Listening Guide 640/440 You are expected to prepare analyses of the selected wo

Listening Guide 640/440 You are expected to prepare analyses of the selected works, to be used in the course of our classroom discussions. These analyses should include the parameters of: a) Form- Start at the macro-level and work to the micro-level. What is the overall form/shape of the work. How do the various movements/sections balance each other. How do the various paragraphs work together. How do the smallest phrases and gestures interact. b) Pitch Organization - How are pitches chosen. Are they part of a scale, series, set, or mode. Is there a center pitch, suggestive of a tonal system. Is there a hierarchy of pitch? Can we use the concepts of consonanace and dissonance, and if so, how. c) Rhythm /time You will need to explore rhythm on a number of different levels. What are the large scale time spans of the work. How is rhythm handled at the micro level, from beat to beat. What role does meter play in the work, and the sense of accentuation that we normally associate with meter in pre-20th century works. Is the music based on large or small phrase (rhythmic) units. Does the composer divide large blocks of time into smaller units, or does he create large blocks through a succession of smaller units. d) Harmony Is the harmony based on intervals of the third, as in tonal harmony? Is the harmony functional or non-funtional? Is harmony relegated to secondary importance to linear development? Are vertical sonorities a matter of pure chance? Are non-functional harmonic fields present? e) Orchestration How does the composer use the orchestra or instruments in an individual and unique manner? What is the size of the orchestra, and how are the various choirs utilized? What kinds of doublings are used? Is the sound light or heavy, thick or thin, and how is this acheived? f) Melody/Phrase Shape/Gesture Are there tunes, motives, or only short gestures in the work? What process of transformation occurs to them? What we are trying to determine is what makes these works so individual in sound; what is it about their style that places them so categorically in the ouevre of a particular composer. You will be learning terminology in the textbook that will be useful to you. You may also wish to seek out other texts if you feel deficient in this area, or you may discuss with me possible additional texts. uploads/Management/ listening-guide-640.pdf

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  • Publié le Oct 29, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.0711MB