Installation guide 20 Thank you for choosing design software from Formation Design Systems Installation Guide Installing the Software Install the software and copy protection device by following the step-bystep installation instructions in this document C

Thank you for choosing design software from Formation Design Systems Installation Guide Installing the Software Install the software and copy protection device by following the step-bystep installation instructions in this document Connecting the Dongle It is recommended to connect the dongle after the installation has been completed This is to ensure that the correct driver gets allocated to the dongle Starting the Software For Network installations the user should ensure that the License Manager is running in order to be able to access the licenses on the dongle and start the software Need Help Follow the guide on page Tell Us Tell us how you are using the software and what you like or don ? t like about it we welcome your feedback Send your comments to support formsys com Please don ? t hesitate to contact me at any time if there is any way that we can assist you in making the best use of your software Sincerely Philip Christensen Managing Director PhilC formsys com C CInstallation Guide Installing the Software Supported Operating Systems Our software is supported for the following operating systems ? Windows ? Windows Server ? Windows XP ? Windows Server ? Windows Vista including all variants Home Premium Pro Enterprise etc and both -bit and -bit versions of these operating systems Installing software on Vista You should have User Account Control turned on when installing the software on Windows Vista You can install and run the software with UAC o ? but you will need to have administrator privileges See Turning on User Account Control on page A new installation is started by Launching the Installer Also in this installation guide ? Repairing or Modifying Installations ? Uninstalling the software ? Updating the Software ? Error codes Launching the Installer Launching the installer from the CD Ensure you are logged on with administrator privileges to allow the copy protection device drivers to be installed into the system directory Insert the CD into the CD drive of your computer The CD installation program will start up automatically If it does not start automatically run the ?le LAUNCH EXE on the CD If you are running the Demonstration CD select which product range you wish to install Page CInstallation Guide Select the language you wish to install Select ??Install Software ? Launching the installer from the Internet The demonstration versions of Maxsurf and Multiframe can be downloaded from the internet It is recommended to save the download to your hard disk at a location where you will be able to ?nd it again later for example your desktop To save the download Right click on the link and select ??Save Link as ?? After the download has completed double click on the exe ?le to launch the demo installer Next step Providing Customer Information or - Uninstalling Previous Version in case a previous installation is detected Page CInstallation Guide Uninstalling Previous Version Before the installation starts the installer will check whether you have an older

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