Installation guide 14 Installation Guide for the Trial Version of XTAP Ver Unzip the downloaded ?le ?? XTAPV xtrial zip ? to a local folder Since you are reading this installation guide you may have already ?nished this process Before installing XTAP you

Installation Guide for the Trial Version of XTAP Ver Unzip the downloaded ?le ?? XTAPV xtrial zip ? to a local folder Since you are reading this installation guide you may have already ?nished this process Before installing XTAP you have to install MATLAB Component Runtime which XTAP requires for its execution Double-click on ??MCRInstaller exe ? in the folder where you have unzipped the ?les This will start the installation of MATLAB Component Runtime If the installation fails try the installation with administrative privileges of Windows Right-click on ??MCRInstaller exe ? and choose ??Run as administrator ? - Complete the installation of MATLAB Component Runtime following the dialogue messages shown on the installer - When it is correctly ?nished your will see the window on the right-hand side April CNote that MATLAB Component Runtime requires NET Framework If it is not turned on in your Windows activate it by referring to the following web page https docs microsoft com enus dotnet framework install dotnet- windows- Next you install XTAP Double-click on ??setup exe ? in the folder where you have unzipped the ?les This will start the installation of XTAP If the installation fails try the installation with administrative privileges of Windows Right-click on ??setup exe ? and choose ??Run as administrator ? - Click on the Next button - Choose a folder to which XTAP is installed Due to ?le access permission issues of the Windows operating system installation to the directory C XTAP is recommended Complete the installation of XTAP following the dialogue messages shown on the installer C - When it is correctly ?nished your will see the window on the right-hand side If you are using Windows you may not have NET Framework or later installed on your system If this is the case the installer will show a message explaining this situation Then install NET Framework or later with referring to the following web page https docs microsoft com enus dotnet framework install on-windows- After the installation is ?nished you can start XTAP using the start menu of Windows The picture on the right- hand side is for the case of Windows You can also start XTAP by double- clicking on an xsf ?le containing a data case xsf stands for XTAP schematic ?le Enjoy the world of XTAP Copyright c Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry C

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