Lavilleraye e LA VILLE RAYÉE Adventures close to home Edition Gallery S Bensimon Paris Prototype Galerie du jour agnès b Paris Adventures close to home is a nest of white ash tables Designed to support single objects such as a mug a laptop or a plant pot

LA VILLE RAYÉE Adventures close to home Edition Gallery S Bensimon Paris Prototype Galerie du jour agnès b Paris Adventures close to home is a nest of white ash tables Designed to support single objects such as a mug a laptop or a plant pot the tables can also be stacked to form domestic totems Adventures close to home combines hyperfunctionalism and design reminiscent of architectural patterns LA VILLE RAYÉE La Ville Rayée is a group of architecture formed by David Apheceix Benjamin Lafore et Sébastien Martinez-Barat in They live and work in Paris France Projects Surface for Work and Production Super Window Project Bordeaux Walls Regime Le Pré Saint-Gervais France Super Window Pantin France Hôtel de Cléry Toulouse France Stanzes JCDecaux La Défense France Grandi BianchiI with Bernard Dubois architect Galerie Balice Hertling Dissolutions croisées Centre Pompidou-Metz Metz France Scene of two Forest Road London United Kingdom Group Form Centre Pompidou-Metz For Loop Cité internationale de la Tapisserie d ? Aubusson Réalisation d ? un paravent en tapisserie d ? Aubusson Appel à projet Le Moulin Galleria Continua San Gimignano Beijing Le Moulin Moulin Sainte-Marie Boissy- Le-Ch? tel France Adventures Close to Home galerie du jour agnès b Paris et Gallery Serge Bensimon Paris France Half modern half something else Super Window Project Kyoto Japan Soshi Matsunobe artiste Tour Nuage Tokyo Japan New Moulin Rouge boulevard de Clichy Paris France Les Protagonistes Monstre magazine Paris France Les Communautés de l ? Instant N La Java Paris France Les Communautés de l ? Instant N Point Ephémère Paris France Les Communautés de l ? Instant N Centre Pompidou Paris France Assorted swimming pools Kaiserin magazine Paris France Models Galerie le Toulouse Now Better Than New with Mathieu Mercier Biennale d ? art contemporain du Havre Le Havre France Panorama project for Mathieu Mercier Paris France La Communauté qui vient Cité de l ? architecture et du patrimoine Paris France Global Warming Ready project Sh? n project Plus fort que moi Air Garten Gallery Berlin Germany Sur la paille Concours Petits Archi Paris France Group exhibitions Géométrie Variable Domaine Les Crayères Reims France Curator Baron Osuna Le terrain Galerie Spéciale Ecole Spéciale d ? Architecture Paris France Curators Adrien Durrmeyer Max Turnheim De l ? hétérogène ou pas Art Rapy Monte-Carlo Monaco Global Warming Ready Global Warming Ready is a critical ?ction o ?ering a post-capitalist vision of the tower-type object The radical accumulation of program and the structural exaggeration turn this tower into a billboard of itself Now Better Than New Le Havre Biennal in collaboration with Mathieu Mercier On Auguste Perret square facing the Oscar Niemeyer volcano seven containers in a ??modern ? white are piled high as an echo to the city of Le Havre ? s brutalist architecture As the Biennal epicenter Now Better Than New accommodates a temporary reception meeting room and bookshop Plus fort que moi Mixing vocabularies from both italian avant-gardes and Minimal Art Plus fort que moiI revisits ergonomic seats from the ?

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