GROUP DISCUSSION Tips,Tricks & Topics 2013-14 This MBA season, learn how to dis

GROUP DISCUSSION Tips,Tricks & Topics 2013-14 This MBA season, learn how to discuss, not debate Contents Contents Contents Contents GROUP DISCUSSION Introduction 3 GROUP DISCUSSION Preparation 4 GROUP DISCUSSION Do’s and Don’t’s 5 GD Topics List – Past 3 years 7 IIM Lucknow 7 Topics of 2010 7 IIM Shillong 9 Topics of 2011 9 Topics of 2010 9 Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay 12 Topics of 2012 12 Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur 13 Topics of 2011 13 Amity Business School 14 Topics of 2012 14 Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai 15 Topics of 2010 15 Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI) 17 Topics of 2011 17 Mudra Institute of Communications (MICA) 18 Topics of 2012 18 Topics of 2011 18 Topics of 2010 19 Faculty of Management Studies 19 Topics of 2010 19 Group Exercises Introduction 21 Prepare well, understand what a GD is not! It is not a debate It is not a measure of the amount of speaking time Group Discussion (GD), following a written test, is an important part of the final selection process for admission in professional courses, especially management programs. Clearly, a winning performance at this stage is critical to your making the final cut. GDs GDs are based on a variety of topics ranging from economics to business to current affairs etc, so it’s important to keep yourself updated by developing a habit of reading newspapers and magazines. A good level of general knowledge will give you the confidence to talk on any topic and improve your articulation. W We know that on the list of GD etiquettes, the need to maintain a polite tone ranks high, even as you proceed to oppose a point raised by another team member. But how do you do that when your GD could turn into a fish market scene? Don’t be caught off guard, because that’s where your leadership skill, team spirit, critical thinking ability and your group behaviour will be tested by way of how you manage to perform even amid a chaotic environment. Focus on putting the five bullet point structure to the discussion Focus on putting the five bullet point structure to the discussion Always look at the current speaking person and nod to display your intent to listen. Always look at the current speaking person and nod to display your intent to listen. Be ready for confusion in the first two minutes Be ready for confusion in the first two minutes Do not take a stand on the topic in the first 2 minutes Do not take a stand on the topic in the first 2 minutes You should be comfortable to start a conversation on a random topic with strangers. Next time you are in a city bus, movie theatre or shopping mall practice to strike a conversation with strangers. You should converse for at least two minutes; five minutes is excellent. The topics can range from the weather to the current political situation. Strike a conversation You will be given the topic at the last minute. A good discussion is possible only if you know the topic. Do not fear. It will not be random. There is a 90% chance that the topic will be on current affairs. You should read the newspaper daily; not only the front page headlines but also the editorial. Reading is not enough, practice to summarize the topic within five bullet points. First bullet should be able to convey the key message of the topic. Second and third should be the pros of the topic. Fourth and fifth points should be the cons of the topic. Summarize the topic A discussion would last for 10 minutes. Your contribution will be great with three minutes of total speech time. In the best case you can take another minute in total to lead the group. You should be in listening mode for majority of the duration of discussion. Listen to what is being said and keep checking if any of the summary points are being covered. You may be asked to summarize the discussion at the end. Listening will help you lead the conversation and also summarize at the end. Listen Dressing helps make the first impression and determines one’s personality – so do not take it casually. Dress in smart formals. It will add to your confidence and keep you comfortable while speaking in a group. Positive gestures and body language will make your work easier. 1) Dress formally Initiating the GD is a big plus. But it works in your favour only when you understand the GD topic clearly. If you are not sure, take your time to start and take a cue from what others have to say. It will help you appear more measured when you speak and bring out your analytical skills. 2) Don’t rush into it Stay relaxed and keep eye contact with every team member while speaking. Do not look at the evaluators only. 3) Keep eye contact while speaking Do not interrupt others. Even if you don’t agree with their thoughts do not snatch their chance to speak. Instead make a mental note and state your points when it’s your turn. This will show that you are not desperate to blow your own trumpet and are mindful of other people’s opinion. 4) Allow others to speak Speak politely and clearly. Use simple language to convey your thoughts without being irritable. Don’t be aggressive even if you need to disagree with someone. Express your feelings calmly and politely. 5) Don’t be aggressive GD is a team activity. Be confident but do not try to dominate anyone. Remember it’s a discussion and not a debate, so express your feelings calmly and politely. Ensure a positive body language. Show interest in the discussion when others express their thoughts. This will make you appear as someone who is a team player. 6) Maintain positive attitude Do not speak just to increase your speaking time. Don’t worry even if you speak less but do not try to beat around the bush. Your thoughts should be sensible and relevant. Wasting the group’s time with your irrelevant speech or speaking without proper subject knowledge will only create a poor impression. 7) Speak sensibly Being a good listener is an important skill. Pay attention when others speak. This will encourage coherent discussion and you will get involved in the group positively. That way, others are also more likely to be receptive to your points. 8) Listen carefully to A basic subject analysis is sufficient. There’s no need to mention exact figures and statistics while making a reference. You have limited time in a GD, so be precise and convey your thoughts in a smart and crisp manner. 9) Avoid time-consuming details If you find the group is digressing from the topic or goal then simply take the initiative to bring the discussion back on track. Uphold and emphasize the group’s common objective to stick to the topic to arrive at some conclusion at the end of the discussion. This will exhibit your leadership skills. 10) Keep the discussion on track GD Topics List – Past 3 years GD Topics List – Past 3 years GD Topics List – Past 3 years GD Topics List – Past 3 years IIM Lucknow Topics of 2010: Legalising doping in sports in modern times. Should essential services like electricity and water be privatised? In India, should minorities be given the first right to resources? Breaking larger state into smaller states is politically correct. More IITs and IIMs will dilute quality of education. The only way to reduce crime is to increase the severity of punishments. W Women's Reservation bill will enhance the gender divide. Beauty pageants objectify women. If life is a competition, success is the final quest, then victory is all that matters. The Government is right in denying provision of surplus food grains for free to people below poverty line. Religion is the only way to attain Spirituality. T The major reason behind the success of Capitalism is not greed-based but success-based. Taboos and Traditions are nothing but a cultural baggage. Introducing sex education in primary classrooms is jumping the gun. Tradition is just another means of inconsistency and inequality. All government institutions should be under the purview of RTI Commom man has to bear burden of corruption because he isn't as honest as he should be. Commom man has to bear burden of corruption because he isn't as honest as he should be. War is the only way to preserve peace. War is the only way to preserve peace. Regional languages in India are fading out in today's world. Regional languages in India are fading out in today's world. A poor country like India should stop it's space programmes and use the funds for upliftment of the poor. A poor country like India should stop it's space programmes and use the funds for upliftment of the poor. Importance of Women in uploads/Management/ gd-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Apv 11, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 4.2358MB