stipulated in the Detail Specification dialogs. In this example, no more details need be given so press Next. Choose Yes on this menu. The scan will only take place the first time you load a dataset. After that, the geometry and header information will be stored along with the SEG-Y file for use in any subsequent projects. PROMC 9 March 2009 This window contains summary geometry information, obtained from the trace headers, for the SEG-Y data being loaded. It is correct as shown above. Press OK on the window above and again on the information bulletin shown below. 10 Hampson-Russell Software Services March 2009 PROMC can map the seismic data between various domains (standard PP time, PS time, etc). The mapping process requires velocity information to operate. The defaults in PROMC are a VP/VS ratio of 2.0 and a constant P wave velocity of 3000 ms. The program only converts the data to the maximum time and to the sample rate of the first volume. If these defaults should be changed, you can do so on the Domain Conversion window. The first data volume is now loaded into the main PROMC window and the Well location information linked to this data is summarized in the Well To Seismic Map window. Click OK on this window to see the loaded P-wave data: A Base Map of the seismic grid with Well One indicated within the volume is available under the View>Base Map option. Double click on the Base Map at the well position. This will jump the seismic view to the new location at Inline 307. The P-wave log is shown at Xline 332. A red line on the Base Map illustrates the aerial location of the active data shown in the seismic window. Click the X in the upper corner of the Base Map window to close it. PROMC 11 March 2009 Horizon Import In most cases where MC data is available, the P wave interpretation has already been completed. This interpretation can be imported into PROMC. Later in this guide we will pick horizons on the converted PS-wave data. Select Data Manager>Import Data>Horizon>From File on the PROMC main window sidebar to import the horizons for this dataset. Once again locate the Guide directory and in the PROMC_Guide_Data subdirectory, select the Horizons_PP.hrz file, as shown below. 12 Hampson-Russell Software Services March 2009 On the first Pick File Format window, select Display the first selected file. A Notepad® window will open displaying the first selected file. The file has four columns indicating Xline, Inline and the time picks for two horizon files. Since there are Multiple Horizons in this file, select Yes on that option and click Next. On the page below, specify that there are two horizons in the pick file and then go on to the last File Format page: Using the displayed pick file as a guide, update the information below. It is important to choose a color other than red or blue for the horizons to avoid confusion during later Horizon Matching processes. After selecting the appropriate colors and filling in the required fields as shown below, press OK and close the Notepad® window containing the pick file. PROMC 13 March 2009 This information box indicates how many of the available picks were useable. Click OK: The two P-wave horizons, HRZ0 and HRZ4 are now displayed on the seismic P-wave data. 14 Hampson-Russell Software Services March 2009 Loading Converted PS-Wave Data: The radial component data can now be loaded into the project. Select Data Manager>Import Data>Open Seismic>From SEG-Y File again. The program will open the directory from which the last file loaded into this project was retrieved. Select PSwave.sgy and click Add and Next. The PS-wave SEG-Y contains PS data stored in the PS Time domain. These values must be correctly identified in uploads/Litterature/ promc-guide.pdf
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