Deployment guide SIEMENS Active Workspace Deployment AW ? C CContents Part I Planning and installation Introduction - What is Active Workspace - Active Workspace components - Server Extensions - Client - Indexing - Visualization Server - System requiremen

SIEMENS Active Workspace Deployment AW ? C CContents Part I Planning and installation Introduction - What is Active Workspace - Active Workspace components - Server Extensions - Client - Indexing - Visualization Server - System requirements - Deployment paths - Installation - Installation strategies - Parallel versus series installation of Active Workspace components - Teamcenter values needed to install Active Workspace components - Active Workspace values needed for parallel installation of components - Order of installation tasks - Installation overview - Server Extensions - Server Extensions overview - Server Extensions prerequisites - Install the Active Workspace patch on the Teamcenter servers - Install Server Extensions features - Install database triggers - Install Geolus optional - Set preference for Geolus server URL optional - Client - Client overview - Prerequisites for the Java EE Client - Install the Active Workspace patch on the Java EE Client build host - Build the Java EE Client web application - Deploy the Java EE Client web application - Log on using the Active Workspace interface - Indexing - Indexing installation overview - Dispatcher optional - Indexing Engine - Indexer Con ?dential ? AW Active Workspace C Deployment - ChCaphtaeprte r Con ?Cgounra ?tgiounration Con ?dential ? Con ?dential ? - Visualization Server - Visualization Server overview - Visualization Data Server optional - AW Active Workspace Deployment CCoCnotenntetsnts Visualization Server Manager - Active Workspace Launcher - Install Client for O ?ce and the Active Workspace Launcher - Troubleshoot the Teamcenter Active Workspace Launcher installation - Uninstall the Teamcenter Active Workspace Launcher - Patching and upgrading Active Workspace - Patch and upgrade deployment paths - Patching to Active Workspace - Remove Active Workspace features - Remove Active Workspace Dispatcher translators - Patch Teamcenter - Patch to Active Workspace - Reinstall Active Workspace components - Regenerate and redeploy the Active Workspace WAR ?le - Update Indexer settings - Initiate Solr credentials - Remerge Solr and Teamcenter schemas and reindex - Upgrading to Active Workspace - Remove Active Workspace features - Remove Active Workspace Dispatcher translators - Upgrade to Active Workspace and Teamcenter - Reinstall Active Workspace components - Remerge Solr and Teamcenter schemas and reindex - Regenerate and redeploy the Active Workspace WAR ?le - Upgrade the ACCT TABLE database table - Part II Con ?guration and administration Con ?guration - Modifying Active Workspace settings - Con ?guring the interface - Con ?gure the User Assistance tile - Enable a custom business object in Active Workspace - Con ?guring noti ?cation attributes - Con ?gure table Con ?dential ? AW Active Workspace C Deployment - ChCaphtaeprte r Con ?Cgounra ?tgiounration Con ?dential ? Con ?dential ? columns - Con ?gure the war ?le generation for other locales - Con ?guring search - Con ?gure the search user interface - Con ?gure object data indexing - TcFTSIndexer extensibility - Con ?guring structure indexing - Con ?guring structured content - Setting security on structured content - Con ?guring the properties of structured content - Cleaning up background working contexts

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