2.1. Open World, Levelling and Questing This build smooths out and speeds up th

2.1. Open World, Levelling and Questing This build smooths out and speeds up the intermittent combat common with open world content. There is a lot of room for customization for extra healing, mobility, or burst AoE damage. Level 15: Fresh Meat Level 25: Double Time Level 30: Onslaught Level 35: Bounding Stride Level 40: Frothing Berserker Level 45: Dragon Roar/ Bladestorm Level 50: Anger Management 2.2. Dungeons and Mythic+ Dungeons and Mythic+ largely revolve around burst multi-target damage, and continually killing enemies as you move from pack to pack. Storm Bolt or Double Time are taken depending on your need for stuns, extra mobility, or survivability. Anger Management allows Recklessness to better align with Bladestorm, and is even better when using the Signet of Tormented Kings legendary. Level 15: Fresh Meat Level 25: Double Time/ Storm Bolt Level 30: Massacre Level 35: Warpaint Level 40: Cruelty Level 45: Bladestorm Level 50: Anger Management Mythic+ can potentially require a mix of certain AoE and Single-Target talents, depending on affixes and other variables. If you want advice that is specific to Mythic+, you should check out our page below. Fury Warrior Mythic+ Page 2.3. Single Target Raid Encounters There is a wide variety of talent choices in raid based on your legendary and covenant preferences. For players in the Venthyr covenant, Massacre will take priority over Frenzy in single target, while Bladestorm and Anger Management will be talented over Dragon Roar and Siegebreaker when using the Signet of Tormented Kings legendary power. Level 15: Sudden Death Level 25: Double Time Level 30: Massacre/ Frenzy Level 35: Warpaint/ Bounding Stride Level 40: Cruelty Level 45: Bladestorm/ Dragon Roar Level 50: Anger Management/ Siegebreaker The builds suggested above do not reflect every individual encounter in the current raid tier. If you wish to have a boss-by-boss breakdown of talent choices, you should check out our dedicated page below. Fury Warrior Castle Nathria Raid Guide 3. Tier 1 (Level 15) Talents for Fury Warrior ✘ War Machine ✔ Sudden Death ✔ Fresh Meat Tier 1 talents improve Rage generation. War Machine causes autoattacks to generate 20% more Rage with each swing. Additionally, movement speed is increased by 30% for 8 seconds and 10 Rage is generated every time an enemy target is killed. Sudden Death causes your attacks to have a chance to reset the cooldown on Execute, and allow it to be used on targets above 20% health. Fresh Meat increases Bloodthirst's chance to trigger Enrage from 30% to 45%, and causes the first Bloodthirst against each target to guarantee Enrage. War Machine value depends on the frequency of add deaths; in general, you need roughly one kill every 10 seconds to keep up with the benefit of Sudden Death in sustained combat, making it more suitable for open world and dungeon content where you can quickly chain kills. Unlike most abilities, it does not require getting the killing blow yourself, only damaging the target within two seconds of its death. Sudden Death adds proc-based gameplay and is the best overall single-target talent, particularly when paired with Condemn from the Venthyr covenant. It is also useful in multitarget since Execute can be cleaved with Whirlwind. Fresh Meat significantly smooths out the gameplay by creating a reliable way to trigger Enrage without building up enough rage to use Rampage, a major benefit in short or infrequent combats. It is important to note that only Bloodthirst strikes against the primary target count, meaning it can be tab targeted to trigger an additional Enrage against each target, even while cleaving. 4. Tier 2 (Level 25) Talents for Fury Warrior ✔ Double Time ✘ Impending Victory ? Storm Bolt Tier 2 talents provide additional control and mobility options. Double Time adds a second use of Charge, and reduces its cooldown from 20 to 17 seconds. Impending Victory replaces Victory Rush with a new active ability which spends 10 rage to heal 30% of your maximum health, on a 30 second cooldown. Getting a killing blow will reset its cooldown. Storm Bolt grants an active ability with a 20-yard range which deals trivial damage and stuns the target. Double Time is the go-to choice for both the extra mobility and Rage generation. Impending Victory is only used in situations which absolutely require extra in-combat healing, given that Fury already has a considerable amount of self-healing and would rather not waste the Rage. Storm Bolt is situationally useful in dungeons and PvP content. 5. Tier 3 (Level 30) Talents for Fury Warrior ✔ Massacre ✔ Frenzy ? Onslaught Tier 3 talents customize the rotation. Massacre reduces the cooldown of Execute and allows it to be used on targets below 35%, instead of 20%. Frenzy causes Rampage to increase Haste by 3%, stacking three times, but resets when used against a new target. Onslaught adds a new activated ability which deals moderate damage and generates 15 Rage, but can only be used while Enraged. Massacre is much more competitive than before, allowing Execute to be used more often, making it a very strong options when paired with Condemn from the Venthyr covenant. Frenzy is a very good single target ability, but lacks multitarget potential due to the buff resetting on new targets. This makes it somewhat awkward to use, even in primarily single target encounters which contain priority adds or target swapping. Onslaught fits a bit awkwardly into the rotation as it is not high enough priority to outweigh Rampage, Execute, or even Bloodthirst, but deals respectable damage and synergizes very well with Fresh Meat to open combat with a strong burst of damage and Rage generation. Remove Ads 6. Tier 4 (Level 35) Talents for Fury Warrior ✘ Furious Charge ✔ Bounding Stride ✔ Warpaint Tier 4 talents provide additional defense and mobility. Furious Charge causes Charge to make your next Bloodthirst heal 17.5% of your maximum health rather than 5%. Bounding Stride grants 70% movement speed for 3 seconds when you use Heroic Leap, and reduce its cooldown by 15 seconds. Warpaint reduces your damage taken during Enrage by 10%. Furious Charge is situational at best, due to being undermined by Victory Rush in most solo content, and taking too long to set up in group content with a healer. Bounding Stride is useful in general gameplay, but only practical in raid encounters which actually require you to leap more often than normal. Warpaint is the best defensive option when increased mobility is not needed. 7. Tier 5 (Level 40) Talents for Fury Warrior ✘ Seethe ✔ Frothing Berserker ✔ Cruelty Tier 5 talents improve Rampage and the frequency with which it is used. Seethe causes Bloodthirst hits to generate 2 extra Rage, or 4 extra Rage on crit. Frothing Berserker causes Rampage to have a 20% chance to refund 20 Rage. Cruelty causes Raging Blow to deal 20% more damage while Enraged, and increases the chance to reset its cooldown to 30%. Seethe adds a small but consistent amount of extra Rage generation which adds up over the course of a long encounter. Due to the low value of Critical Strike, it is currently slightly worse than Frothing Berserker. Frothing Berserker adds chunkier but less reliable Rage generation, making it better for burst damage, but less total Rage over the course of an encounter. Cruelty increases the potency of Raging Blow by a respectable amount, which synergizes even better with Reckless Abandon. It is currently the strongest talent for sustained damage, although does not have quite as much value in multitarget where Raging Blow is used less often. Remove Ads 8. Tier 6 (Level 45) Talents for Fury Warrior ✘ Meat Cleaver ✔ Dragon Roar ✔ Bladestorm Tier 6 talents enhance single and multitarget damage. Meat Cleaver causes Whirlwind to deal 30% increased damage and make the next four single target abilities cleave instead of two. Dragon Roar grants an additional active ability that deals high damage to all targets within 12 yards, dealing triple damage on crit, but reduced damage to secondary targets. Bladestorm grants an additional active ability that deals massive damage over 4 seconds to 8 targets within 8 yards, on a 1 minute cooldown. While active you are immunte to slowing and crowd controlling effects, but continue to autoattack, can dodge, and use defensive abilities. Meat Cleaver is the simplest, but least bursty ability, which has the most value in sustained two target cleave due to the extra target reducing the damage of Dragon Roar, but not having enough targets to greatly emphasize Bladestorm. The Whirlwind damage increase largely exists to give the talent a single target component to compete with Dragon Roar and Bladestorm. Dragon Roar is best for single target, due to the progressive damage fall off as target count increases. Bladestorm is the AoE option, slightly worse than Dragon Roar against less than three targets, but much stronger as more are added. With the legendary Signet of Tormented Kings, it is used in single target as well, in order to gain uploads/Management/ fury-guide.pdf

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