i 2014 VIRGINIA EASY VOTER GUIDE i Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Elect
i 2014 VIRGINIA EASY VOTER GUIDE i Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Elections Washington Building, First Floor 1100 Bank Street Richmond, VA 23219 Phone: (800)552-9754 TDD: (800)260-3466 www.elections.virginia.gov 1. REGISTERING TO VOTE .................................................................................................................................. 1 CAN I REGISTER TO VOTE IN VIRGINIA? ............................................................................................................................... 1 HOW DO I REGISTER TO VOTE? ........................................................................................................................................ 1 WHAT IS THE DEADLINE FOR REGISTERING TO VOTE? ............................................................................................................ 2 HOW DO I KNOW IF I’M ALREADY REGISTERED? .................................................................................................................. 2 HOW DO I REGISTER IF I HAVE NO FIXED ADDRESS? ............................................................................................................. 2 HOW DO I REGISTER IF I HAVE MORE THAN ONE ADDRESS? .................................................................................................. 3 HOW DO I REPORT CHANGES IN MY NAME OR ADDRESS? ...................................................................................................... 3 I WAS NOT ALLOWED TO REGISTER ................................................................................................................................... 3 2. VOTER ID ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 WHAT FORMS OF ID CAN I USE TO VOTE? .......................................................................................................................... 4 DO I QUALIFY FOR A FREE VOTER PHOTO ID? ...................................................................................................................... 4 HOW DO I GET A FREE VIRGINIA VOTER PHOTO ID? ............................................................................................................ 5 WHAT IF I DON’T HAVE A PROPER ID WHEN I GO TO THE POLLING PLACE? .............................................................................. 5 I LOST MY VIRGINIA VOTER PHOTO ID ................................................................................................................................ 5 3. ABSENTEE VOTING ........................................................................................................................................ 6 CAN I VOTE ABSENTEE? .................................................................................................................................................. 6 HOW DO I VOTE ABSENTEE? ............................................................................................................................................ 7 I AM SERVING IN THE MILITARY AND/OR OVERSEAS .............................................................................................................. 7 I AM A COLLEGE STUDENT LIVING AWAY FROM HOME .......................................................................................................... 8 I NEED AN EMERGENCY ABSENTEE BALLOT .......................................................................................................................... 8 I AM IN JAIL AWAITNG TRIAL OR FOR MISDEMEANOR CONVICTION .......................................................................................... 9 4. VOTING ON ELECTION DAY .......................................................................................................................... 10 WHEN ARE THE POLLS OPEN? ........................................................................................................................................ 10 WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING TO THE POLLS?...................................................................................................................... 10 HOW DO I FIND MY POLLING PLACE? .............................................................................................................................. 10 SAMPLE BALLOTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 I NEED SOMEONE TO DEMONSTRATE HOW TO USE THE VOTING EQUIPMENT .......................................................................... 11 CAN MY CHILD WATCH ME VOTE? ................................................................................................................................. 11 I HAVE A DISABILITY OR MOBILITY ISSUES ......................................................................................................................... 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS 8/2014 ii I CANNOT READ OR SPEAK ENGLISH WELL ........................................................................................................................ 12 I NEED ASSISTANCE FILLING OUT MY BALLOT .................................................................................................................... 12 DO I HAVE TO VOTE FOR EVERY OFFICE OR QUESTION ON THE BALLOT? ................................................................................. 12 HOW DO I CAST A WRITE-IN VOTE? ................................................................................................................................ 12 AVOIDING OVERVOTING ................................................................................................................................................ 13 I THINK I MADE A MISTAKE ON MY BALLOT ...................................................................................................................... 13 IS MY VOTE SECURE? ................................................................................................................................................... 13 I VOTED A PROVISIONAL BALLOT ..................................................................................................................................... 14 5. YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AS A VOTER ...................................................................................... 15 VIRGINIA VOTER RIGHTS ............................................................................................................................................... 15 VOTER RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................................... 16 I WAS NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE, OR I THINK I HAVE WITNESSED AN ELECTION LAW VIOLATION .................................................. 16 REGISTRAR CONTACT INFORMATION (FOR EMAIL SEE WWW.ELECTIONS.VIRGINIA.GOV) .................................. 17 1 1. Registering to Vote Can I register to Vote in Virginia? How Do I Register to Vote? If you have a Virginia-issued driver’s license or a DMV ID card, you can apply to register online at www.elections.virginia.gov You can also obtain a voter registration application online or at any DMV, Public Library, social service agency, or voter registrar’s office in the Commonwealth of Virginia. o Visit www.elections.virginia.gov and click on the “voter registration form” link on the bottom left of the page under “forms”. Download, print, and fill out the form and send it to the register’s office for your county or city listed on the second page. o To find your registrar, see “Registrar Contact Information” at the end of this guide or, look up “voter registration” in the phonebook for your county or city. START: 1. Are you a resident of Virginia? 2. Are you a U.S. citizen? YES YES YES YES 3. Are you 18 years or older, or will you be 18 years old by the next general election? 4. Are you currently declared to be mentally incompetent by a court of law? 5. Do you have a felony conviction? felony? You can register to vote! You cannot register to vote. Has your right to vote been restored? YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO 2 What is the Deadline for Registering to Vote? For a general or a primary election, the deadline to register to vote is the 22nd day before a primary or general election. If you are registering by mail, your application must be postmarked no later than that date. The deadline is shorter for special elections. Registrar’s offices are open until 5:00 p.m. on the final day of registration before an election if you are registering in person. An application submitted online will be timely if completed by 11:59 p.m. on the deadline day. The registration deadline for the November 4, 2014 general election is Tuesday October 14, 2014 (the day after the Columbus Day holiday). Note: Absent military and overseas citizens and their families may be eligible to register late under certain circumstances. These voters should access specialized information provided by the Virginia Department of Elections and Federal Voting Assistance Program websites (fvap.gov). How Do I Know if I’m Already Registered? You only need to register once to vote in the elections in your jurisdiction. However, if you move your residence, you need to update your registration record with your new address. There are three convenient ways to check your registration status and whether your record is correct: 1. You can check online at www.elections.virginia.gov. Click on “Check Your Voter Information” in the blue box in the center of the page. 2. You can call the Department of Elections: Toll Free: (800)552-9745 TTY: (800)260-3466. 3. You can contact the Voter Registrar in the city or county where you live (see “Registrar Contact Information” at the end of this guide or, look up “voter registration” in the phonebook for your county or city.). How Do I Register if I Have No Fixed Address? If you have no fixed or permanent address, you can still register to vote! 1. In the “mailing address” section of the voter application, write the address of an agency where you receive services, or any other address where you are allowed to receive mail. 2. In the “residence address” section of the application, write the location where you most often spend the night, even if it is not a traditional address. 3 How Do I Register if I Have More Than One Address? Register in the city or county you consider to be your legal residence. This would be the place you consider to be your fixed, permanent home. If you are unsure which city our county is your legal residence, contact the Voter Registrar (see “Registrar Contact Information” at the end of this guide) for either place you could consider your legal residence. That registrar will help you determine where you should register to vote. Note that it is illegal to be registered to vote in more than one city or county in Virginia, or more than one state in the U.S. How Do I Report Changes in my Name or Address? It is very important to keep your name and address up to date so that you can vote in every election. There are two convenient ways to update your voter registration: 1. If you have a driver’s license or a DMV-issued ID card, you can update your registration information online at www.elections.virginia.gov. Click on “Check Your Voter Information” in the blue box in the center of the page. 2. You can submit your change in name or address in writing to your local registrar (see “Registrar Contact Information” at the end of this guide). You can submit your change by mail, fax, or e-mail attachment. You must sign the writing. If you are physically unable to sign the writing, you may use a mark (such as an “x”) if it is acknowledged by a witness. I Was Not Allowed to Register An applicant denied registration has the right to appeal to the circuit court within ten days. § 24.2-422. The applicant must pay a $10 filing fee. Registrars are required to send each applicant denied registration a letter notifying them of the denial with information about the applicant’s appeal right. The general registrar is represented by the Commonwealth’s Attorney in the appeal. 4 2. Voter ID What Forms of ID Can I Use to Vote? You must present one of the following forms of photo identification to vote: Valid Virginia’s driver’s license Valid United States passport Any other photo identification issued by the Commonwealth, one of its political subdivisions, or the United States; Any valid student identification card containing a photograph of the voter and issued by any institution of higher education located in the Commonwealth Any valid employee identification card containing a photograph of the voter and issued by an employer of the voter in the ordinary course of the employer's business. A FREE Virginia voter photo identification card (ID) (See below). NOTE: If you have a question about the validity of your identification document, please contact your local registrar for clarification (see “Registrar Contact Information” at the end of this guide) uploads/Politique/ easy-voter-guide.pdf
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