Quels sont les spécifications de l’accordage Ukulélé ? Posté par MyMusicTeacher

Quels sont les spécifications de l’accordage Ukulélé ? Posté par MyMusicTeacher en décembre 20, 2016 dans Entretien Pas de commentaire Le Ukulélé, à l’instar de la guitare, est bel est bien un instrument à part entière. Ne serait-ce que par ses propriétés physique qui le distingue du Guitarlélé, le Ukulélé va nécessiter un accordage différent. Quels sont les spécificités de cet accordage et comment s’accorder au mieux ? C’est ce que nous allons voir tout de suite dans notre étude sur l’accordage Ukulélé ! L’accordage Ukulélé standard et ses spécificités Avant d’accorder son Ukulélé, il faut savoir de quel type il s’agit. Les Ukulélés les plus communs sont le Soprano et le Ténor. Chacun d’eux ont leurs 4 cordes accordées, de la plus grosse à la plus fine, sur Sol (G), Do (C), Mi (E) et La (A). Ce schéma, synthétisé GCEA est aussi appelé High G. Il existe un accordage parallèle, dit Low G, qui consiste à diminuer la corde de Sol d’une octave par rapport au GCEA standard. La corde de sol alors utilisé devra avoir un tirant plus élevé. Petit rappel : on compte les cordes de 1 à 4 en commençant par la plus fine. Accorder son Ukulélé à l’oreille avec un La de référence Il est possible d’accorder son Ukulélé afin qu’il soit jouable même si vous n’avez pas de La de référence. Évidemment, à moins que vous ayez l’oreille absolue, l’accordage ne sera pas réellement un High/Low G. Si par contre, vous avez un La de référence, alors c’est très simple ! Le système d’accordage Ukulélé GCEA. La 1ère corde (la plus fine) est un La. Il vous suffit alors d’écouter le son du La de référence et de tourner la clé d’accordage de la 1ère corde jusqu’à ce que les sons se superposent. On retrouve ce type de La dans la tonalité d’un téléphone fixe, ou avec la vibration d’un diapason standard 440Hz. Une fois la 1ère corde (de La) accordée. On passe à la deuxième corde, le Mi (E). Il faut cette fois placer son doigt sur la 5ème frette et jouer les deux cordes en même temps. Le but est de tendre ou détendre la corde afin que la note en 5ème case, 2ème corde soit la même que celle de la 1ère corde (La) à vide. La 2ème corde (de Mi) maintenant accordé, on passe à la 3ème corde : le Do (C). Il faut placer son doigt sur la 4ème frette de la 3ème corde et la jouer en parallèle avec la 2ème corde à vide. Tendre ou détendre jusqu’à ce que le son de la 4ème case, 3ème corde soit identique à celui de la 2ème corde à vide. Enfin, passons à la 4ème corde, le Sol. Dans un accordage ukulélé High G, on va placer son doigt sur la 2ème case et la jouer en même temps que la 1ère corde (que l’on a précédemment accordé en La). Tendre ou détendre jusqu’à ce que la 4ème corde, 2ème case sonne de la même façon que la 1ère corde à vide. Pour un accordage Low G, la 4ème corde, 2ème case, doit sonner un octave en dessous de la 1ère corde à vide. Soit beaucoup plus grave ! The different types of Ukulele Tunings Ukulele For Dummies By Alistair Wood Ukulele tunings have changed over time, and plenty of variety still exists, with different players using different tunings for their ukuleles. The note a string plays (known as its pitch) depends on three things, two of which you set before starting to play to select the tuning:  How tight the string is: The tighter the string, the higher the note, and the looser the string, the lower the note.  How thick the string is: The thinner the string, the higher the note.  How long the string is: The shorter the string, the higher the note. You take advantage of varying the string length when you start playing: holding down a string against the fretboard makes it shorter and, therefore, higher in pitch. Ukulele tunings are identified starting with the string at the top (nearest your head when holding the uke) and moving downwards to the bottom string, farthest away and nearest the floor. Keep in mind that the ukulele’s strings are ‘inside out’ in that the two thinnest, highest- pitched strings are the outside strings (and are very close in pitch) and the fattest, lowest- pitched strings are the two inside ones. (Most string instruments arrange their strings from fattest at the top — nearest to the player’s head — to thinnest at the bottom.) Ukulele tunings by instrument type There are traditionally four standard types of the ukulele, with each variation of the instrument having its own tuning and alternate tunings. The ukulele types are typically based on the size (length) of the instrument:  Soprano – 21 inches  Concert – 23 inches  Tenor – 26 inches  Baritone – 29 inches See the popular tuning of the standard ukulele types below: Ukulele Tunings Ukulele Type Common Tuning s Soprano G4–C4–E4–A4 A4–D4–F♯4–B4 Concert G4–C4–E4–A4 G3–C4–E4–A4 Tenor G4–C4–E4–A4 G3–C4–E4–A4 D4–G3–B3–E4 D3–G3–B3–E4 Baritone D3–G3–B3–E4 C3–G3–B3–E4 The most common ukulele tuning: gCEA Although the groups of letters that identify types of ukulele tuning may look complicated, they simply indicate the pitch to which each string is tuned. For example, gCEA tuning means that the string nearest to you (the fourth string) is tuned to a high g note (when writing about uke tuning, lower-case indicates a high g as opposed to a lower-sounding G-string). The next string down (the third string) is tuned to C, the second to E and the first string (farthest away from you) is tuned to A. Ukulele gCEA Tuning. This method of tuning, with the high notes as the two outside strings of the instrument, is known as re-entrant tuning. When you’re indicating re-entrant tuning, use a lower-case ‘g’ to make clear that you’re using this tuning. The gCEA tuning is the most popular ukulele tuning nowadays. Using this tuning makes learning to play the uke much easier because you can readily find chord charts and notation for gCEA tuning. And because it’s so common, you can communicate with other ukulele players clearly. This tuning also makes playing in the key of C very easy, which is useful because C is the most commonly used key. aDF#B tuning was very popular in the 1920s and 1930s. If you find any old sheet music with ukulele chord diagrams, you may well see this tuning, in which each string is tuned two frets higher than gCEA. Therefore, the chord shapes you use for this tuning are the same as gCEA but the chord sounds higher. An advantage of this tuning is that it is easier to play chords that are common on the guitar – most notably E – allowing you to play along with guitar songs with less hassle. It can also make your ukulele sound brighter. If you buy a set of strings with aDF#B on them, don’t panic. Very little difference exists between these strings and those used for gCEA, and either type of strings can be used for either tuning. When you’ve got a handle on the common gCEA tuning, you can experiment with less- orthodox tunings. Playing certain songs can be easier in a different tuning, and some tunings offer notes and inversions that aren’t accessible in gCEA tuning. Also, if you’re playing with other ukers, having a different tuning gives you greater variety in the sound, making the music more interesting to listen to. Using a low-G tuning for your ukulele In a low-G tuning, you replace the high, thin g-string by a low, fat G-string. All the other notes stay the same, so its tuning is GCEA. The chords you play are exactly the same as gCEA (high-G tuning) but give you quite a different sound to the traditional ukulele tuning. If you want to try this tuning, you need to buy a low-G set of strings. If you try to tune down a standard string, it becomes too floppy to play. Tuning Your Ukulele to Low G by Brett McQueen For some of my video lessons on Ukulele Tricks, my tenor ukulele is tuned to low G tuning, sometimes referred to as linear tuning. This means, while you and I can play along together using the same chord positions, the overall sound comes across as slightly different. In standard ukulele tuning, the top g-string of the ukulele is tuned higher than the middle two strings of the ukulele. More specifically, the top g-string is tuned to the “G” note above middle-C on a piano (learn more about standard ukulele tuning). In low G tuning, all of the strings stay tuned the same except the top g-string is tuned down an octave to the “G” note below middle-C, as shown in the following figures: Low G tuning represented on the piano Low G tuning represented uploads/Litterature/ ukulele-accordage.pdf

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