Acr guide ACR Quick Guide CCarrie Bartels ?? UW Health - - ACR GUIDANCE FOR BLOCKHEADS GE CT SCANNERS cbartels uwhealth org https uwgect wiscweb wisc edu uw CComputed Tomography ACR Clinical Data Form Instructions Is it that time again to ?ll out your ACR

ACR Quick Guide CCarrie Bartels ?? UW Health - - ACR GUIDANCE FOR BLOCKHEADS GE CT SCANNERS cbartels uwhealth org https uwgect wiscweb wisc edu uw CComputed Tomography ACR Clinical Data Form Instructions Is it that time again to ?ll out your ACR accreditation forms Having trouble understanding what they are asking for Need simple steps to make your job go faster Don ? t want to fail ACR and have to pay another fee This power point will explain step-by-step on how to ?ll out the proper documentation for the American College of Radiology ACR ACR Guidance CFor this presentation we will cover the acquisition parameters CCT Non-REV KVP The KVP settings are found on - The axial image in your PACS - In the protocol on your scanner CT REV McKesson PACS CmA CT Non Rev Manual mA CT REV Manual mA Using Smart mA Take the highest number and the SmartmA lowest number add them together and divide by enter that result in this column Using Manual MA This will be a constant n umber CCT Non-REV CT REV TIME PER ROTATION CE ?ective MAS Leave blank only for Toshiba Cannon Scanners CScan FOV cm must be reported in cm Below are the most common scan FOV this will depend on your scanner make and model Large Body cm Medium Body cm Small Body cm Peds Body cm Head Wide bore cm Head all other scanners cm CDisplay FOV cm Found under the body card McKesson PACS CReconstruction Algorithm CT REV CT Non-Rev CAxial vs Helical CNumber of Slices per Tube rotation data channels used N Take the detector coverage in mm and divide by Number of slices per tube rotation Examples ?? channel channel channel channel CAcquisition slice thickness-z-axis collimation T in mm T detector coverage in mm CTable increment speed mm ? Axial table increment ? Helical take collimation x the pitch ? Collimation ? channel mm beam collimation ? channel mm beam collimation ? channel mm beam collimation ? Example ? x CT Non REV CT REV CReconstructed scan width mm CReconstructed Scan Interval mm CDose Reduction Technique Smart mA ASiR DLIR - for CT REV only CCTDIVOL Only the enter the CTDivol for the series do not include the scouts CDLP Only the enter the DLP for the series do not include the scouts CUpload your images to Triad C

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  • Publié le Jui 18, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 27.2kB