Kwiksew fit guide KWIK ? SEW 'S SEWING ROOM SERIES MEASURING BASIC ALTERATIONS Use the expertise behind KWIK ? SEW patterns to help achieve a perfect ?t ??MEASURE FOR SUCCESS ? Measuring the body and choosing the correct size pattern INDEX How sizes are d

KWIK ? SEW 'S SEWING ROOM SERIES MEASURING BASIC ALTERATIONS Use the expertise behind KWIK ? SEW patterns to help achieve a perfect ?t ??MEASURE FOR SUCCESS ? Measuring the body and choosing the correct size pattern INDEX How sizes are determined pg How to choose the right size pg How to measure the body pg How to measure for ?nished length pg How to choose the correct fabric pg ??A PERFECT FIT ? Making basic pattern adjustments INDEX Length Adjustments pg Width Adjustments pg Shoulder Adjustments pg Bust Adjustments pg Petite Size Adjustments pg C ?Copyright MMVIII KWIK ? SEW Pattern Co Inc All Rights Reserved Available online at kwiksew com CMEASURE FOR SUCCESS Use the following tips on taking body measurements and comparing them to the pattern measurements in order to choose the right size and producing a well ?tting garment HOW SIZES ARE DETERMINED All KWIK ? SEW patterns are multi-sized On the back of the pattern envelope Standard Body Measurements are listed below each size The following body measurements are used to help determine which size to choose ? Misses' and Women's tops blouses shirts jackets and dresses by bust measurement Skirts pants and shorts by hip measurement ? Men's shirts jackets and robes by chest measurement Pants and shorts by waist measurement ? Girls' and Boys' by height ? Toddler's by height ? Babies' by height and weight Patterns are designed for the following heights ? Misses ? and Women's sizing is for those approxi- mately ? ? cm ? Men ? s sizing is for those approximately ? ? cm ? Children's and toddler's sizing include height for each size ? Babies' sizing includes height and weight for each size XL L M S XS SHOULDER KWIK SEW XS S M L XL NE CKLINE DESIGNED BY KERSTIN MARTENSSON PATTERN VIEW A B FRONT CUT ON FOLD ARMHOLE XS S M L XL mm SEAM ALLOWANCES INCLUDED Measurement of ?nished garment at fullest part of BUST XS S M L XL cm cm cm cm cm EASE GRAIN OF FABRIC KWK ? SEW patterns have great easy to understand step-by-step written and illustrated instructions For consistency in ?t every KWIK ? SEW garment pattern begins with the same base size Each pattern contains detailed design information and multiple sizes each printed in a di ?erent color on durable white paper MEASURE FOR SUCCESS kwiksew com SIDE SEAM SHORTEN OR LENGTHEN LINE Measurement of ?nished garment at fullest part of HIP XS S M L XL cm cm cm cm cm STRETCH OF FABRIC SHORTEN OR LENGTHEN LINE BOTTOM EDGE ? cm HEM ALLOWED XS S M L XL CENTER FRONT - PLACE ON FOLD CHOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT SIZE Choose the size with the measurements that are closest to the body measurements If the body measurements are in between sizes choose the larger size It is easier to make a garment smaller than larger On the back of the pattern envelope there is

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