'CARING FOR KIDS" Parents Information Guide "THOSE WHO CARE HELP US GROW" Dear

'CARING FOR KIDS" Parents Information Guide "THOSE WHO CARE HELP US GROW" Dear Parents, CARING FOR KIDS extends a warm welcome to you and your child! We offer a very special child care program located near your place of employment. We provide a warm, happy environment where your child's positive feelings about himself and others are fostered; a place where each child is encouraged to learn and grow at his own individual pace. Our parent information guide is attached and provides additional information concerning our program. Careful reading of this information will help make your child's experience at our center a happy and successful one. We are now accepting enrollment applications. We are looking forward to the participation of you and your child at our center. Sincerely, CARING FOR KIDS, INC. Mavy Ghavim Executive Director CARING FOR KIDS HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday -­‐ Friday; 7:00 AM -­‐ 6:00 PM AGES: 6 Weeks to 5 Years. ● When you register your child, you will need to pay a registration fee $30. ● Tuition is due two weeks in advance. ● Neither the registration fee nor tuition is refundable. ● There are no fee reductions for holidays, vacations, nor illnesses. There may be a small, yearly increase in fees. ● A reduction in tuition is available for the second child and subsequent children in the same family. PHILOSOPHY: . CARING FOR KIDS provides a warm, supportive environment where children's physical, social, emotional and intellectual development is optimal. The center is a safe, child-oriented space where children can explore, discover, and create. Children's feelings of self-confidence is fostered and self-reliance is encouraged. Parent involvement is an important aspect of any successful early childhood program. We anticipate a partnership between parents and CARING FOR KIDS. We provide a support system to the parents. This involves information, guidance, assistance, referral and emotional support when needed. Young children need to use all senses, vision, hearing, touch and even smell and taste to learn. Our preschool environment includes materials and activities which encourage the child to use these modalities to explore and understand. Children are most motivated to learn when they have a high degree of choice in the educational activities in which they engage. They need to have freedom to move from one activity to another. The teacher's role is to facilitate learning by asking questions to help the child's observation, to make suggestions for further exploring a concept and to introduce new vocabulary and concepts. She looks for opportunities to help the child gain as much insight as possible from any learning experience. The teacher designs and continuously changes activities and materials in the room to stimulate the child's curiosity and to extend his learning. Children need a strong foundation in pre-academic skills before they begin instruction in reading, writing and math. Our focus is to provide children with activities which promote development in those prerequisite skills. We will provide a continuity throughout our program. Cognitive abilities, small and large motor skills, eye-hand coordination, language development and other readiness skills will be introduced in the infant room. These same skills will be reinforced through the planning of progressively more complex tasks in the toddler and preschool rooms. We offer an early childhood environment of materials, equipment and activities designed to stir your child's curiosity arouse his interest and challenge him to learn at his own rate. STAFF: A teacher, trained in early childhood education or child development plans and directs the activities in each room of the center. Her team consists of adults with early childhood education and experience. The primary consideration is they be warm, caring people who are aware of the needs of young children. PARENT INVOLVEMENT: We believe that it is most important that our staff be involved with parents in close cooperation and planning for the welfare of each child. It is important that children experience a connection between home and the child care setting. Families are invited to visit, call with questions, suggestions, and ideas, or volunteer their time and energies to take part in the program. We hope that you will keep us informed by notifying us of any specific change which may affect your child at the center. In turn, we will contact you when we think you should know of any specific incident at the center concerning your child. We have an Open House during which you may become better acquainted with our staff and program. Teachers arrange conferences with parents as needed. Parents may call to schedule a conference with their child's teacher or the director whenever they feel this would be helpful. We hope that you will join us during the year for lunch, to share a story, a song, or your time or expertise in any area. We have a parent organization which meets once a month. This group is organized and run by parents with a representative of the Center. This is a great time to make new friends, have experts come and inform us, etc. We also keep you informed through monthly newsletters, calendars and weekly highlights. BREAKFAST AND SNACKS: Nutritious breakfast served mid-morning and snack mid-afternoon. Children bring their own sack lunch Parents of infants will need to provide adequate bottles of milk, or formula, juice and baby food. HEALTHFUL HINTS: Registration is not complete and children cannot be admitted to school until the required health form, FORM USIR, is filled out by a physician and returned to us. For their own good and for the good of others, children who are experiencing any symptoms of a contagious disease, including colds, should not come to school. Children who are showing signs of unusual irritability, vomiting, loose stools, sore throat, runny nose, rash or fever should also be kept home as these may be signs of impending illness. If your child becomes ill at the center, we will contact you. Since we do not have facilities to care for sick children, you will need to pick up your child when we call. Children will not be readmitted until their fever or other symptoms have subsided for twenty- four hours. Communicable diseases should be reported to the office immediately. All parents will be notified when a child in the group has a contagious disease. If your child should catch a communicable disease, we will need a note from his physician stating that your child is in good health before being readmitted. HELPFUL HINTS: 1. Because the children work and play hard, we suggest simple clothing. Comfortable clothes which he/she can manage and need not worry about keeping spotless. 2. Getting "dirty" is a part of learning, so don't be upset if your child comes home "paint" or sandy. 3. Children should not bring toys, play guns, money or candy to school. When these are lost or broken at school, they cause unnecessary grief. Do not send your child with expensive jewelry. INFANT NURSERY FOCUS: The primary goal of the infant nursery is to provide care in a loving and nurturing atmosphere for infants 6 weeks to 24 months old. DESCRIPTION: There is one "care giver" for every four infants. A schedule is followed in which there will be a morning and afternoon naptime, a "work time" (during which care givers work on single goals with the infants), and an hour and a half lunch time, when parents are welcome to come visit. Naturally, the schedule is flexible, as the individual needs of children this age are of primary importance. There is a designated sleep area and activity area. When the children are awake, they are in the stimulating and social atmosphere of the activity area. Of highest priority is basic care taking of the infants. This means being sure that their most fundamental needs are met. These needs are as follows: a. Clean diapers b. Feeding c. Sleep d. Love, nurturing and social contact e. A clean, safe environment The secondary function of the nursery is to provide an atmosphere in which we begin implementing our philosophy of learning. An infant nursery of this sort is a very special place. The care giver-child and care giver-parent relationships make this a setting in which there is much personal interaction and involvement. Thus, the nursery becomes a warm, joyful, and fun atmosphere in which all flourish. THINGS TO BRING: Every morning, your child's cubby should be refilled with the following: 1. Bottles of formula, milk or juice with covers. 2. Disposable diapers. (6 - 8) 3. Baby food. 4. Desitin. 5. Wipes. 6. Sheet and Blanket. 7. Changes of clothing and bibs. 8. Whatever else you use on your child. All of the above must be labeled with your child's name. Please be sure to use indelible markers! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Everyday' you should bring all the bottles you expect your child to drink during the course of the day. They must be fully prepared (nipples up) and placed in the refrigerator. The same goes for your child's lunch. You may leave extra food, formula uploads/Management/ parents-guide 1 .pdf

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  • Publié le Aoû 07, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.1307MB