English mcqs for ugc net true blue guide
Click to edit Master title style True Blue Guide English MCQs for Competitive Exams CECnlgilcikshtoMCedQist Master title style Q Which Poem of Coleridge is an opium dream Kubla Khan Christabel The Ancient Mariner Ode on the Departing year Q The Romantic Age Begins with the Publication of Lyrical Ballads My Last Duchess The Tale of Two Cities Canonization Q T S Eliot was born in Ireland England Wales USA www trueblueguide com CCEnligclkisthoMeCdQitsMaster title style Q Browning was the composer of any of the following poems Two Voices The Scholar Gipsy Andrea del Sarto Oenone Q Who wrote the story ??Gift of the Magi ? William Wordsworth Robert Frost Jane Austen O Henry Q ??Caesar and Cleopatra ? is A tragedy by Shakespeare A play by G B Shaw A poem by Lord Byron A novel by S T Coleridge Q Who is called the ??Father of English Poetry ? Edmund Spenser William Langland Geo ?rey Chaucer John Wycli ?e Q Author of ??The Time Machine ? is T S Eliot Thomas Kyd Robert Herrick H G Wells Q In which century was the Victorian period th century th century th century th century www trueblueguide com CECnligclkisthoMeCdQitsMaster title style Q Who is the author of ??The Jungle Book ? Jonathan Swift Leo Tolstoy Rudyard Kipling Charles Dickens Q American female novelist Pearl S Buck got Nobel Prize in of the book The Good Earth House Divided The Patriot De Cameron Q Elizabethan tragedy is centered on Love War Revenge Philosophy Q Who wrote the book ??Doctor Zhivago ? Boris Pasternak Leo Tolstoy George Orwell Bertrand Russell Q Charles Dickens is not the novelist of which of the following novels A Tale of Two Cities Treasure Island David Copper ?eld Great Expectation Q ??Renaissance ? means The revival of learning The revival of hard task The revival of life The revival of new country www trueblueguide com CCEnligclkisthoMeCdQitsMaster title style Q Who wrote the poem ??The Patriot ? Sir Walter Scott Robert Browning Robert Herrick Robert Frost Q who is the author of ??The Taming of the Shrew ? Rudyard Kipling William Shakespeare Jonathan Swift Charles Dickens Q Who is the author of ??Around the world in Days ? Jules Verne Christopher Marlowe Walter Scott George Bernard Shaw Q What is Shakespeare ? s longest play Othello Macbeth Hamlet King Lear Q Which of the following is a famous work of poet Alexander Pope The Rape of the Lock Spectator The Deserted Village I Wandered Lonely as a cloud Q Who is considered as the Rebel Poet of English Literature ? Walter Scott Lord Byron W B Yeats John Keats www trueblueguide com CECnligclkisthoMeCdQitsMaster title style Q Who wrote the poem ??Piers Plowman ? John Wycli ?e Geo ?rey Chaucer William Langland Edmund Spenser Q Who created the detective ??Sherlock Holmes ? Charles Dickens Jonathan Swift Sir A Canan Doyle Dylan Thomas Q How many lines are there in a sonnet Q Most important feature of a romantic poetry is
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- Publié le Sep 19, 2022
- Catégorie Creative Arts / Ar...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 47.7kB