$67.00 (USD) By Bogdan and Giancarlo Copyright © 2004 www.witchcraftexposed.com
$67.00 (USD) By Bogdan and Giancarlo Copyright © 2004 www.witchcraftexposed.com, Bogdan and Giancarlo. All Rights Reserved 2 I N D E X What is the Aura?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeing the Aura------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Avoiding After-Images--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aura colors------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Practice techniques------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Multiple Levels------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXERCISES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXERCISE 1: DIVINING THE AURA---------------------------------------------------------- EXERCISE # 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXERCISE 3: IMAGING THE AURA---------------------------------------------------------- THE CHAKRAS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVEN CHAKRAS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ROOT OR BASE CHAKRA--------------------------------------------------------------- THE SEX OR HARA CHAKRA----------------------------------------------------------------- THE SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA--------------------------------------------------------------- THE HEART CHAKRA---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE THROATH CHAKRA----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE THIRD-EYE OR BROW CHAKRA------------------------------------------------------ THE CROWN CHAKRA-------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE CHAKRAS-------------------------------------------- What is meditation?------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How is meditation different from relaxation, thinking, concentration or self-hypnosis?-------------------------------- What are the different meditation techniques?----------------------------------------- MEDITATION EXERCISES---------------------------------------------------------------------- ASTRAL PROJECTION-------------------------------------------------------------------------- How does Projection Happen?--------------------------------------------------------------- Uses of Astral Projection----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Out of Body Experience------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lucid Dream---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astral Projection Or Lucid Dream?---------------------------------------------------------- How To Use ROPE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How Far Can You Go?--------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUTURE WIND-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symbolic Visions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visualization Method----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astral Projection Training---------------------------------------------------------------------- CALMING THE MIND----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contemplation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breath Meditation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 8 8 9 9 9 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 3 Surface Thoughts--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONCENTRATION-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentration Exercise # 1-------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentration Exercise # 2-------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentration Exercise # 3-------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trance State----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Enter A Trance--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep Trance----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Body Expansion------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trance Familiarity--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tactile Imaging------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Exercise----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meditation Technique for developing Psychic Skills--------------------------------- Astral Guides--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIFFERENT ASTRAL PROJECTION EXERCISES-------------------------------------- Exercise # 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exercise # 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Illustrations and Examples--------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 30 30 31 32 32 34 35 35 37 40 4 What is the aura? An aura is an energy field around an object, plant, animal, or person. It contains information about the health of an organism, its emotional and mental state, and many other things. Color, texture, shape, size, and motion of the aura all provide information about the organism or object. Seeing the Aura Relax your body, mind, and eyes. Choose an object or person to look at. (This works best with objects and plants to begin with because you aren't nervous about what they are thinking of you.) Look gently at the object, letting your gaze focus slightly behind the object. Don't stare; eye strain doesn't help any. Feel yourself looking with your third eye also. This is an area of the forehead that tends to be psychically sensitive. To find it, close your eyes and feel your focus shift up slightly. Open and close your eyes a few times to find this shift. Don't roll your eyes backward to look up; this will just cause a headache. Once you are confident of where the focus shift is, try letting your focus shift up in the same way but with your eyes open. Do it gently; don't force it. This should give the sensation of looking out of your eyes and out of your mind/forehead at the same time. This shift of focus awakens psychic vision, which is used to see auras. Avoiding After-Images Look just past the object whose aura you want to see, using your eyes gently to see and keeping your focus lifted to the third eye area, also. If you begin to see lines of color around the object, you can check to see if they are an actual aura by looking away. If you see after-images that look like the lines you saw, it's not an aura. After-images are a biological effect of the eyes caused by eye strain. To keep after-images from building up, blink fairly often and don't look at one thing too long. As you become better with the techniques for aura vision, you will not need to look at an object for very long to see an aura. Don't be afraid of looking away when you think you can see an aura. If it is a real aura, it WILL be there when you look back and refocus on it. If it isn't there then, it's actually only an after-image, and looking away will clear the image out of your eyes. When you are trying to clear out the after-images, simply closing your eyes for a minute or two is an easy way to do it. When you stop seeing the image on the inside of your eyes, the image is cleared and you can go back to seeing the aura. 5 Aura colors Auras come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. There is no standard interpretation of colors because different people perceive different colors for each meaning. The best way to discover the meanings of colors is to read about various traditional meanings, see if any fit what you see, and use the meanings as a basis to decide what the colors mean to you. Also, observe the shape, texture, and solidity of different auras to evaluate your experiences with those things. Shape and texture generally tend to show the attitude of the person towards other people who are standing close to them; often a very sharp border and a solidly shaped aura shows someone who is decisive about how close people can be to them. Perceptions change with the viewer, though, so you should experiment and observe to determine how to interpret certain aspects. Practice techniques As you practice seeing auras, stay relaxed and calm. Let things flow without trying to force anything. If you find you are spending a long time without seeing anything, relax. Often the moment you relax and quit trying, you will suddenly see the aura quite clearly. So relax, have fun, and be patient. Practice fairly often, but don't tire yourself doing it. If things aren't working, take a break, do something fun, and try again later when you can be more relaxed and patient. Some people find aura vision easier when they are preparing to go to sleep because they are already relaxed and tired enough that they don't have the energy to force things to happen. While this should never be carried to extremes, practicing aura vision at least a little bit when you are already tired can be helpful, especially if you have a difficult time letting things happen without forcing them. Being in a slightly dim room can also be helpful so you don't strain your eyes trying to see. Having a solidly colored background behind what you are looking at can also help. The color doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't strain your eyes to look at it. Grays, whites, very dark colors, and browns work fairly well. Primarily, you want an environment that won't be visually distracting. Multiple Levels The aura is made up of multiple levels, like an onion, but with each level reaching from the very center of the person outward. Close to the body, all of the levels overlap. Each level outward reaches farther away from the body. Also, each level out becomes less dense, lighter, more subtle, and generally more difficult to see. 6 The best way to learn to see the outer levels is to first practice seeing the inner ones, and then let your awareness become more and more expanded. You may notice yourself feeling lighter and happier as you work more and more with seeing the first level of the aura. Let more of this feeling of lightness build in you as you try to see the second and third levels. Also, let yourself feel outward with your own aura, using the various feeling senses to observe the aura you are looking at. Let yourself become more relaxed and open as you open up to see the outer layers. Feel your vision shifting more strongly toward the third eye and clairvoyance. Remain relaxed and light feeling, and your vision will expand to include the layers that are farther out, nine layers or possibly more. You can see, and as you are able to see more, pause and enjoy the beauty of being able to see it. Also, observe the interactions between the auras of people and those of plants and animals. EXERCISES The following exercises may be used to introduce the student to the concepts and perceptive skills needed to see, feel, and manipulate the Human Energy Field or Aura. I will briefly discuss the HEF and the relationships between the five senses and their Extra sensory counterparts known to "Spirit Sensitive". The brief descriptions I give may serve as a guideline for discussion with the new student but are by no means authoritative. The universe is permeated by a field of energy and information known as the Universal Energy Field (UEF). This field is all encompassing. It is what all matter and energy are a part of. One important property of this field is that it is perfectly unified. Picture this: A pool of water is disturbed and the ripples take no time to form. That is all of the water is disturbed at the same time. There can be no assignment of cause and effect uploads/Management/ the-guide 5 .pdf
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