Installation guide 33 ISATIS Installation Guide Published sold and distributed by GEOVARIANCES bis Av Franklin Roosevelt Avon Cedex France Web http www geovariances com GEOVARIANCES ECOLE DES MINES DE PARIS March All Rights Reserved Ó GEOVARIANCES No part

ISATIS Installation Guide Published sold and distributed by GEOVARIANCES bis Av Franklin Roosevelt Avon Cedex France Web http www geovariances com GEOVARIANCES ECOLE DES MINES DE PARIS March All Rights Reserved Ó GEOVARIANCES No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means including photocopying recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the copyright owner C Isatis Installation Guide Table of Contents Introduction Installation Under Windows System Requirements Exceed evaluation version installation Isatis Installation License Manager Installation Installation Under Linux System Requirements Isatis Installation License Manager Installation License Server Administration License Activation License Activation Using a License Server Local License Activation Proxy Con ?guration Diagnostics Selecting a License Package Borrowing About Anonymous Statistics C Isatis Installation Guide Introduction Thank you for choosing Isatis This guide will take you step by step through the installation of the software and license activation Isatis is available on several operating systems Windows or and Linux Whatever your operating system is Isatis can be installed either from an Isatis CD- ROM or by downloading it from Geovariances web site http www geovariances com Geovariances License System The Geovariances License System is based on RLM from Reprise software The installation will guide you to a license activation which requires an internet connection The activation uses the activation key provided by Geovariances support at the purchase Two kinds of Isatis licenses are provided oating license and single user license Floating License This license is hosted by a server and is available for any computer connected to the network Single User License This license is hosted locally by a computer and Isatis is available only from this computer The licenses are attached to a host ID which is a unique computer identi ?er and is used by the Geovariances License System to lock a license to a speci ?c computer Note that Geovariances also provides customers with dongle licenses These kinds of licenses are oating or single user licenses and are attached to a USB dongle host ID This means the license can be activated and used on any server or computer which has the dongle plugged in Isatis CD-ROM contents The Isatis CD-ROM contains for a single version of the software the installation kits corresponding to all the supported platforms The version txt ?le contains the Isatis version number available on your CD-ROM All the Isatis manuals are available in PDF format in the Doc directory Isatis Installation Guide Download from Geovariances website If you wish to download Isatis from our web site you must be registered as an Isatis User and therefore you should have your own login and password To obtain them just click on Ask for registration in the Support section of the website Once you have your login and password simply go to the Support Download section In this area individual platform installations are available for the latest Isatis version as well as all the

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