guide school absence Due to the timings of the performances and rehearsals it w

guide school absence Due to the timings of the performances and rehearsals it will not be necessary for your child to be absent from school. shoes and socks All the cast will need a pair of black jazz shoes. A couple of the adult characters will need 'grown up' shoes. If you would like to hire these from us, you will need to pay a hire fee of £5 for the week of the show. There is a space on the Cast Member Check List to let us know what you would like to do. Please do this by Saturday 22 June contacting us From Friday afternoon until Monday morning, we do not pick up messages from the office. If you need to contact us about rehearsal, please call or text our mobiles: Paul’s Mobile: 07825 167317 or Sheila’s Mobile: 07825 167327 programme biographies Everyone needs to write a biography for the programme (max 40 words). It must be written in the first person and emailed to We will confirm that we have received it. If it is too long or not written in the first person we will return it so that you can change it. Everyone needs to write a new biography. If you haven’t written one before, please ask us and we’ll be happy to help. There are some examples here: You can do this right away, but please remember to do this by Saturday 22 June at the latest chaperones We need one chaperone for each performance. Chaperones play a vital part in looking after the cast during the performances. It is also an exciting opportunity to see what goes on backstage to put on the production. Without chaperones the performance is not allowed to go ahead. We have a small and dedicated group of volunteer chaperones and are always looking for more. If we are not able to find enough chaperones, we will have no other option than to use professional ones. This would increase the show fee by over £35. Being a chaperone is enjoyable and rewarding. It can take a little time to register, so if you are interested please contact your local authority as soon as possible. Please consider registering to do this. If you live in Surrey you can contact the Child Employment Team in the Education Welfare Service on 01483 517838 or if you live in Hampshire you can contact the Child Employment Office on 01962 876300 rehearsals Children must wear a MIM hoodie, comfortable loose fitting trousers (no skirts) and sensible flat shoes (loose fitting shoes like flip flops, Crocs, Ugg Boots or shoes with wheels are not suitable). You may also bring a bottle of water or juice and a small snack. scripts All cast members need a script. This will be loaned to you. You'll need to bring a script deposit cheque (no cash) for £8 to your first rehearsal. This will be cashed if your script is not returned in excellent condition to either Paul or Sheila, by the end of the final performance. You are responsible if it is lost or damaged. You may make essential markings in pencil, which must be erased before it is returned. You may not highlight your lines if you wish to return your script. Bring your deposit on Saturday 15 June Return your script by Saturday 20 July arrival and departure When arriving at rehearsal it is important to check that we are there. You may not leave your child unattended outside the rehearsal venue, as we accept no responsibility for them. Rehearsals start and finish promptly. late collection We appreciate that from time to time an emergency may prevent you from collecting your child on time. However, we reserve the right to make a late collection charge of £15 per child. missed rehearsals In fairness to everyone, we take attendance at rehearsal very seriously. There are only four rehearsals and if you miss any of them you will lose your role. videos and photographs do this by: Sunday 25 January You are not allowed to RECORD or PHOTOGRAPH the production. Due to copyright and child protection law we are not able to allow anyone to make an unauthorised recording of the production. Photography is not allowed at rehearsal or backstage. An authorised photo CD will be available after the production. tickets Each cast member is expected to sell a minimum of 10 tickets to their family and friends. You can book tickets at full price with the box office directly on 01483 444789 or online. If you experience any difficulty contacting the box office/booking tickets please do not hesitate to let us know. the week of the show contacting us From Friday 12 July to Monday 22 July, we will not pick up messages from the office. If your need to contact us you must use our mobile phones. Paul’s Mobile: 07825 167317 or Sheila’s Mobile: 07825 167327 arrival and departure On arrival each day parents must accompany children to the foyer of The Electric and remain with them until a Chaperone has signed them in. We take no responsibility for children who are allowed to come to the theatre without an adult. After the performance please collect your child from the same place. You must confirm collection time each day when dropping off as it is liable to change. Parents must report to a Chaperone before collecting their children. Collection more than 10 minutes late, will incur a £15 charge per child. Children are not allowed to leave with adults other than a parent unless previously arranged. Our usual password system will operate if you would like your child collected by someone else. parking The road by the theatre is not suitable for drop-off and collection. Traffic Wardens regularly patrol and issue parking tickets. In the past, we have had complaints and visits from the police about parents waiting in their cars. Parked cars are also a safety risk to children walking to and from the theatre. Please park away from the building and walk your child to the stage door. DO NOT bring your car to the theatre! Please do not be one of the few parents who think that this rule does not apply to them. This rule applies to everyone without exception. food and drink Children should have eaten their main meal before arriving at the theatre for rehearsals and performances. Children can bring a light snack with them for their Dress Rehearsal on Monday 15 July. You may bring a bottle of water and a small snack for the interval. Sweets, chocolate, chewing gum, sugary or fizzy drinks are not allowed. valuable items Please do not bring valuable items to the theatre, as we accept no responsibility for them. Books, comics and cards are ideal in the dressing room. lost property Lost property is kept for one week after the play. medication You must leave any medicine that your child may need with a Chaperone. You will be asked to complete a Medicine Administration Consent Form. shoes If you are supplying your own shoes they must be CLEAN, NAMED and left at the theatre all week. You should bring them with you on Monday 15 July. shared costumes Everyone gets very hot during performances and can sweat a lot. As costumes are shared, we must insist that all cast members wear an effective antiperspirant deodorant. Please ensure that children are wearing suitable underwear. rehearsal and performance schedule Rehearsals are at the Lockwood Day Centre, Westfield Road, Slyfield Green, Guildford It is likely that as the rehearsals progress, cast members may be called for different times during the day to avoid unnecessary waiting around. Saturday 15 June 9.30am to 3.30pm bring in your script deposit today Saturday 22 June 9.30am to 3.30pm bring in your completed forms and shoe hire have you sent your programme biography? Saturday 29 June No Rehearsal Saturday 6 July 9.30am to 3.30pm all lines must be learnt by today Saturday 13 July 9.30am to 3.30pm Rehearsals and performances are then at The Electric Theatre, Onslow Street, Guildford Monday 15 July 4.30pm to 9.30pm Dress Rehearsal Tuesday 16 July No Rehearsal Wednesday 17 July 4pm to 7pm 5pm Performance Thursday 18 July 4pm to 7pm 5pm Performance Friday 19 July 4pm to 7pm 5pm Performance Saturday 20 July 1pm to 4pm 2pm Performance bring your script back today unless you'd like to keep it The Man In The Moon Passfield Business Centre Ÿ Lynchborough Road Passfield Ÿ Liphook Ÿ GU30 7SB Telephone 01428 751656 Web uploads/Management/ lottie-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Mar 29, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.6956MB