Affirmations guide AFFIRMATION GUIDE Ed Rapp ? s Personal Notes from The Paci ?c Institute The Paci ?c Institute TPI was an amazing experience From my perspective it could be summed up as if you can see it visualize repeat it a ?rmations you can be it It

AFFIRMATION GUIDE Ed Rapp ? s Personal Notes from The Paci ?c Institute The Paci ?c Institute TPI was an amazing experience From my perspective it could be summed up as if you can see it visualize repeat it a ?rmations you can be it It is all about creating your future versus just letting your future evolve Incredibly we spent two and a half days with the TPI founder Lou Tice and he worked from one simple overhead slide summarized below The mind ? s inner-play between these three functions is what keeps you as you are or when you apply the principles taught by TPI creates positive change All meaningful and lasting change starts ?rst on the inside THE CONSCIOUS PERFORMS FOUR FUNCTIONS Forms your perception of things Conducts an association ?? asking yourself have I seen smelled tasted anything like this before Conducts an evaluation ?? judging the probabilities that may occur in the future based on past experience Makes decisions ?? should I do something or not All of these functions occur at the conscious level of your mind Habits start at the conscious level but over time through repetition you relegate this over to the subconscious and no longer have to think about it you don ? t think about the fact that you brush your teeth with your right hand THE SUBCONSCIOUS STORES INFORMATION AND EMOTION It is your self-image the truth as you know it It handles everything that is automatic It is why you don ? t have to think about certain things you do It is what keeps you the way you are Left un-stimulated it self regulates you to your vision of who you are It does no more than it is required to do Left untrained your subconscious just becomes an accumulation of the inputs you have received throughout life from your parents teachers friends etc This document represents notes gathered by Ed Rapp and re ections from his experience with The Paci ?c Institute Please do not duplicate and or distribute this document CAFFIRMATION GUIDE Ed Rapp ? s Personal Notes from The Paci ?c Institute YOUR ATTITUDES ARE DEVELOPED ?? YOU ARE NOT BORN WITH THEM Thoughts accumulate to form your attitude In the beginning it is balanced however as time passes it leans to the positive or negative depending on the balance of inputs received and accepted from the outside We behave and react not in accordance with the truth but in accordance to the truth as we believe it to be as stored in our subconscious Your self-image is shaped by self-talk a ?rmations and daily performance reality Human beings on average pass through their accomplishments too quickly too lightly to have it a ?ect their image in a positive way If you change the way you think you can change the way you act Banister and the four-minute mile Fosbery jumping feet etc CREATIVE SUBCONSCIOUS The creative subconscious only kicks in when you have

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  • Publié le Jui 14, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 46.7kB