Electricians guide The Electricicans Guide to the th Edition IEE Regulations to the th Edition IEE Regulations The lEE Regulations BS and this Guide Chapter The IEE Regulations This Electrician's Guide The Institution of Electrical Engineers lEE has publi

The Electricicans Guide to the th Edition IEE Regulations to the th Edition IEE Regulations The lEE Regulations BS and this Guide Chapter The IEE Regulations This Electrician's Guide The Institution of Electrical Engineers lEE has published an 'On-site guide' with the th edition of its Regulations which is intended to enable the electrician to carry out 'certain speci ?ed installation work' without further reference to the Regulations Publicity for this guide before its issue stated 'the electrician is generally not required to perform any calculations' When printed this was changed to 'to reduce the need for detailed calculations' In the opinion of the Author this attitude is incorrect It assumes that behind every electrician there is a designer who will provide him with precise details of exactly what he is to do This is of course what happens in some cases but totally ignores all those electricians probably a majority who are left to work entirely on their own who have to do their own calculations and make their own decisions These same electricians are subject to the law so that a failure to implement the IEE Regulations which leads to an accident may result and has resulted in a prison sentence It would be foolish to suppose that this Electrician's Guide could totally replace the complete Regulations which are made up of over two hundred and ?fty A pages together with a total of eight associated 'guides' Certainly every electrician who does not have the advantage of expert design advice should equip himself with the complete Regulations and with the associated guides However it is the belief of the Author that this Electrician's Guide will help the average electrician to understand and to implement these very complicated Regulations in the safest and most coste ?ective way possible Note on Supply Voltage Level For many years the supply voltage for single-phase supplies in the UK has been V - giving a possible spread of voltage from V to V For three-phase supplies the voltage was V - the spread being from V to V Most continental voltage levels have been V In an agreement was reached that voltage levels across Europe should be uni ?ed at V single phase and V three-phase with e ?ect from January st In both cases the tolerance levels have become - to giving a single-phase voltage spread of V to V with three-phase values between V and V It is proposed that on January st the tolerance levels will be widened to - Since the present supply voltages in the UK lie within the acceptable spread of values Supply Companies are not intending to reduce their voltages in the near future This is hardly surprising because such action would immediately reduce the energy used by consumers and the income of the Companies by more than In view of the fact that there will be no change to the actual voltage applied to installations it has been decided not to make changes to the

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