Internship Guidebook Jan 2013 Version 1 Prepared By Sharmini Gopinathan MSc. St
Internship Guidebook Jan 2013 Version 1 Prepared By Sharmini Gopinathan MSc. Strategic Business IT Department of Information Technology Kolej Tafe Seremban L IST OF CONTENTS 1. Welcoming Message----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Mission of the internship program------------------------------------------------------- 4. Benefits of the internship program------------------------------------------------------- 5. Types of internships------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Internship requirements------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Internship evaluation and supervision-------------------------------------------------- 8. Essentials components of successful internship--------------------------------------- 9. Final note------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. List of appendices-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 2 W ELCOMING M ESSAGE Thank you very much for your interest in the Faculty of Information Technology internship program. You have now discovered one of the great treasures Kolej Tafe Seremban (KTS) has to offer. The guide outlines the reasons for the internship program and what is expected from you during your training. Your participation in the internship program offers a pathway to success as you enter into the business & Industrial community. The internship program offers you the opportunity to work in a position directly related to your college/department experience. Please remember that you represent Kolej Tafe Seremban, your department as well as yourself during your assignments. How you perform, both professionally and morally, will reflect on you and the university and could affect the placement of future students. Kolej Tafe Seremban is confident that you will come out of the internship program experience professionally rewarded and enriched with new experiences and make the department proud. We wish you all the success PAGE 3 I NTRODUCTION To enhance the academic education in all the Faculty of Information Technology majors at Kolej Tafe Seremban through field and practical experience in the industry, both colleges offer an internship program for all its students as one of its core/elective courses. An internship program is an active learning experience in which students learn by taking on a responsible role as a worker in an organization. It enables students to gain practical experience in areas of administration, planning, and leadership under the direction of supervisors from both the organization and the college. Internship program is designed to augment academic experiences by helping to bridge the gap from the academic to the professional working future. The internship program enables students to participate in and observe daily industry work related to their major. The internship should be a structured learning experience in which interns and professionals in the field are allowed to interact with each other and other external professionals. The internship allows students to use the skills and experience they have gained during their studies at Kolej Tafe in ways mutually beneficial to them and their respective industry sponsor. M ISSION OF THE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM The mission of the internship program is to provide students at Kolej Tafe Seremban with the relevant opportunities to discover and explore practical applications of academic theory and experience in a professional working environment to enrich their personal and professional development B ENEFITS OF INTERNSHIP PROGRAM A. TO KOLEJ TAFE SEREMBAN STUDENTS Through the internship program, students will gain the following: To provide an appreciation of the types of work involved with their major before they actually enter the job market; To enable students to learn the technical, leadership and interpersonal skills they will need to succeed in their future careers; To improve ability to make career related decisions; PAGE 4 To increase student’s professional judgment, sense of professional responsibility and self confidence; To provide specific preparation for employment in a career or field of interest to students; To help students to discover their strengths and overcome their weaknesses; To enable successful transition from college education to work upon graduation; To help students in establishing professional work habits and attitudes; To provide students with a chance to integrate theories learned in class with real life situations; and To increase students employment opportunities at the sponsoring organization B. TO THE SPONSORING COMPANY OR INSTITUTION Through the internship program, the sponsoring company of institution will gain the following: It provides the sponsoring company or institution with an opportunity to have students with fresh ideas work on an issue or a problem currently facing them. Internships may also provide employers with a risk-free chance to try potential employees before actually hiring them. It provides employers at minimal cost qualified resources that can be put to good use to work on current projects. Internships revitalize the learning process for employees of the company or institutional since they will be teaching students and will need to review and refresh their information to meet the demands of the interns. T YPES OF INTERNSHIPS Internships may be regular/local, regional, international, or self-initiated. A. Regular/Domestic: A public sector or governmental company, non-profit or private for-profit company may communicate with the college with an interest in hiring qualified students and may select interns from a pool of in-house applicants. Some companies may advertise nationally for internships and such cases KOLEJ TAFE SEREMBAN students must compete with outside candidates for these positions. KOLEJ TAFE SEREMBAN Colleges in coordination with Career Services and Deanship of Institutional Affair will aggressively pursue establishing Institutional Relationships with Companies and secure some internship opportunities as part of the institutional relationship agreement. Career services and the Colleges will also contact local companies to attempt to secure internship opportunities for the students. PAGE 5 Special Internships may also be set as an endowment/sponsor by companies, officials or by individuals. This is long term plan for the KOLEJ TAFE SEREMBAN, and no such sponsored internships exist currently. B. Regional: Through the Institutional Relationships that KOLEJ TAFE SEREMBAN is currently pursuing with regional companies and institutions. Internship opportunities may be pursued as part of the institutional relationship agreements. C. International: Through the Institutional Relationships that KOLEJ TAFE SEREMBAN is currently pursuing with International companies and institutions. Internship opportunities may be pursued as part of the institutional relationship agreements. D. Self-initiated: A KOLEJ TAFE SEREMBAN student may secure his or her own internship in a domestic, regional or international company or institution. A student would need prior approval from the HOD and Principal of the College before commencing his/her internship. I NTERNSHIP REQUIREMENTS A. Academic Requirements The academic internship is a requirement of all undergraduate programs in the College of Business Administration but is an elective for College of IT students; it is usually equivalent to three credit hours and it is delivered over a minimum of six weeks. College of IT students will be encouraged to take the internship elective to enhance their classroom learning experience and for the benefits specified above. Course requirements include finding and joining an approved internship program, registering for the internship course (CT 3220), and completing and submitting all paperwork needed to evaluate the internship and student’s performance. Forms include but are not limited to 1. A request for internship or approval of an internship (see appendix A); a request for self initiation internship (see appendix B) with a current resume (see appendix C for CV preparation hints); 2. Registering for the internship course 3. Internship student undertaking form (see appendix D) 4. A letter of offer from the employer if self-initiated; 5. Student’s Evaluation of his/her experience in the sponsoring organization (see appendix E); PAGE 6 6. Industry Supervisor’s evaluation of the student’s performance in the sponsoring organization (visitation report - see appendix F); 7. KOLEJ TAFE SEREMBAN supervisor’s evaluation of the student’s performance in the sponsoring organization (see appendix G); 8. Student’s final project report and oral presentation guidelines (see appendix H) B. Eligibility and Application Procedure A student may participate in the internship program if he/she has satisfied the following requirements: Students must have successfully completed at least 84 credit hours Student has a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and the Student must not be on probation. Students must be an active learner, having been enrolled in the previous semester Consent of the HOD / Principal The internship requires a completed application and a recent resume. Deadlines for submission of application materials will be set by the College. If a student does not include all required material requested in the application or submit the application on time, he/she may risk being eliminated from the internship program. The career services office may take complete application packages and send them to potential employers for consideration by the employer or the college can nominate students to specific organizations. When a student is selected by the company either the college or the company will notify the student. The student must be committed to the internship program and is not allowed to accept the internship and then reject after starting the internship. In such cases, a student will receive a grade of F for the internship course. The application procedure includes filling in the necessary application forms along with a recent resume. PAGE 7 C. Criteria for Approval of Internship For internships that are self-initiated by the student, the following criteria will be used in approving the internship: 1. The summer internship must be full-time, minimum of 6 weeks assignment. 2. The internship must be in an area closely related to the students major and must have uploads/Management/ internship-guide.pdf
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