10/2/2018 Suikoden FAQ/Walkthrough for PlayStation by AKishan - GameFAQs https:
10/2/2018 Suikoden FAQ/Walkthrough for PlayStation by AKishan - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/198843-suikoden/faqs/8054 1/51 Log In Log In Sign Up Sign Up ANSWERS ANSWERS BOARDS BOARDS PlayStation » Role-Playing » Japanese-Style Suikoden Suikoden – Guides and FAQs – Guides and FAQs FAQs FAQs Answers Answers Board Board More More FAQ/Walkthrough by AKishan Version: 2.3 | Updated: 11/21/01 Suikoden Walkthrough Version 2.3 By Amar Kishan on 11/21/01 amar_kishan@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i.) INTRODUCTION This is a complete walkthrough for Suikoden I (PSX). If you have anything to add, just contact me at: amar_kishan@hotmail.com. I hope you enjoy the guide. If you wish to use this guide for any purposes (other than use for help), please email me first. This guide is not to be reproduced in anyway without my permission first. This guide is copyright 2000-2001 Amar Kishan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii.) FORMAT This guide covers several things in a particular format, which is useful to know in order to use the guide. Walkthrough Format: Chapter: (Name) Section: (A,B,C, etc.) Name of place(s) Characters: (if any) Treasures: (If any) Enemies: (name and level of enemies) Boss: (If any) Boss Format: Name of Boss Recommended Level: (Level I was at when I killed it) Attacks: Name (I came up with the name based on the look of the attack) Strategy: (how to kill it) Status Format: Experience/Power/Speed Attack/Skill/Magic Armor/Defense/Luck -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii.) VERSION HISTORY 2.3 - Listed the location of the Rage Rune at Neclord's Castle - Updated the Credits 2.2 - Complete Unite Attack List - MInor Editing 2.1 - Hopefully fixed formatting problems 2.0 - Added Enemy Stats to Bestiary - Finished Runes and Spells List - Finished The 108 Stars of Destiny - Finished Armor - Removed Weapons - Removed Shopping List Menu 10/2/2018 Suikoden FAQ/Walkthrough for PlayStation by AKishan - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/198843-suikoden/faqs/8054 2/51 1.0 - Finished Walkthrough section. - Finished Army Units, Art, Music, Paints, Books - Finished Spell Combination Attacks - Updated Bestiary .4 - Walkthrough up through Neclord. - Bestiary update - Shopping List update - Character list update. .2 - Walkthrough up through Scarleticia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv.) TABLE OF CONTENTS i.) Introduction ii.) Version History iii.) Format iv.) Table of Contents I.) Walkthrough 1. The Golden Age 2. Medieval IRS 3. The Soul Eater 4. The Path of Liberators 5. Unity 6. The Land of Rebels 7. Loyal to the End 8. Vampirical Bastion 9. There Be Dragons Here 10. Blue Moon Kasim 11. The Last General 12. The Fall of the Empire II.) The 108 Stars of Destiny III.) Runes and Spells List IV.) Spell Combination Attacks V.) Unite Attacks VI.) Headquarters VII.) Armor VIII.) Bestiary IX.) Secrets/Tricks X.) Credits/Disclaimer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I.) WALKTHROUGH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 1. THE GOLDEN AGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.) Audience with the Emperor Characters: Hero<1>, Ted<not a star>, Gremio<>, Pahn<>, Cleo<> Treasures:100 bits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You start of in the upper floor of Gregminster Palace. After talking to Teo, you'll gain audience to the Emperor. You learn that Teo is going to the North to settle a dispute with the Jowstone city-state, as Barbarossa entrusts him with his sword, Prakk. You are also to begin service with the Empire. Barbarossa will ask you to help him: [?] Yes, your Highness. {Agree to work for him} I don't wanna. {Agree anyway, apparently you were joking} Choose either option when the emperor asks you to join. After the audience, you are free to roam the place. Head downstairs. Teo will ask you to speak to Kraze, who warns you that you will get no special treatment. Go to the armory 10/2/2018 Suikoden FAQ/Walkthrough for PlayStation by AKishan - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/198843-suikoden/faqs/8054 3/51 in the left, and examine the statue for 100 bits. Then exit the castle. Teo will escort you home. After a brief chat, you will be free to wander around Gregminster. Here are the stats for your hero: Lv 1. 17/17 hp 0/13/15 18/22/12 23/18/15 W: 1/5 Wolf Fang Staff If you please, you can go to Rockland and use your 1500 bits to win lots of money from Marco, and outfit your hero. Otherwise, go upstairs and meet Ted. He'll ask if he can join. [?] Of course. {Let him come with you} Gee, I dunno. {Listen to him whinge and then be asked again} He joins. Lv 1. 17/17 hp 0/13/15 23/20/12 11/10/15 W: 3/10 Steel Bow ???? Rune Now, go to the hero's room. After the chat, save at his journal and go to the dining room. Teo declares that he is heading north, and wishes everyone to protect his son. The next day, Gremio wakes you up and joins: Lv 1. 22/22 hp 0/17/10 20/12/7 22/18/10 W: 1/9 Axe Head downstairs for Pahn and Cleo to join. Pahn Lv 1. 25/25 hp 0/25/10 3/17/3 24/18/15 W: 1/6 Claws Cleo Lv 1. 20/20 hp 0/12/12 18/20/21 20/15/20 W: 1/6 Air Sword Now, attempt to leave and Ted will wake up. He joins again. Now, it is time to visit Kraze. But first, outfit your characters a bit: Headbands and Leather coats at Rockland work well. When you are ready, talk to Kraze, who will tell you a Dragon Knight is waiting to take you to the Magician's Island. Your goal is to retrieve Astral conclusions from Lenkaat the Seer, Windy's sister. Kraze will then ask you to answer his questions about the mission: [?] Northeast of Gregminster {Show that you've been listening, continue getting briefed} Northwest of Gregminster {Make him think you're an idiot, continue getting briefed} Somewhere on this earth. {Make him think you're a pompous brat, continue getting briefed} After the meeting, go outside and to the left. Talk to Futch, a dragon knight, to go back and forth between Gregminster and the Island. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.) Magician's Island Treasures: Medicine, Leather Coat, Fire Crystal, Astral Conclusions, Wooden Shoes (dropped by FurFur) Enemies: Furfur, Holly Boy Boss: Golem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the docking point, head north, north, north, northeast, south, and northwest. Here, you will meet Luc. He summons a creature to make you 10/2/2018 Suikoden FAQ/Walkthrough for PlayStation by AKishan - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/198843-suikoden/faqs/8054 4/51 miserable...not really. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Golem Recommended Level: 3 Attacks: Normal Strategy: Have everyone attack but Pahn and Gremio, who should do a Talisman Attack. In two turns, he'll be dead. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luc, astonished at your performance, will escort you to Lenkaat's mansion. Ascend the staircase and speak with her. You will receive not only the Astral Conclusions, but also a reading telling you of your weight in the flow of fate. Leave the room. Cleo will receive a Fire Crystal from Lenkaat, and Luc will warp you to the docking point. Once at Gregminster, attach the Fire Crystal to Cleo, and follow Futch's advice and return to Kraze. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 2. MEDIEVAL IRS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.) Rockland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kraze, and another man, Kanaan, will inform you that people in the town of Rockland have not paid taxes. Your mission, which Kanaan joins, is to pay a visit to Grady, the Imperial Legate of Rockland. In case you hadn't gone there before, it is east of Gregminster. At Rockland, go to the mansion and demand to see Grady. You'll learn that bandits from Mt. Siefu have been pilfering tax money. Grady wants you to help him take care of them: [?] Of course. {Go fight} We should return home first. {Get ordered by Kanaan to go fight} You take up the new task of teaching them a lesson. Head southwest to Lenankamp, and sharpen everyones weapons and pick up Pointed Hats. Now head northeast to Rockland, and head east to Mt. Seifu. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.) Mt Seifu Treasures: Boots, Medicine [6x2], Defense Rune Piece, 1000 bits, Antique (vase), Leggings, Thunder rune piece, Shoulder Pads (dropped by bandits) Enemies: Bandits, Black Wild Boar, Soldier Ant Bosses:Queen Ant, Soldier Ant x3, Varkas and Sydonia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the foot of the mountain, go north. In this room, go northeast and pick up the boots and medicine. Now go southwest. In the next room, the path second from right gets you a Def. Rune Piece, the second from left gets you 1000 bits, and the left (west) path gets you an antique (vase). The middle path is the right way. In the next treasure room, pick up the medicine to the west, the Escape Talisman to the northwest, the leggings to the southeast, and head north. Go north again, then south, then north, <Somewhere in this area is the Queen Ant> then north, then northeast for a thunder rune piece. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Queen Ant, Soldier Antx3 Recommended Level: 6 Attacks: Normal (soldier), Magic (queen) Strategy: Conserve magic, and hammer the front row. After a while, you'll give up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ted proposes an idea, which you can accept or reject: [?] OK, Ted. {Let him do his thing} Don't be reckless, Ted. {Warn him, then let him do it anyway} He walks to up and challenges the beast alone, decimating it with a spell from the Soul Eater Rune. Kanaan recognizes this, but lets you continue anyway. Follow the path uploads/Litterature/ suikoden-walkthrough.pdf
littérature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- location: after ================================================================================ star:Documents similaires

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